Trip Report *COMPLETED* SURPRISE.... Christmas Road Trip

Christmas Road Trip


Hello again everyone.

This is a kind of an unexpected trip report about a kind of unexpected trip. Let me explain…

If you read our last trip report (, you may remember that we had planned on coming down around Christmas, but a bit of a mix-up/miscommunication with regards to being able to upgrade our tickets to annual passes put the trip on hold. However, once we got home we started talking about it some more, and were not completely convinced that the trip was off yet. I did a bit of number crunching (you know, something us accountants tend to do), and figured that getting annual passes that we didn’t activate until December wouldn’t cost that much more than getting 10 day park hoppers when we go down for our normal late August trip, and would allow us to go in December and August (and then Disney almost messed it up again by introducing tiered AP pricing, but we decided it was now or never). Couple that with the announcement that it was the last year for the Osborne lights, and we committed to going. We ordered the APs, and with that the trip was back on.

Going down at this time of year has been a “bucket list” kind of thing for us, and so has doing a road trip, so we combined the two into one epic trip.

The cast

Same group as always. There is my wife Tammy, our daughter Stephanie (who was 14 when the trip started, and 15 when it ended), our son Liam, and myself (Graham).

Some lead-up stuff

So we were all pretty pumped to be going down to Disney around the holidays. Yes, we heard that the crowds would be insane. Yes we knew that a road trip in December from Ontario to Florida could be called off at the last minute because of weather (especially since our route was going to take us through Buffalo which is kind of known for its big winter storms), but we put that all out of our minds and started prep.

Now December is normally an insane time for our family. We have all the normal Christmas stuff, as well as a church Christmas play that I’m responsible for which just makes December crazy busy…and then I got sick...Really sick. It all started November 30th when I came home from work feeling lousy. The next day was worse (I had a bad cough, vomiting every 30 minutes (but was so dehydrated that nothing would come up), insomnia, etc). December 2nd I went down to the urgent care centre where I was told I had the flu, was given some anti-nausea meds, and told to go home and drink lots of fluids by the doctor. I was also sent for a chest x-ray which allowed the Dr. to rule out pneumonia. The nurse who was helping me wasn’t happy that I was being sent home because I had a fever, but what could she do. Well…It turns out her concerns were well founded. The next afternoon she called me and said I had to come back right away….I had pneumonia. I was driven back down to the urgent care centre where I was hooked up to an IV and had a bunch of different things pumped into me. It was a rough week.

The following week I was feeling well enough to at least go back to work, but it took a lot out of me. We were a bit concerned that the trip could be in jeopardy (it’s a road trip, and I’m the only one in the family who drives). I also still had a terrible cough. The cough lasted for weeks. Fortunately, we have a friend who is a doctor who prescribed me an inhaler on Christmas Eve, and there was no way I was going to miss this trip, so it was on.

One more thing…for the most part all the pictures were taken with my phone. I didn’t want to have to go through bag-check every morning, so I didn’t carry the DSLR with me. This means that night pictures will be a bit grainy.

Wow, that’s a lot of background….so let’s get started

Christmas Day

As if Christmas Day isn’t exciting enough for the kids, we threw in a trip to Disney on top of that. Needless to say the kids were super excited. Liam told us he didn’t sleep at all the night before. We get up, do all the Christmas stuff (open presents, etc), and then head over to my brother’s house for Christmas brunch. Brunch was fun, and ended nice and early (around 1:30). After that it was road trip time.

I should mention that the weather was perfect for driving. Slightly overcast, and way too warm for snow.

We headed home after the brunch and packed the car. I’ll be honest, I was really looking forward to the drive down, but also a bit concerned. We’ve never done a trip like this before, and I wasn’t sure how the family unit would handle that much time in the car (specifically the two kids in the back of the car). We made sure they had plenty of junk food to keep their blood sugar spiked the whole trip.

We're all happy right now...hopefully it lasts:

When we planned the trip, we decided we’d split the drive into 3 days on the way down. Leg 1 would take us from Hamilton (our hometown) to Pittsburgh, leg 2 from Pittsburgh to Charlotte, NC, and then day 3 would be Charlotte to Disney.

Here's the planned route (thanks Google maps)


So the car was packed, and there was nothing but 19ish hours of road ahead of us, so off we went. The drive to the border was great, and the Nexus passes made the trip across the border pretty smooth.

Up first...NY state.

