Trip Report COMPLETED! MVMCP, Strep throat and a double ear infection, my November 2014 trip report

Hello everyone! My name is Davita and I had every intention of writing this trip report after my trip, but of course life got in the way. It's been a rough couple of months but I'm ready now to relive my magical trip. If you want to read my brief pre trip report here but the cast are just me and my DH Paul. Here we are

In short, I'm an RN who's favorite character is Ariel and he's an orchestra teacher who's favorite character is Donald. Because he's a teacher we never have very many options for vacation because he refuses to use all his days at once. So it was either crazy Christmas/New Years crowds or Thanksgiving this year. This is my very first trip report and I'm a little nervous I'm gonna screw it up. Plus I looked at my pictures and I noticed we had hardly any food pictures! Next trip report I promise I'll take more food pictures!

Day one! November 20
Before I talk about this day I'm an RN who works night shift only and I always have horrible problems switching over to day shift mode for these vacations. So I decided this trip that I would force myself to wake up really early so I'll be tired and hopefully sleep the night before the flight. Of course I couldn't sleep because I was so excited and I was extra tired and cranky when we got up at 4 am for our 0650 flight. Security was fast and our usual Starbucks breakfast had and we got to board! Which means one thing, selfies!

Ahh! I look scary! Our flight was nice and quiet but I couldn't sleep at all. We stopped in Houston to change plans and of course that flight was completely packed and full of kids. So I really couldn't sleep. At this point I hoped we had enough time between checking in and MVMCP for me to take a nap. We'll see how that works out...
Almost landing at MCO finally and we had to take a picture of our Magic Bands! It's the first trip for us that we get to use these.

Selfie of our first ride of the trip! the MCO monorail.

At this point I'm a little slap happy but ready to get to the resort! Magical Express was a breeze with the magic bands and we were put on a bus that had two more seats left and we departed immediately! Then it was announced Wilderness Lodge was the first stop! This luck wouldn't last by the way....
Check in was a breeze even though I had checked in online and requested a higher floor room but we received a room on the second floor. It was ok no big deal to me. Our room reminded me a lot of the Grand Californian rooms so for us it felt like home!



Love Meeko!!!
So at this point it's about 3:30 and we had two options. One was take a nap before MVMCP but I really wanted to be in the park early. The other option was when we booked this trip we had bought 7 day magic your way tickets because we didn't think we'd be back at the World for over a year. Then my mom offered to take us to home this year in June for my 30th(!!!) birthday for 10 days. I jumped at that of course but we wanted to upgrade to APs. Even thought I was exhausted, hungry and cranky my DH convinced me to upgrade to annual passes now instead of later, then come back to the room to get ready for the party.

We went to the TTC to upgrade and it took forever! I had to remind myself where I was and what I was doing and that I would sleep when this was over! It was really pretty this day at sunset and I could just kick myself for not taking one picture! By the time we got over to Magic Kingdom again the party guests were already being allowed in for the party and my DH asked if we could just run to get the camera. So we were waiting at this bus stop for WL, and waiting....and waiting....and 20 minutes later no bus at all. I just said that's it! Let's just go into the park and eat and start the party. So needless to say our first Christmas party was not starting out well, and we only had our cell phones for pictures.

We went back into MK and decided to eat at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe. We both ate cheeseburgers. We have no pictures again of this part and I'm sorry. Any other day I'd want a video of Sonny Eclipse's whole show but today I just ate and tried to wake up.

One of my trip traditions is to get a pair of Minnie ears and wear them mostly the whole trip. When I see pictures I know what trip it was based on my ears. I knew exactly what set I wanted and I needed a new shirt for the party so we went off to the Emporium then to change in the bathrooms. And here is the finished product!

Then it was off to the emergency stop of Starbucks! I know a lot of people don't like the Starbucks on Main Street but it was a lifesaver and if I didn't have that boost right then I would never have enjoyed the rest of the party.

Next I'll finish up day one with the rest of the party!


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Continuing Thanksgiving...

I think we wandered around a little bit more but everything at this point was over an hour wait. We decided it would be a good idea to try to find spots for Festival of Fantasy. We found a decent spot in Frontierland in the shade.

This poor guy was very entertaining getting heckled by a small group of little children. He handled it well.

The parade! I loved it so much! DH took tons of pictures and here is a small amount of them.





Ariel! My favorite!


Merida's float was too cute. I asked DH if Merida was his favorite princess and he said yes, and I said you just like curly haired lasses. He liked that.

DH caught a perfect fire breathing dragon moment from Maleficent. She was by my far my favorite float! A little boy next to us freaked and said mom! There's a guy inside the dragon! That was funny.

DH was sad we weren't on the Donald side

Mickey and Minnie! So cute!

Next, nap break and dinner at Liberty Square Tavern!


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Continuing with Thanksgiving,

After FoF we decided to take a break from the massive crowds everywhere. Slowly we made it up to Main Street and ended up seeing the parade again from down there.

We took the boat ride back to WL and this was the first time we took this ride during the day so DH took lots of pictures






Love that he caught the monorail with the castle
After our break we came back for our dinner reservations at Liberty Tree Tavern. It seemed like the perfect Thanksgiving meal in the park.


