Trip Report COMPLETED: The “Let’s see if this dumb thing works” Treat Yo Self Christmas trip report!

All the PTR funtivities can be had here, including who we are,:
The Treat Yo Self Christmas pre-trip report

Friday the 18th 11ish o’clock
The DW and I decide to ditch work a little early and check the DD out of school early today to make sure we have plenty of time for our Star Wars showing in McDonough at 3:40. So we check the DD out and make our way for some to-go lunch. A relatively short pit at Zaxsby’s and we’re finally on the road and soon cruising down GA400 towards McDonough. Our last few trips through the ATL on the way to The Bubble have been nightmares which is why we left a little early today. Well, surprisingly, today was the exception! We cruised right through town and my worries of being late for the movie became concerns of “what are we going to do when we arrive two hours early?!” Thankfully, I guess, Henry county helped me out by having the worst traffic of the trip…FOR NO REASON AT ALL! Anyway, The delays we faced there offset the great time we made but we still had an hour to kill. This worked to our advantage as the DW forgot her sunglasses at home and we needed a few toiletries for the trip so we popped into Super Target for a bit, made our purchases and enjoyed a SB coffee before making our way to the theater.

Finally, it was time!

We happened to be in a theater full of some fanatics so there was much cheering and applause throughout the movie. I personally really enjoyed it despite the many similarities it had to New Hope. The movie even brought the DW and DD to tears! I won’t spoil it for anyone as to why. So with The Force Awakens under our belt we made for Tifton, about another two hours. Henry County did its best to squeeze the last bit of traffic tolerance out of us as we left town. Soon we were in Tifton checking in to the Hilton Garden Inn, great place BTW! I was immediately sent on a dinner run to try out Marcos Pizza for some subs. What was supposed to be a 10 minute drive turned into a hobbits tail of which I thought I may never return. Long story short about an hour later I’m back at the hotel with dinner for the ladies tired and ready to eat. After some discussion as to when the ladies want to arrive at the Bubble, as that will dictate when we should leave, we hit the hay with visions of Siths and BB-8s dancing through our heads…ok, my head.

Saturday the 19th 05:30
Up and at’em! Time to get our Disney on!!! We make quick work of getting to the car, hitting Starbucks again for breakfast and make for The Mouse House! A few hours later and we’re crossing the state line most uneventfully and before you know it where on the turnpike! Have I mentioned how much I love the SunPass? Seriously, if you go at least once a year it is worth not having to stop and deal with your coin tossing skills. Soon we had arrived!!

The enjoyment was short lived, though, as it was realized the DW only packed one pair of jeans for the trip and she was worried she would need more since the temp outside was high 50’s. We look probably the longest route EVER to Walmart to pick up some emergency jeans for the trip. It was not so refreshing to see that the Walmarts of Orlando are much like the Walmarts of Dahlonega….Anyway, after that detour we were back in The Bubble ready to get our BCV on!

It was here where we met Guard Shack Joe from New York! As we approach I’m ready with my MB and ID for him to scan and review. Joe blesses us with what might be the quote of the trip, and on the first day too!

Oh, you’ve got your band ready. Stupidest idea Disney ever had. Let’s see if this dumb thing works…

I think Joe is awesome BTW. Wouldn’t ya know that stupid little thing did work! The light went green and we were on our way to self-parking! We grabbed our overnight bags and made for bell services as our room was not quite ready yet.

Cape May had not yet ruined the smell of the lobby as it was still early. The beautiful gingerbread display helped too!



So with our bags checked we were off to Epcot by foot to test out the waters for lunch!
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Well-Known Member
Congrats on the wresting team Coach!

I'm trying to catch up on TRs as the last month or so has been crazy busy.

Beach Club is still my favorite resort ( Poly is 1B).

Glad you enjoyed 9 Dragons! It's not going to give you an unforgettable Disney moment but the food always seems good and plentiful.

Flippers looks very good! Mini-golf at WDW is still on my to-do list.

Looking forward to the rest and the "photo-shoot".