One thing we wanted to do was stop at every state welcome centre and at least get a picture at each one (The only problem was, we couldn’t find the one for NY state). Before long, we were in Pennsylvania.

After a quick stop at the welcome centre we were back on the road, and hit Pittsburgh around 6ish.

Everyone was feeling a bit hungry now, and I was concerned that we wouldn’t find anything open since it was Christmas day. Fortunately McDonald’s was open, so we had the traditional Christmas dinner of Big Mac’s and chicken McNuggets (I really feel bad that the employees had to work on Christmas day).

After dinner we went to the hotel, checked in and called it a night (after the kids had a quick swim). I thought this tree in the lobby looked pretty neat (there was a "waterfall wall" in front of the tree).

Tomorrow is more driving (I’ll probably compress the driving days down to a few paragraphs since there wasn’t anything overly exciting to report, and really, I know you all just want Disney pictures right??).
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Premium Member
Add my family to the list of those who don't get the Fantasmic hype. We WANT to like it, but always leave "meh." Now Fantasmic at DL...completely different story!!

Turkey legs? :hungover:

No shame in not making it until midnight. You guys had a great, long day anyway!


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Add my family to the list of those who don't get the Fantasmic hype. We WANT to like it, but always leave "meh." Now Fantasmic at DL...completely different story!!

Turkey legs? :hungover:

No shame in not making it until midnight. You guys had a great, long day anyway!
EXACTLY. I want to like Fantasmic, but I just don't. Not sure why.

It was kind of disappointing not making it until midnight. The fireworks looked awesome ( they were based off rides at Hollywood Studios. I saw them on YouTube the day after).

Thanks for following along.


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NYE continued

At 8:00 the show started. Know what??? Still don’t get the hype. I’m not sure what it is, but the show does nothing for me (or the rest of the family). It was a good way to kill some time at least.

to be continued

I agree. The show is just a clip show on water. We usually skip it unless we bring newbies to the World.

I can say the new World of Color: Celebrate at Disneyland is amazing. We didn't like the original but the new one has a wonderful story about Walt.

Even the Fantasmic at Disneyland is better than Florida. We just don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Just binge read your report with some rare free time. Glad you got to experience the holidays at the world. And driving from Canada. Wow. I thought our trip from Pennsylvania was long. Seems like you had a good time and made the most of a very busy time at the world. I wish I was as good with crowds as you guys. I think my favorite part was your comment about Liam growing up but still enjoying the build a bear. I'm a few years away from that point but already trying to brace myself for it.


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Just binge read your report with some rare free time. Glad you got to experience the holidays at the world. And driving from Canada. Wow. I thought our trip from Pennsylvania was long. Seems like you had a good time and made the most of a very busy time at the world. I wish I was as good with crowds as you guys. I think my favorite part was your comment about Liam growing up but still enjoying the build a bear. I'm a few years away from that point but already trying to brace myself for it.
Thanks for following along. Glad you're enjoying the report.

The drive was long but we all really enjoyed it (despite the frustrating drive through the Carolinas).

In terms of the crowds, we knew going in that it was going to be busy, so we were prepared for that. To be honest, we were really there to enjoy being there during the holidays and seeing all the holiday stuff we hadn't seen before, so the crowds didn't bother us that much.

And yes, unfortunately, kids do eventually grow up.

Hope to post another day very soon


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Alright, I resisted @Tuvalu's attempted peer pressure to make me finish this report in a timely fashion long enough. I think I've proved my point that I'm not a lazy procrastinator by waiting two weeks between my last update and this one ;). So, without further adue:

January 1st – Our last day

So the early mornings and late nights caught up with us, and we all ended up sleeping in a bit. The good thing about this (besides the extra rest) was that this day was planned to have a slower start. We wanted to spend some time by the pool this morning, before heading back to the MK today.

Last morning seeing this. I'll miss the fence giraffes :(

We took our time getting ready, had some coffee, and then made our way down to the pool. I’m guessing most people didn’t get back to their rooms until the wee hours of the morning which was great for us, because the pool was quite empty.

There were a few people there, but not many….which makes what happened even more strange (I’ll explain in a minute).

We get to the pool, throw our towels, shirts, shoes, etc on to some chairs by the pool (it was great because there were hardly any chairs taken so we got four right by the pool, but there were lots of empty chairs all around). The kids decide to go down the slide a few times, and Tammy and I head over to one of the hot tubs.

