Trip Report *Completed* Sleepless on the Savanna - Nov/Dec 2023

Hello Friends, and Happy Holidays!

As you already know if you caught my Pre-Trip Report, my husband J, our 2yo son L, and I got back from a WDW trip earlier this month. This was L's fourth trip, J's eighteenth, and my twentieth! Since I already did introductions in the PTR,, let's jump straight into the trip!

Sunday, November 26th - Travel Day

I set my alarm for 4:15 am - thankfully, there wasn't much to be done this morning, since my in-laws had kept L at their house for a few hours the day before, which gave J and I time to get everything packed and get the car loaded up, save for any last-minute items that we would need to use that morning. I barely slept the night before. I always get travel anxiety the night before a trip - what if I have the dates wrong, and we get down there and have nowhere to stay? What if I dreamed about making park reservations, but didn't actually make them? What if Disney's website cancels all of our dining reservations? It always makes for a restless nights' sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night, and finally accepted my fate at 4am, and rolled out of bed before my alarm went off.

I got myself ready, woke J up at 4:30, and once we were both ready, we loaded the go bag with last-minute items into the car. J thankfully remembered that he hadn't seen me pack L's stroller flag, which is a lifesaver when you're trying to find your stroller in a crowded stroller parking lot. I knew exactly where it was in L's closet, so I asked J to very quietly and very carefully get L out of bed and take him to the car, so that I could turn the lights on in L's room and grab the flag from the closet. As J was walking down the stairs carrying L, I heard L wake up and say "Dada? What are you doing? Dada, where are we going?" and when J didn't answer him and told him to go back to sleep, L said "Dada, where's Mama?" 😂 We were so hoping we'd be able to keep him asleep as we were putting him in his car seat, but it was not meant to be. We loaded L up, hopped in the car, and were pulling out of the driveway at 5:04 am.


Unfortunately, it took over an hour of driving before L finally fell back asleep. We love leaving early to beat the Atlanta traffic - we don't love how it messes with L's sleep. Two hours after we left the house, we made our first stop for breakfast and a bathroom break at Buc-ee's. I sat in the back with L once we got back to the car, to help him with his breakfast and try to avoid a huge mess in my backseat.



As we were leaving Buc-ee's, I checked our ETA on the GPS, and it said we'd arrive around 12:30. If only that had been the case. We stopped again just past the GA-FL border for gas and another bathroom break, and everything went downhill from there. Around the time we were driving through Lake City (where I-10 and I-75 meet), traffic starting to build up. The GPS on my phone showed nothing but red for miles and miles. I'm not sure what the issue was - it was raining, so that may have caused some problems - but traffic was backed up all the way to the Florida turnpike, and the drive that should have taken us 7.5 hours took us over 9 hours. 🙃 Finally, at 2:06 pm, we were pulling through the gates.


Our room was not ready yet, so we decided to stop in at Jambo House for lunch at The Mara. Of course, I got the room ready text right as we were getting out of the car. 😂🤷‍♀️


We headed into Jambo House anyway, grabbed some pictures of the Christmas tree, and mobile-ordered lunch. I clicked "I'm Here" as soon as we got in the elevator to head down to The Mara. It took about twenty minutes for our food to be ready - I always forget that the resort QS tends to take longer than the QS in the parks - I guess because they have fewer staff. For lunch, I got the vegetarian falafel platter, J got the chicken strips, and L got the kids' hamburger meal with fries and grapes.



I was underwhelmed by my meal - it was unfortunately pretty bland, which was surprising for falafel. After we finished lunch, we headed over to the Flamingo Crossings Target to pick up a Drive-Up order I had placed for things like milk, bottled water, snacks for the room, etc. We probably should have dropped our stuff off at Kidani Village first before heading to Target, because we ended up having to put everything in my lap/at my feet, which made for a fun time trying to get out of the car at Kidani. When we got to Kidani, Bell Services unloaded the car, including our groceries, and we parked in the garage and headed up to the room. Of course, we made a beeline for the balcony to check out the view - not too shabby!



Once we had gotten in to the room, I tried to call Bell Services to bring up our luggage. I sat on hold for over ten minutes before the call dropped. I tried again - same thing. I ended up just sending J down to go get our luggage himself - he said when he got down there, the two CMs working the Bell Services area didn't appear to be busy, so I'm not sure what the deal was - maybe an issue with their phone lines. Regardless, J brought our luggage up to the room, and I set about getting everything unpacked and organizing the room. J and I set up L's sleeping arrangements - an inflatable toddler bed inside of a blackout tent - and finally, we were done and headed out of the room shortly before 6pm.

Up next: A Damp Dinner at Disney Springs


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First Place Shopping GIF by Target

Have you ever heard...

First is the worst, second is the best.......? My kids sang it all the time when they were young. Not that I believed them but just saying right now mayyybeee it do.
So glad you're getting started on your report! I could use another good report.
Glad to have you here! I had every intention of starting the report sooner, but you know how it is being a mom at Christmas. 😅
Excited to see more of your trip!
Excited to have you here!
I’m in!!


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Sunday, November 26th- Travel Day - Continued

One thing we really appreciated about Kidani Village was the parking deck located under the hotel. If you can snag a parking spot in the section where you’re staying (we were in Timon), you can be from your room to your car very quickly. This was a game changer, especially when we were rushing out to get to the parks for Early Entry in the mornings.