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So after a quick bus ride to the Contemporary and a short walk to the main entrance we were finally at MK. This may be the longest we’ve gone in a trip without going to MK. Typically it’s the first place we go. The park wasn’t terribly busy this evening and it would have been a good night to stay late but we had the photo shoot in the early AM. The lite crowds meant a 20 minute wait for Pirates which was more like 10. The ride is still very enjoyable, Im not really sure I noticed any refurbishment other than the mermaids were not swimming in the water and the fog effect was working well. We had FP for SM and made our way there. Another interesting thing we noticed this trip is that they were not validating the FP at the second kiosk at most of the rides. This was true this evening for SM and I was just thinking how easy it would be for someone to jump queues and be in the FP line. Anyway, here is the token dark SM pic of the DD I take every trip

Here is the same pic FIVE years ago:

OMG! How did she go from such a cutie patootie to an ornery teen! After SM we jumped on the people mover before heading over to splash mountain. On our way to Splash the DW pointed out the festive “Jingle Crusie” signage. We would partake in the funtivities later on in our trip

Try as we might, the DD and I could NOT talk the DW to riding Splash with us. We applied all forms of peer pressure, daughter guilt, and husband guilt and she would not budge! So the DD and I took the plunge ourselves. A rare, for us, thing happened on Splash this evening. The ride stopped and the lights came on THREE different times throughout the ride. It was both neat to see some of the hidden magic and a PITA that the fun kept stopping. Here are a few pics from that journey.





After Splash we made our way to SDMT to use up our FP. While I still feel very underwhelmed (Barnstormer 2.0) by this ride considering the expectations I had, we did find that the best seat in the house is the last car! We had 4 FP for this ride queued up this trip and made sure we were I the back every time. I just wish it was about 30 seconds longer with one more drop. Anyway, after that we walked right on to Journey of the Little Mermaid before deciding it was time to catch a bus home. Snapped a few pics as we left



Still to come: Photos at GF, Cutting in line at Launch bay, and The Wave for dinner.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to SDMT. I think it's perfect. But I also didn't have huge expectations after reading so many disappointed comments. ;)


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Original Poster
I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to SDMT. I think it's perfect. But I also didn't have huge expectations after reading so many disappointed comments. ;)
Unfortunately we were, originally, there during the soft opening so we had to find out the hard way. I remember exiting the ride and a CM was there polling opinions about the ride and I was pretty blunt with her about my expectations vs. what had just happened.


Premium Member
Unfortunately we were, originally, there during the soft opening so we had to find out the hard way. I remember exiting the ride and a CM was there polling opinions about the ride and I was pretty blunt with her about my expectations vs. what had just happened.

I think I'm halfway between your opinion and @catmom46 's when it comes to SDMT. Only rode it once (when I visited WDW last May), but thought it was a fun and sort of unique coaster, with the side to side movements. The overall theming was creative. But I didn't think it was a great ride, nor a particularly bad one either.

Guess I'll always prefer the more thrilling coasters like Space Mountain or Expedition Everest. :)


Well-Known Member
I think I'm halfway between your opinion and @catmom46 's when it comes to SDMT. Only rode it once (when I visited WDW last May), but thought it was a fun and sort of unique coaster, with the side to side movements. The overall theming was creative. But I didn't think it was a great ride, nor a particularly bad one either.

Guess I'll always prefer the more thrilling coasters like Space Mountain or Expedition Everest. :)

I think that's why I love SDMT so much - not because it's a thrill ride, but very charming and fabulous theming. Space Mountain goes by so fast, I'm not able to focus so much on the details. Haven't been on EE yet, but I think I'll love it because not only is it a thrill ride, there's also something unique about it. I guess you could say it's the same reason why I love Matterhorn so much.


Premium Member
I think that's why I love SDMT so much - not because it's a thrill ride, but very charming and fabulous theming. Space Mountain goes by so fast, I'm not able to focus so much on the details. Haven't been on EE yet, but I think I'll love it because not only is it a thrill ride, there's also something unique about it. I guess you could say it's the same reason why I love Matterhorn so much.

