Trip Report Completed: SUCCESS!! I did NOT get locked out of our room naked again! Boardwalk Villas June 2015

Hey all!

Well, I am back. Sigh.

Yep, I'm playing a good game of "last week at this time".

Last week at this time, I was on the veranda of the California Grill watching Wishes. (It is 10:11 as I type this)

Tonight, I am sitting in my sweltering 90+ degree apartment in NYC procrastinating putting my air conditioner in the window. Does anyone have a time machine I can borrow? I prefer last week instead.

We had a really absolutely amazing trip, and there is not too much drama in it, so I hope I can make this interesting somehow.

Before I start, let me address the elephant in the room about getting locked out of the room naked.

Yes, that happened. In 2013. Luckily, no photographic evidence exists, but what happened is that it was a day with a lot of cocktails. We saved and sprung for concierge, and the wine up there was flowing like the River Jordan.

We went back to the room and I hurled all my clothes off and threw myself into the bed.

Cut to several hours later.

I woke up. The room was pitch black. I had no idea where I was, or, to clarify, my mind was not yet awake at 100% functionality. I stumbled through the darkness toward the bathroom, following a pattern that matched my own NYC apartment. Unfortunately, there is a different pattern at Disney hotels, and I quickly opened a door and said "woaaahhh - noooo!!!!" - and as soon as I said that, the door behind me slammed shut, and I was locked out of the room, naked.

It was such a ridiculous, surreal situation. There was nothing to be done, so I just huddled there by the door like Gollum and eventually Phil came back to the room.Let's just say that I was in the doghouse for the rest of the trip.

But that is soooo 2013. There is no getting locked out naked in 2015. So, onward!

June 4, 2015:


Our plane was on time! No issues.

Phil had to go buy some reading materials, which left me some time to take a non-selfie-stick-selfie

Soon we were in the sky. I made Phil do a selfie with me against his will.


Yeah, well, no one looks that good when you do a selfie. Anyway, we flew the friendly skies to Orlando and when we got there, Quicksilvertours was freaking incredible. They picked us up, gave us a 30 minute grocery stop, and then deposited us at the Boardwalk Villas.

We had done pre-check in. We had a standard view one-bedroom Boardwalk villa. I did not expect anything but that, but when we got there, a check in hostess grabbed us and spent 20 minutes on a phone and then told us "Good news! You have been upgraded to a renovated room!!"


And so here is the video of the renovated room. I am sorry that my phone ran out of gas toward the end, so this ends unexpectedly:

I cannot believe the room we got. I never wanted to leave. But we had to. So we went and explored the pool:

Here is Phil, looking very happy:

Phil pool.JPG

and here I am:
What the heck was I thinking wearing an orange tee-shirt - -- ----this theme will come up again and again:
pool orange.JPG

Well, it was time to go to a few fast passes in EPCOT before going to our $300 dinner at the California Grill.

Let me back up briefly.

We are NOT rich at all. The results of the Boardwalk stay is the result of saving for about a year, and as for California Grill, I figured out that we were not getting out of there for under $300, so we put $20 a week in an envelope until it reached $300 and then we had it! That might seem a bit tragic to some, but it made the California Grill amazing for us rather than a situation where we were trying to figure out how to pay.

So anyway, prior to the trip, I went shopping for some new Disney clothes, and anyone who knows me knows that i am fashion incompetent. But I specifically was looking for a California Grill outfit.

Everyone here always complains about badly dressed people so I wanted to do what I could to make sure i was dressed for a fireworks dinner in the clouds.

The day before the trip, I went shopping, and I somehow thought this shirt was good.


wow, this looked great on the mannequin but on me, it looks like Carrie White exploded!!

Here is the tasteful outfit
Phil cali.JPG
that Phil decided to wear:

So on we go. We rode a few rides in the future section of EPCOT and then it was time for our $300 dinner at California Grill:

Cali Grill.JPG

Cali was just great. Here is Phil standing in front of 10,000,000 bottles of wine as you
phil wine.JPG
walk in:

Well, it just said I'm not allowed to upload anymore files to this message (limit of 10) so I'll get back to this soon.