DH was obsessed with the cups.


My blurry picture of my plate. It was all really good and made it feel like Thanksgiving. I'm not sure I'd want to eat there on a day that wasn't a holiday.

We decided to stop at Country Bear Jamboree

I don't care how corny it is, it's a must do every trip.

Next some late night Magic Kingdom touring in the COLD


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Finishing up Thanksgiving Day.

Oops I forgot to post this awesome selfie of us at Be Our Guest!

After Country Bear we went to use our Seven Dwarves Fastpass. I'm not sure if I liked it more at night or day. Night is really really dark. I don't know why the mountain doesn't have some lighting package because it's just black everywhere. And the ride picture is weird.

The ride video that you get from Memory Maker also went from day to night, it didn't make any sense.
We sat in the very back again and we decided to make it extra swing-y. We liked it, the people in front of us didn't seem to appreciate it. Sorry..

It's a small world selfies!!

I love that ride. I wish that ride could be in a show building like at Disneyland's. Then it would be perfect. Oh and I need animal topiaries like at Disneyland, that's a must.

I just remember wandering around a lot. Peoplemover was down, and it was just sooo cold. So we stopped for some photopass pictures

I know we rode Jungle Cruise, Mickey's Philarmagic, and Pirates with a 20 minute wait! It was the shortest wait time we ever saw Pirates have. That's the one casualty of Fastpass+ that bothers me the most. Pirates was always one you could walk on but these hour long waits make me miss that ride terribly.

One more picture before we left at midnight

COLD. Probably not a good idea with my sickness, I wouldn't recommend it.

Next time, LAST day at the World, and final thoughts


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Last day....sadness Day 8 November 28

This trip ended SO quickly I couldn't believe it. And even though I still felt really bad I still didn't wanna go home. We woke up fairly early, packed up the room, finished our donuts and dropped our bags at the luggage area. I wanted to spent our last day at Magic Kingdom of course! I believe we took the boat over. I guess the post Disney depression already sunk in because we took the least amount of pictures today out of all the days!

We went straight to Space Mountain for our first Fastpass and my sleeping affliction on the ride struck again. Just kidding. I guess the flash makes me close my eyes?

I think we walked by Peoplemover but it was down again. It was just not it's week this week at all! Then we walked over to Big Thunder for the first time this trip as well. I love Big Thunder, but I hope they update it soon like they did in Disneyland. The added effects really make a huge difference!

I distinctly remember doing the Tiki Room somewhere in there. Not having Dole Whips while watching the Tiki Room is a tradition at Disneyland I miss very much over in the World. Then since we were on that side of the park we went to Pecos Bill's. We usually eat here at least once per trip and it isn't as good as I remember. I don't know exactly what the difference was but it was wasn't the same.

DH had to take a picture of the Christmas cups

Then we used our last Fastpass for the day at Splash Mountain. We sat in the back and the rest of the boat was another group. They were really cool and had these glasses for the picture. I wish they had brought two more, we totally would have worn them.

Some Splash selfies


I was wearing a Beauty and the Beast shirt and I got the idea in my head to see Gaston while wearing it. When we walked over to his meet and greet the line was all the way backed up and they closed the line. The CM told us when to come back so we wandered back to the old Fantasyland. Everything around us had long waits so we went to that Fastpass kiosk next to Mickey's Philharmagic. By the time we got to the front of the line we got to an open kiosk, and there was nothing good for us. We were getting picked up my Unmagical Express at 5 pm so we had limited options.

We decided to see Mickey's Philharmagic just for fun. When we came out it was past the time the CM told us to come back for Gaston so when we got there the line was closed again. Dang it! I told DH he owed me a visit with Gaston in June.

We started wandering back to Frontierland to find a spot for Festival of Fantasy again. I really loved that parade.
The best part happened this parade! When Belle and Beast passed by DH pointed at my shirt and Belle blew me a kiss! And DH caught it on camera!

Like the winter outfit for Belle.

DH missed this part but the Prince Charming from Cinderella was MY Prince Charming from 1900 Park Fare!! I freaked when I saw him! But he didn't see me....le sigh.


My favorite float!

Can she come home with us???
We stopped for this Photopass photo...

We were cold, could you tell??

I think at this point we couldn't find anything else to do. Everything was crazy packed and by the time we got to Main Street it was around 4:15 I think. We stopped in the Emporium and did some last minute shopping and then said goodbye to MK. SOBS!! This is always the worst part of the trip!!

When we got back to WL we stopped to take some pictures in the front of the awesome Christmas tree
WILDRNS_LOBBY_7108154216.jpeg we said goodbye, and some final thoughts.


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Last day continued...

We walked around the lobby and took some more photos


We bought the small version of this for home. I love it!

After this we sat outside with our luggage and waited for the inevitable. I took my last dose of all my cold medicine. Unmagical Express came and we were off. We stopped at the Grand Floridian and the Polynesian on the way to the airport.

