Trip Report COMPLETED! MVMCP, Strep throat and a double ear infection, my November 2014 trip report

Hello everyone! My name is Davita and I had every intention of writing this trip report after my trip, but of course life got in the way. It's been a rough couple of months but I'm ready now to relive my magical trip. If you want to read my brief pre trip report here but the cast are just me and my DH Paul. Here we are

In short, I'm an RN who's favorite character is Ariel and he's an orchestra teacher who's favorite character is Donald. Because he's a teacher we never have very many options for vacation because he refuses to use all his days at once. So it was either crazy Christmas/New Years crowds or Thanksgiving this year. This is my very first trip report and I'm a little nervous I'm gonna screw it up. Plus I looked at my pictures and I noticed we had hardly any food pictures! Next trip report I promise I'll take more food pictures!

Day one! November 20
Before I talk about this day I'm an RN who works night shift only and I always have horrible problems switching over to day shift mode for these vacations. So I decided this trip that I would force myself to wake up really early so I'll be tired and hopefully sleep the night before the flight. Of course I couldn't sleep because I was so excited and I was extra tired and cranky when we got up at 4 am for our 0650 flight. Security was fast and our usual Starbucks breakfast had and we got to board! Which means one thing, selfies!

Ahh! I look scary! Our flight was nice and quiet but I couldn't sleep at all. We stopped in Houston to change plans and of course that flight was completely packed and full of kids. So I really couldn't sleep. At this point I hoped we had enough time between checking in and MVMCP for me to take a nap. We'll see how that works out...
Almost landing at MCO finally and we had to take a picture of our Magic Bands! It's the first trip for us that we get to use these.

Selfie of our first ride of the trip! the MCO monorail.

At this point I'm a little slap happy but ready to get to the resort! Magical Express was a breeze with the magic bands and we were put on a bus that had two more seats left and we departed immediately! Then it was announced Wilderness Lodge was the first stop! This luck wouldn't last by the way....
Check in was a breeze even though I had checked in online and requested a higher floor room but we received a room on the second floor. It was ok no big deal to me. Our room reminded me a lot of the Grand Californian rooms so for us it felt like home!



Love Meeko!!!
So at this point it's about 3:30 and we had two options. One was take a nap before MVMCP but I really wanted to be in the park early. The other option was when we booked this trip we had bought 7 day magic your way tickets because we didn't think we'd be back at the World for over a year. Then my mom offered to take us to home this year in June for my 30th(!!!) birthday for 10 days. I jumped at that of course but we wanted to upgrade to APs. Even thought I was exhausted, hungry and cranky my DH convinced me to upgrade to annual passes now instead of later, then come back to the room to get ready for the party.

We went to the TTC to upgrade and it took forever! I had to remind myself where I was and what I was doing and that I would sleep when this was over! It was really pretty this day at sunset and I could just kick myself for not taking one picture! By the time we got over to Magic Kingdom again the party guests were already being allowed in for the party and my DH asked if we could just run to get the camera. So we were waiting at this bus stop for WL, and waiting....and waiting....and 20 minutes later no bus at all. I just said that's it! Let's just go into the park and eat and start the party. So needless to say our first Christmas party was not starting out well, and we only had our cell phones for pictures.

We went back into MK and decided to eat at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe. We both ate cheeseburgers. We have no pictures again of this part and I'm sorry. Any other day I'd want a video of Sonny Eclipse's whole show but today I just ate and tried to wake up.

One of my trip traditions is to get a pair of Minnie ears and wear them mostly the whole trip. When I see pictures I know what trip it was based on my ears. I knew exactly what set I wanted and I needed a new shirt for the party so we went off to the Emporium then to change in the bathrooms. And here is the finished product!

Then it was off to the emergency stop of Starbucks! I know a lot of people don't like the Starbucks on Main Street but it was a lifesaver and if I didn't have that boost right then I would never have enjoyed the rest of the party.

Next I'll finish up day one with the rest of the party!


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When we got to Hogsmeade we decided to go ride Forbidden Journey. When we got here the wait was already 70 minutes. Ugh

So since we already saw the full queue last year, we did the singles line. I recommend the single rider line here because you really don't even see the person next to you anyway and it was practically a walk on. We came out and decided to send post cards to everyone from Hogsmeade. We bought postcards and stamps with the Hogwarts Express on it and they have a little station where they stamp your post cards with the Owl Post and Hogsmeade stamp. It's a big hit back home
I just thought these were awesome. I want the Firebolt.

And after that I wanted lunch and I knew the only place I wanted to eat at. The leaky Cauldron! So we took the Hogwarts Express back to Universal Studios. The show is different both ways so make sure you see both shows they are both really cool. The quick service restaurant is right at the entrance of Diagon Alley and it's a big place but the theming is so well done you can't tell from the street how big it is. We went in and hit a line...of course. I think we waited at least 20 minutes maybe 30. There are a bunch of stations to order and then you get a number and someone escorts you to an open table. I loved that, no searching for a table with a tray full of food.