Shortly before 6:00 pm, we left our room and headed out for Disney Springs. We were a little bummed that we weren’t going to have as much time at DS as we’d originally anticipated, but we decided to make the most of it, and at least grab dinner. We parked in the Lime Garage, which was close to full - it was a busy night at DS.


Once we made it through bag check and into DS, we spotted a balloon vendor right away. We had wanted to get L a Christmas balloon last year, but never saw them for sale in the parks, so we knew we needed to grab one while we had the chance. Balloon secured, we headed out to do a little shopping. I suggested saving World of Disney for another day later in the trip, since we had limited time and it was very crowded, but I was overruled. 🤷‍♀️ In World of Disney, J and I got the Mom and Dad coffee mugs that we had had our eyes on for the past couple trips.


After World of Disney, we headed over to Ever After Jewelry. I had seen on Instagram that they were showcasing a new line of jewelry from the brand Girls Crew, that looked really cute. Unfortunately, I did not read the fine print, and they only had it in store through Thanksgiving, so we were too late. I was able to find the collection online, and I wouldn't have paid that much for earrings anyway. 😂 After Ever After Jewelry, we headed out in search of dinner.

p.s. Have they always put lights on these palm trees? This was the first time we'd noticed them.


For dinner, we were torn between D-Luxe Burger and Chicken Guy. We decided to go with Chicken Guy, since we hadn't eaten there since Pre-Covid. The line to order was very long, but thankfully it moves fairly quickly. Unfortunately, all seating indoors was taken, so we had to find a table outside. It had been drizzling on and off, so it was a little damp, but we made the most of it.

For dinner, we all got Chicken Tenders - J and I got the 5-Piece Meal, and L got the kids' 2-Piece Meal.


There was a table next to us with 3 big kids, and L spent the entire meal trying to get their attention. 😂 It started sprinkling again while we were sitting outside, but thankfully we were done eating by that point, so we were able to quickly clean up and head out. We decided to pop over to Gideon's to see what the line looked like, since J and I had both been dreaming of their peanut butter cold brew. Unfortunately, the line was crazy, so we decided to head back to the hotel.

On the way back to the hotel, L had a major blowout - I have not seen anything like that come out of his body since the newborn days. It got on his clothes, in his shoes, on Jason...but somehow not on the car seat or stroller. 🙌 So, after we got L bathed and put to bed, I got to spend some time washing clothes and shoes. We got L down shortly before 9:00, J went to bed around 10:30, and I followed around 11:00.


While it had not been the travel day we'd hoped for, we were all glad to be at Disney, and ready for our first park day at Animal Kingdom!

Up next: The reason for this TR title


Sunday, November 26th- Travel Day - Continued

One thing we really appreciated about Kidani Village was the parking deck located under the hotel. If you can snag a parking spot in the section where you’re staying (we were in Timon), you can be from your room to your car very quickly. This was a game changer, especially when we were rushing out to get to the parks for Early Entry in the mornings.

Shortly before 6:00 pm, we left our room and headed out for Disney Springs. We were a little bummed that we weren’t going to have as much time at DS as we’d originally anticipated, but we decided to make the most of it, and at least grab dinner. We parked in the Lime Garage, which was close to full - it was a busy night at DS.

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Once we made it through bag check and into DS, we spotted a balloon vendor right away. We had wanted to get L a Christmas balloon last year, but never saw them for sale in the parks, so we knew we needed to grab one while we had the chance. Balloon secured, we headed out to do a little shopping. I suggested saving World of Disney for another day later in the trip, since we had limited time and it was very crowded, but I was overruled. 🤷‍♀️ In World of Disney, J and I got the Mom and Dad coffee mugs that we had had our eyes on for the past couple trips.

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After World of Disney, we headed over to Ever After Jewelry. I had seen on Instagram that they were showcasing a new line of jewelry from the brand Girls Crew, that looked really cute. Unfortunately, I did not read the fine print, and they only had it in store through Thanksgiving, so we were too late. I was able to find the collection online, and I wouldn't have paid that much for earrings anyway. 😂 After Ever After Jewelry, we headed out in search of dinner.

p.s. Have they always put lights on these palm trees? This was the first time we'd noticed them.

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For dinner, we were torn between D-Luxe Burger and Chicken Guy. We decided to go with Chicken Guy, since we hadn't eaten there since Pre-Covid. The line to order was very long, but thankfully it moves fairly quickly. Unfortunately, all seating indoors was taken, so we had to find a table outside. It had been drizzling on and off, so it was a little damp, but we made the most of it.

For dinner, we all got Chicken Tenders - J and I got the 5-Piece Meal, and L got the kids' 2-Piece Meal.

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There was a table next to us with 3 big kids, and L spent the entire meal trying to get their attention. 😂 It started sprinkling again while we were sitting outside, but thankfully we were done eating by that point, so we were able to quickly clean up and head out. We decided to pop over to Gideon's to see what the line looked like, since J and I had both been dreaming of their peanut butter cold brew. Unfortunately, the line was crazy, so we decided to head back to the hotel.

On the way back to the hotel, L had a major blowout - I have not seen anything like that come out of his body since the newborn days. It got on his clothes, in his shoes, on Jason...but somehow not on the car seat or stroller. 🙌 So, after we got L bathed and put to bed, I got to spend some time washing clothes and shoes. We got L down shortly before 9:00, J went to bed around 10:30, and I followed around 11:00.

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While it had not been the travel day we'd hoped for, we were all glad to be at Disney, and ready for our first park day at Animal Kingdom!

Up next: The reason for this TR title
I’m praying you guys got some sleep!!

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