The way to MCO I didn't cry this time like a big baby. I think because I knew we would be back in June. That's the only way I kept it together. After June though I think I might not be as kept together.

Checked our luggage in and ate at McDonald's. This is always the worst part of the trip because you have to pay for our food now and your Magic Band does nothing now!

Our flight was Southwest Airlines and this is me before we boarded

NOT happy at all!

The flight from Orlando to Houston was the worst! I felt horrible and I couldn't sleep at all because we were sitting in front of the two biggest brats ever. I'm sorry I understand kids talk and move around but these kids? They kept kicking our chairs, screaming, banging on the tray table so hard my whole chair would shake, and fighting. I think the parents shouldn't have let them sit together because the older brother was clearly egging his little sister on. I put my headphones on and tried to tune them out.

It was during this flight I noticed that my left ear wouldn't pop. It felt really muffled and I couldn't release the pressure in it. I tried to ignore this and tell myself that it would get better once we landed. We changed planes in Houston and our flight was a little delayed so we only had time to use the restroom and run to the gate which started boarding immediately.

Luckily on this flight we only had a chatty baby behind us and I was able to pass out. But my left ear never popped. I knew this probably wasn't good at all. It was so muffled I couldn't hear anything on that side.

We landed around 10 in El Paso and went straight home. I went straight to bed and set an alarm so I could get to an urgent care right when they opened. My ear was still super muffled. My great souvenir from this trip? A double ear infection and strep throat. I'm not sure how I kept going but I think the flight was what killed my ears. I had so much fluid in them I was dizzy if I moved too quickly. I mostly spent the rest of the week in bed.

So some final thoughts...

Magical Express: it worked super well for us. However I HATE the new videos. It feels like you are watching all the videos from the Disney Parks Blog(which they are). It's just not the same without seeing the characters checking in to the hotel and the characters singing bye to you as you are going home.

Wilderness Lodge: our first Deluxe stay at WDW. I loved our room but we had some issues with it. The TV was very glitchy and the Disney stations never worked very well. Stacy in particular we never could watch all the way because it would freeze! I needed my Stacy fix! We called maintenance but I'm not sure what they did because it never worked. Also, the hot water situation. If we showered I guess at peak shower times only one of us would get a hot shower. Whoever showered next would get an ice cold shower. Not fun at all. I've never had that issue in any Disney resort before. Mousekeeping was great! We got these little guys one night

And the next night they had a baby!!! So naughty

Our rooms were always picked up and very nice. The rooms were pretty quiet except for the doors. We had a lot of loud people running by our door so we had to put a towel under the door sometimes to block that.
When we checked in the Christmas decorations weren't up yet and sometime in the middle of the trip, they all appeared "magically" at night. It really was like waking up and Santa had come.

We really loved the boat to Magic Kingdom, such a relaxing ride and very convenient! I know I spoke about this before but the buses were much slower than when we stayed at Port Orleans. The sharing with the other deluxes was the main problem so something to think about if you are considering WL. Only thing I regret is that we didn't take any pictures of the outside of the resort!! We need to go again just for that!

And finally I buy a lot of pins and these were the latest purchases!

The limited release ones this trip were the MVMCP, Hipster Mickey and Minnie, and the Season's Screamings one with Jack and Sally. I really love the Epcot World Showcase collection and our first Annual Passholder pin! Oh and we always buy our Resort pin where we are staying so we chose the WL totem pole one.

And that's it! I'm really looking forward to writing a Pre Trip Report for our June trip so maybe next weekend when I'm off again! Thanks to everyone who read! First trip report ever done!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report! We are leaving in three weeks and this helped me get even more excited! That's awful you were sick...when we went 6 years ago I got a really bad head cold and it was awful...but no rest for the weary when you're at Disney!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing your wonderful vacation with us. Sorry that you were felling so bad the last few days buy you pushed through it all and made the best of the situation. All of the pictures were really special and added to the whole trip report. Loved reading your report from start to end and I will be watching for the next pre trip report. Hope you are feeling much better after visiting Urgent care. Until next time.


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Very good report, thanks for sharing. :)
Now I even want to buy pins when we go (and I'm not into pins, lol)

Thanks! I clearly have a problem with pins....

Great trip report! We are leaving in three weeks and this helped me get even more excited! That's awful you were sick...when we went 6 years ago I got a really bad head cold and it was awful...but no rest for the weary when you're at Disney!

Thanks for reading! It's funny how I can keep going at Disney but when I got home to work I couldn't get out of bed!

I loved your report! I'm sorry you got so sick but glad you still had a great time! Your report makes me want to stay at WL...

I loved WL! It was especially perfect at Christmas! I highly recommend it.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful vacation with us. Sorry that you were felling so bad the last few days buy you pushed through it all and made the best of the situation. All of the pictures were really special and added to the whole trip report. Loved reading your report from start to end and I will be watching for the next pre trip report. Hope you are feeling much better after visiting Urgent care. Until next time.

Thank you so much for all the kind words. June is our first trip to the World with other people so it should be interesting! It took me a good week to feel better and my ears were "popping" for weeks! I hope being this sick means I won't get sick there for many trips to come. :-)

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