Coming soon - dancing in an empty Boardwalk dance-hall, a pretty underwhelming Trader Sams, a Rebel Hangar that had no rebels in it, an Ohana that was awesome, and a drink around the world that was as awesome as always.


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Found the report that goes with your BW room review. :p

Bunch o' comments, since I'm late to the party:

Re the orange shirt--maybe you're a secret Mets fan?
LOL'd at the first Carrie reference. I think the shirt looks good on you, maybe you should keep it just for trips to WDW.
Great photo "wearing" the derby light fixture. Very clever!
Rebel Hangar = how disappointing!
Have you seen "Something's Rotten!"? I was thinking of getting tickets, it sounds like fun based on the reviews.

You are very, very good at the cliffhanger endings to your posts...

Totally agree on spending time in the room, especially if you've gone for a deluxe. It's pretty pleasant to hang out in those rooms.
Perfect Belmont experience! What a great story, lucky you for being in the right place at the right time.
Thanks so much!

Something Rotten is hysterical. We had a lot of fun. Then again, they sold every ticket for the first three performances for $15.95 each and we had a pair of those. Not sure I would have loved it so much for $150 per ticket. If you go, check or Theatremania for a discount code.


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PART 6 - Drinking around the world (or at least EPCOT)!!

Sorry for the delay everyone. I generally do not have time to do posts on the weekends because I am too busy sleeping (some might say passed out) to make up for my insane weekdays.


But here we go, and this is "The One".

I've heard people on here doubt whether or not it is actually possible to really drink around the world (meaning one drink in each country in EPCOT), and I am here to provide you with photographic evidence that it is in fact possible to do. It is also possible to pass out cold afterwards, and I have photographic evidence of that too. Urggh. This is all very dignified for a person whose age begins with a 4, is it not? Annnnnyway.........

I wanted to do a video, but my phone was being a real jerk, so you are going to just have to settle for the photos. Sorry all. But anyway, here we go:

So again, we woke up later than planned. We had no breakfast reservation scheduled, because Phil's Kitchen Kabaret in Room 2004 of the Boardwalk Villas was serving up cereal and yogurt and fruit, and after that, we showered, shaved, and it was time to take on the world!

We had a 1PM reservation at San Angel Inn for lunch. Unfortunately, we had woken up at 10:30 AM, and by the time we were out the door, it was 11:45 or so, so we kind of had to book it straight to lunch.

Of course, there was no reason to walk to the San Angel Inn without a drink on Drink Around the World day so we stopped by Rose and Crown first:


The weather was so beautiful this day!

Phil and I got in a bit of a fight about what the shortest path to San Angel might be. I said through the countries. He said the other way. He won. And he was right. I think.

Anyway, here is Phil in the nice air conditioned glory of the Mexico pavilion , waiting for our reservation buzzer to ring.


This is the only country where we do not have photographic evidence of drinking around the world, because there was a gigantic line to get into Cava de Tequila, but if you think that Phil and I did not have crazy margaritas in San Angel Inn, you do not know us very well.

I had the avocado margarita, which was a lot sweeter than I was expecting, and actually pretty weak, but that is probably a good thing due to what was to come. I cannot remember what Phil had, but he seemed to like it enough. I don't have pictures of this because it was so dark in there and nothing came out. I told you my phone was being a jerk.

However, then it was time for Norway, and this happened:


So.......I should shirt says 2013 because we had originally scheduled a trip for June of 2013, and the very night before we were supposed to leave, Phil's 90+ something grandmother passed away and we had to cancel the entire trip. It was an awful situation, as you can imagine. A vacation replaced by a funeral is nothing that anyone ever wants to experience, and I hope no one on here ever has that happen to them.

Anyway, Disney was amazing about it. They refunded the ENTIRE trip and did not take any sort of penalty fee at all. We had insurance for the plane as well, and we got that back too, although that took all sorts of jumping through hoops.