Oh, definitely try Expedition Everest. It's a blast!!!


Well-Known Member
ornery teenager - get ready.

My two oldest are now getting past that and starting to turn human again. My youngest, well she's 14 and up to a year ago I was the greatest person in the world. Now I'm embarrassing and always wrong, lol! This too will pass. Just remember that they do eventually turn back from the Dark Side.


Active Member
ornery teenager - get ready.

My two oldest are now getting past that and starting to turn human again. My youngest, well she's 14 and up to a year ago I was the greatest person in the world. Now I'm embarrassing and always wrong, lol! This too will pass. Just remember that they do eventually turn back from the Dark Side.
Good to hear. I'm the mom of 16 year old triplets. 90% of the time they are wonderful but on any given day one thinks that my husband and I are totally ridiculous and have no idea what it's like to be a teen :-).


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Ok, I’m back. It was a loooong weekend of wrestling at the Macon Coliseum and Im mostly happy to say we placed 4th at the State dual tournament. We had some misfortune of meeting the 16 time(consecutive) state champs in the semi finals, the only bragging point from that match is we held them to their lowest point total of the tournament. This is probably my favorite pic from the event:

Anyway, I received a not so subtle hint from the DW about updating the TR this morning so I better get on it, you know happy wife/happy life and all. So here we go!

Monday, December 21st
So this was the day of our photo shoot. Im pretty sure the DW whittled me down on this much like she did with the cruise AND much like the cruise experience I was very happy for it! So we were scheduled to meet our photographer at the GF at 8am. We got up early, put on our best faces and made the quick drive to the GF. I was a little concerned that security wasn’t going to allow us to park with all the “Parking is for guests only” signs we saw this trip but thankfully it was a non-issue:


Soon we were in the GF lobby and I must say it was quite beautiful.





If you can’t tell, there is someone actually working in that gingerbread house!! I’m not sure what they were doing but it caught me off guard. We were set to meet our photographer at the staircase at 8. It was about 10 minutes early but figured “let’s do this!” Our photographer and his assistant were there and pleased we were early as the trend seems to be folks are late which pushes their other appointments to be late. So here we met our photographer Dean, once a college marching band student, and his assistant Earl, a converted IT DBA. Dean asked us what we wanted and our only request was at least one castle pic and the rest was left to his expertise. No problem! So off we went to get that castle pic out of the way




After some pics in front of the castle and some by the boat docks we made for the bench by the fountain when I noticed this:

Um….I’m pretty all of the GF guests loved walking by this site. I’ll be honest, this is one thing I’d never expect to see here. I thought it was funny.

So, a few more shots from around the grounds before we went inside to get some chandelier and Christmas tree shots.


We ended our shoot with some shots out front by the poinsettias. I don’t know why but I was fascinated with the water beading on them


So that was a wrap! The hour flew by and Dean and Earl were great at what they do. Unfortunately we have to wait 4-6 weeks for the finished product. I did explain to them I am a master phonephotographer and they did allow me a group selfie before we parted ways.

After the shoot we made for the guest restrooms to change into more fitting theme park apparel. We made for HS again for a few hours. We have a Wave ADR and some MK FP+ to deal with.

Still to come: More Star Wars pics than you can shake a turkey leg at and The Wave.


Well-Known Member
Both Dean and his assistant were super nice and worked perfectly in sync. I was beyond pleased at how smoothly the session ran. I basically left it up to Dean to work his magic.

The weather was beautiful and we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. Even the kid was on her best behavior, which brings me to a related side story.

She has been hem hawing about staying in band. She plays percussion. Personally, I just think she’s nervous about going into marching band next year. I was in band and marching band. I loved it. I tried (along with Sean, her grandparents, etc) to tell her all the neat things she would be doing in the next few years (including a trip to WDW!). She was all “I know, I know!” She didn’t want to hear anything more about it. I backed off. Well, somehow Dean coaxed out of her that she was in band. He went on and on about how great it was.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks after the trip. I was eating lunch with her and out of the blue she says she’s been thinking about what do to about band and that she really thought about what Dean had said about staying in band.