It was nice to relax for a while. After some warm soaking, Tammy and I decide to head back to the pool and get pictures of the kids having fun.

but first....some flamingos

So here is where things get weird. I take my phone with me into the pool to take some pictures of the kids coming down the slide, but we leave our shirts, shoes, etc on the chairs.



So I’m in the pool taking pictures, having a great time, and I happen to glance over at where our stuff was on the chairs….only there are two women on the seats where our stuff was??? I’m a bit confused, so I make my way back to the chairs…Sure enough, there’s all our stuff thrown on the deck??? I’m kind of surprised/shocked since, as I mentioned, there were no other seats taken in our area, so I don’t quite understand why they had to have those two chairs, and why they felt it was OK to just throw stuff off the chairs??? I go back into the pool and tell Tammy what happened. She was not at all happy about this and was going to go say something, but I talked her out of that (I really have no interest in getting into an argument with people who lack basic common sense/decency, and especially not on our last day). Fortunately it was only a shirt and a towel and not any electronics. So Tammy and I get out of the pool, and these women are doing their best to avoid eye contact with us…until we ask them to pass us our stuff….Point made. They do that kind of embarrassed laugh thing and hand our stuff to us. I still don’t get exactly what went through their minds, but like I said I had no interest in dealing with people like that today, so we grab our stuff and head back to the room to get changed.

to be continued.


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last day continued

With the unpleasentness out of the way, we get ready and head over to the MK.

The park is a lot less crowded today than I was expecting (but I imagine people are just waking up now (it was around 11ish). The kids decide they want to have lunch first, so we make our way over to Fronteirland as we want to try out the new menu at Pecos Bill’s. We make a quick stop in Liberty Square to get a picture of our retirement goal

We get to Pecos Bill’s and order our food (tex-mex stuff). We all really enjoy this type of food, so we all really enjoyed this. I’m quite happy with the change from the old burger menu (and the new toppings bar is fantastic (although I’m not sure how economical it is to have serve-yourself guacamole. I’m guessing that will be changed to pre-measured servings in the future)).



Lunch was great.

While we’re on the topic of food, we decided to discuss dinner. We didn’t have anything booked for tonight, so I hopped on the MDE app and looked at what was available. Turns out that Yak and Yeti had some spots available, and since we love AK at night, this was a no-brainer. We had never eaten and Yak and Yeti so we were looking forward to this.

Up next was our FP for BTMRR.

Wow that's a long standby line.




a good ride was had.

to be continued


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last day continued

After BTMRR we had some time to kill (we had FPs for Pirates and SM, but not until later in the day), and decided to check another thing off the “things we haven’t done before”, and took a raft over to Tom Sawyer Island.

I always kind of viewed this as a nice people eater, but not something I would really enjoy…I was wrong. We had an absolute blast.


We explored the caves, played around Fort Langhorn (I wonder if the rifles will stay given Disney’s new “no-gun” policy) and walked across the barrel bridge.








to be continued


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last day continued

After crossing the barrel bridge we made a stop at Aunt Polly’s for some drinks (it was nice to sit sipping on a frozen lemonade and see the MK from a different perspective).


We had a great time, and I fully recommend that everyone check out Tom Sawyer Island at least once.

Taking the raft back to the main land

We spent about 45 minutes on the Island, and soon it was time for our Pirates FP. It was fun again.

Next up we headed towards Tomorrowland, but made a quick detour through some of the stores on Main St. I picked up a cook book (I like cooking, and some of the recipes in the book were some of my favourite things at WDW) and a Mickey Mouse throw. The kids bought some stuff too. Tammy found a cat scarf (she didn't buy it, but it provided her cat fix until we would get home).

After making our purchases we headed over to Tomorrowland. The kids decided they wanted to go off on their own to do MILF (Tammy doesn’t like this at all. She’s always afraid she’ll be on camera), so off they went. Tammy and I rode the Peoplemover which was fun.

After our tour above Tomorrowland, I sent a text to the kids telling them to meet us at SM (we were in a bit of a time crunch. Our ADR for Y&Y was at 5:30, and we had a 5:00 FP for SM. I was hoping we could use our FPs a few minutes early), but I got a text back that they just got into CoP and couldn’t leave. Oh well.

By the time they were done it was too late to try to ride SM, so we headed out to get to AK.