We re-booked for September of that year, and ended up having a great time. However, I have never been hotter in my life. Not "Tom Cruise" hot. Temperature hot. Both of us almost had heatstroke each and every day.

This June was simply not like that. It was hot for mid-day every day, but then the mornings and nights were very cool and comfortable. I'm not sure if we just got lucky, or if early June is just the way to go.

Anyway, too much "blah blah blah" and not enough drinking. So here we are arriving at China:


Some drunk woman grabbed me right after this picture was taken and slurred "I respect you people!" Errr....thanks??? I think she meant well. I don't know how she was so drunk so early in the day, and now I'm "you people" but okay.

Anyway, onward:

We were having fun in China so Phil snapped another pic:
Buddy China.JPG

And I snapped one of him. Will we ever get out of China??? Ahhhhh!!!!

Phil China.JPG

From here on out, there will be no picture without a drink in our hands. And with that, I am going to go ahead and end this chapter, and start the next in a few.


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PART 6.5 - drinking Around the world, continued

So, we finally escaped from China, and found ourselves in Germany.


Note the guy directly behind us. He is very unhappy that we are having our picture taken by the beer server.

Well that was fun and all, and then before we knew it we were in Italy, and Phil thought he was entitled to have this:

wine Italy.JPG

And all I thought I was entitled to was this:

Buddy Italy.JPG

Note that it is some sort of half of a half carafe. Whatever it was, it was delicious, and this place in Italy (and I forget what it is called) is a lot of fun.

This day was moving very quickly, and all of a sudden, it was time to go to 'Merica. And so we did:

Merica outside.JPG

I love this even though it is a craptastic picture of Phil and I because it looks like we are in Williamsburg, VA, which is one of my favorite places. They had some really cool beers in America , but if I am to be honest, if you offered me a million dollars to name what I had, I would not end up a millionaire.

Well, then we arrived in Japan, and Phil decided to pose for a photo:
Phil Japan.JPG

And since I was starting to feel quite woozy, apparently, I decided to try to pretend I am a muscle man:

Buddy Japan muscle.JPG

Oh yes. It was kicking in. And I will get back to you shortly, including how multiple strangers asked to sip on my frozen Japan beer.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have to agree with the dignified at the age of forty-something comment, as I am in the same age group! :D

"You people"??? Well, like you said, we guess she meant well. :rolleyes:

As for the unhappy man in line, I don't know about the rest of you, but it looks to me like he was checking out Phil's butt… Jealous, perhaps?? :p


Well-Known Member
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Okay I just posted an entire long chapter on here and hurray, my computer crashed and it was all lost. So here goes take two, which may be shorter - sorry all. Let's see, were were we? Ah, yes, Japan.

So this is probably why my computer crashed - because I posted this pic of Phil. He said if I posted this, he would kill me, so if this turns into a CSI type thing and no one ever hears from me again, you all know what happened.
So here is the offending shot:


Yeah, well, at least we didn't buy it.

Anyway, the drinking continued when we walked by a little hut and found out they were serving magical frozen beers!!!

frozen beer.JPG

Actually, only the foam was frozen, and it was actually totallty disgusting, but about four (4) groups came by us and were like "What is that????? Is it goood????? Can I taste it????????"

I'm not kidding. Multiple requests to taste from total strangers. I must just look friendly or something. But Phil will tell you that I am a total and complete germaphobe and when I drunkenly let at least four people try my disgusting frozen beer, Phil knew I was gone.

Luckily, next was Morocco, which made me forget Japan totally:


And then this happened:

Buddy down.JPG


Clearly, it was time for France!!


How are we still upright?? Well, it might not be that way for long, and that seems like a good place to end this chapter. I will be back to you tomorrow.



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Premium Member
"Phil's Kitchen Kabaret" had me laughing out loud :joyfull:!

Yes, September is the most brutally humid month to visit WDW. Hubby has vowed "never again." So he will miss out on the fun when I accompany middle son in 93 days :). Early June was great weather, wasn't it?! Too bad we weren't in Epcot on your Drink Around the World Day, I would have enjoyed seeing you in the Moroccan fountain!

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