You remember Dean, right? He’s the photographer that we met and interacted with for only 1 hour. Yes, that guy.

She’s now more inclined to stay in band. If Dean ever comes across this post, I would like to say thanks. I’m all for whatever makes her stay in band.

End of related side story.

I can’t give me full review of the pictures yet because we haven’t received them. Dean said we will have them in 4 – 6 weeks (give him 6 more than 4) and we’ve just hit the 4-week mark. I can’t wait to see them!


Well-Known Member
The photoshoot idea sounds SO FUN! I might pitch that to my husband for our 5 year anniversary. I'm sure we'll be going down to the world to celebrate :) Did you find Dean through Disney or is he independent of them? I follow a photographer down there who I'd probably use if she was available, but it'd be good to have a backup in case she was booked. I'm picky though :D haha


Well-Known Member
Did you find Dean through Disney or is he independent of them?

A few days before the appointment, Disney Fine Photography contacted us and said Dean would be our photographer. He's a cast member (I believe for at least 5 years). He doesn't strike me as a photopass photographer. He also has a degree in photography. Not that any of these things make a difference, but I would definitely request him again.


Premium Member
Congrats to your team on their 4th place in the entire state. A friend of mine used to be (years ago) on a wrestling team in high school, and he told me what a difficult sport it is, both physically and mentally. I'm sure that you and your team put in a lot of effort.

The photographs of the GF all decked out for Christmas are breathtaking!!


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Monday, December 21st cont.

We made for HS after leaving the GF. We had no ADRs for lunch and no FPs so we were straight up winging it this afternoon. Soon we were walking by the new security checkpoints and made our way to ST. It seems the wait time blew up at some point this morning but we gave it a go anyway.




It was the same sequence as before, Jakku then Coruscant, but at least no whiny brat this time. Whiny brat you ask!?!? My apologies, I neglected to tell you the wonderful story of our last ST experience the day before. So here goes… As we were loading into our vehicle the WB decided this was not for him and just started screaming. The ridiculous parent, RP, kept reassuring how much fun the ride would be but the WB wouldn’t have it. The WB just screamed louder. When the CM came in to do the belt check she asked if the WB would be ok or if he would like to get off now. The RP, now holding his hand over the WB’s mouth said things were all good! So while the CM attempted to complete the belt check and give instructions the WB kept interrupting with high pitched screams of fear through the hand of the RP. The CM asked at least THREE more times if the RP was sure they didn’t just want to get off now as it would only get darker and more intense once the doors closed. The RP reassured her that they were just fine! So the doors shut, the lights dimmed and the RP removed his hand from the WB’s mouth and we had a fun filled 3 minutes of high pitched screaming and crying. Needless to say, no one on that tour was a fan of the WB or the RP for allowing it to happen.

Let’s move on though. After ST we made our way to Muppets before we decided it was lunch time, now! With HBDL on the other side of the park we settled on Back Lot Catering. This place is ok and has mostly been our QS go-to at HS. DD went with the tomato bisque and a Vader cupcake


I went with the Chicken Sammy on ciabatta

DW went with the wrap

DW and I each got the Shock Top Twisted Pretzel Wheat beer. My notes say I gave it a 2.75 and commented that “Well it does taste like pretzel”

With bellies full we made for the Launch Bay but not without some storm trooper interruptions.



Here it was that I would make an embarrassing Disney newb move. As you approach the LB entrance there is a standby path to the left and a FP path to the right. My oblivious self thought the lines started inside the building and just waked straight down the FP side without scanning. No one said anything or spoke up so I had NO IDEA was just cutting in front of a 45 minute line!!! I mean I just kept walking straight and all of a sudden we were inside looking around! It wasn’t until we got out that the DD asked me if I realized what we did. I felt bad for a bout 5 minutes then got over it. Im just surprised no one said anything to me!!


Still to come: More LB pics, bus roulette and The Wave.

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