We end up getting to AK at around 5:30. We head in past the bag check and I’m approached by some security people, telling me I’ve been selected for secondary screening (i.e. the metal detector). I tell Tammy and the kids to go ahead and I’d catch up, but Tammy wanted to wait. I’m kind of glad she did because I went through the detector and it went off. They then ran the wand over my shorts and something in my pocket set it off. I couldn’t think of anything I had so I reached in and pulled out….Tammy’s lipstick…as I mentioned earlier, we weren’t carrying bags with us this trip, so my cargo short became a makeshift purse for Tammy. I start laughing, the security guys are laughing, and I tell Tammy I’m really glad she stayed with me or I’d have a hard time explaining why I’m carrying lipstick with me.

to be continued


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Last day continued

After our screening we head into AK and rush over to Yak and Yeti.


We ended up being about 15 minutes late, but they still accommodated us. We asked if we could sit upstairs, and got a great seat by a window looking out at the street heading up to Everest.

Dinner here was really good. We started with pot stickers which were delicious.

For our main courses, Steph and I got pad thai, and Liam and Tammy got the honey chicken.


All were really good. To be honest, Yak and Yeti was a place that never really interested me in the past, but I’m really glad we tried it. We will definitely be back.

After dinner guess what the kids wanted to do…did you guess Everest? You’d be right.

I told them I’d take them over, while Tammy headed back to the room to finish packing (I told her to come with us, but she really wanted to head back). The kids and I had a great time.

We ended up riding Everest 3 times together (there was hardly any line). We then decided to run over to Kali to see if we could get on before the park closed (it was now 8:55, and the park closed at 9). We get to Kali at 8:59, and we were the last people on (they closed the entrance to the line behind us after we went through).

It was a lot of fun to ride in the dark, and no one got really soaked.

After Kali we headed out (we had not choice since the park was closed).

We got back to the room, finished up packing, and went to bed.

End of January 1st – I’ll have some final thoughts to come.
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Final thoughts

Leaving day

I won’t bore you with the details of the drive home. We were out the door around 7ish, and it was cold and rainy (i.e. the perfect time to leave).

The only thing I’ll mention is how much I dislike the Carolina’s highways again. The first leg of our drive that was supposed to take about 11 hours (from Florida to West Virgina) ended up taking 16 thanks to 5 hours sitting in traffic through South Carolina. However, we all had fun on the drive and got home to Hamilton safely on Sunday afternoon. Special thanks goes out to caffeine for getting us home safely

So was it worth it?

ABSOLUTELY. Tammy says this may have been her favourite trip so far. I think I may agree. It was so neat to see WDW during the holidays. From the decorations to the Osborne lights to the general atmosphere it was just a lot of fun. Our whole purpose this trip was to take in the things we hadn’t seen/done before, which means we weren’t overly concerned about getting on rides. That took a lot of pressure off.

How were the crowds?

Oh, it was busy for sure, but we knew it was going to be like that going in. If you are a “get on 25 rides a day” type of person, then the holidays are not for you. However, we found the crowds manageable if you followed some basic park strategies (arrive at rope drop, take it easy in the afternoon, stay late), and didn’t get stressed about what you didn’t get to do and just enjoy what you did get to do. The crowds really didn’t bother us at all, and it was all part of the holiday experience.

Would we do it again?

If time, funds and points allow, we would definitely do it all again. We’ve discussed doing it again this year, but I’m doubtful it will happen. You never know though. But that will have to wait until after our August trip (August 20th to the 29th – back to AKL – I’m sure I’ll do a pre-trip report shortly).


If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. Sorry about the length of time between posts. I normally write up the trip report every day that I’m at Disney (either first thing in the morning before everyone is up or late at night once everyone is in bed), but this time I was writing it all once I got home which took a lot of time. Hope you enjoyed following along. See ya real soon


Well-Known Member
Great trip report! I am glad that you had a good time during one of the busiest times of the year. We spent the week from Christmas day to Jan 2 in 2014 and had a blast. Is it for everyone? No! But, if you go in with the right mindset and proper planning and good time can be had. There is just something extra special about Walt Disney World during the holidays.

Having been the past 2 Decembers, I couldn't imagine seeing the castle without the dreamlights.


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Awesome trip report.. Man I've got to give you props.. I would've lost it if somebody threw my stuff on the ground..
It was a struggle not to say something, but it just wasn't worth it. I really didn't want to have what I'm sure would have been a lot of attitude ruin our last day.

Thanks for reading.

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