I don't remember what DH ordered for food but he got a lemon drink that was ok.

I, of course had to get the one and only BUTTERBEER

This drink is SO good. Everyone has to try it. And for my food I got bangers and mash. It was sausage with mashed potatoes and veg. It was ok. It tasted better than it looked.

We ate and decided to take a break and maybe see something else at Universal besides Harry Potter, ha!


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Next we crossed the lagoon over to the Springfield side. We took a lot of silly pictures because we are proper children of the 90s and love the simpsons.








We rode the Simpsons ride because it was the only thing nearby with a short wait. I thought it was pretty cool but DH was unimpressed. It was at this point I noticed DH was fading fast. If it isn't Disney he just doesn't have the patience to deal with heat and crowds like this.
He did perk up a bit when he saw this beauty

We rode the E.T. ride to try to get DH really happy again and he did like that! After this I want ice cream and I've been dying to try the Butterbeer ice cream! We walked back into Diagon Alley and it was swamped! There were lines for everything. Even a line to get into the ice cream shop, and then wait in THAT line on the inside. But O.M.G. Butterbeer is good but I had no idea the ice cream would be even better. I could eat 20 of these

DH really wanted new wands. He's collecting all the teacher wands and he already has Prof McGonagall and I have Hermione's. But we walked by the wand shop, and there was a line to get into there as well. Both of us were getting super frustrated and decided to start walking to the front. DH wanted to leave but I wanted to see Transformers and then we saw the lines. Everything had over an hour wait. So we just went to the front of the park shop and DH got Prof Dumbledore and Prof Snape's wands. And we walked back to the cab area and went back home. I'm starting to think Universal might take up more than 1 day for our schedule but not sure if we could handle leaving Disney that long!

Next, we're Disney bounding! And eating at California Grill!


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We took a nap after Universal. It was super hot that day and something about Universal wipes us out in the heat. We had reservations at California Grill for 9 pm and I was so excited about this! I've also always wanted to do Disney bounding where you dress like the Disney characters and I was so happy DH agreed to be Eric to my Ariel! selfies before!


My bow for this evening.

We had a nice commute over to the Contemporary via the boat from Wilderness Lodge. We checked in at the California Grill elevator and was escorted up and our table was ready immediately. I ordered a twister mai tai and DH ordered a martini




We hadn't eaten since the Leaky Cauldron and these drinks hit us fast. I felt super tipsy and I had to slow down and eat bread like crazy! I was so tipsy I took a picture of my bison meal and then deleted it after I ate it. Oops. I got it together for my dessert trio though.

The banana split was amazing! My favorite part! DH ordered his favorite, the creme brulee.
Then it was time to watch the fireworks! I was so excited to see it up there!


I might have cried like a big baby. There are hopefully no witnesses....
We went down to the monorail and finally a cast member knew what we were doing! She screamed Ariel and Eric!! I was so glad someone recognized us! I had a mission to meet Ariel dressed like this and I had a Fastpass and we were already in the window to use it. Then we made the dumb choice to take the monorail instead of just walking to MK. I forgot it goes all....the....way....around to all the resorts. The wait was agonizing I was panicking would we make it??? Then we get to MK and there was already a monorail at the bay and we had to wait!! I wanted to lose my mind!!! We took this selfie and even though we look happy I was freaking out!

Next! Do we make it to see Ariel?! The suspense!!!


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After we departed the monorail we ran to the bag check, then the Mickey readers. Another cast member recognized us! He said love the Ariel homage. Made me very happy we had 15 minutes left we were gonna make it!!

Then we got to Main Street....

And walked straight into the Electrical Parade

This was the first time I was every upset at seeing the electrical parade. It was agony trying to walk up main street and time was just zipping by. We tried to go into the shops but that side isn't open all the way and when we came back onto Main Street people had stopped walking again. I kept telling DH we aren't gonna make it! We aren't gonna make it!! Just slowly walking all the way through the hub....and on the bridge next to Cosmic Ray's....I almost started crying. Then our window passed. We were late

Finally, we got to the Mine Train Coaster and the walkways opened up and DH tried to run. I tried my best but I was wearing flat toms and I couldn't run very fast we ran around Storybook Circus and ran to the Mickey readers for the Ariel meet and greet. We scanned our bands and the Mickey went GREEN!! We were within the grace period!!!

After we caught our breath the Cast Members loved us! Everyone said how adorable we looked and Ariel would love us! And finally we walked in!



She said we looked like twins! She was such a good Ariel very talkative and sweet and spent lots of time with us.
At this point I asked her if we could take pictures just the two of us.

She told me here to take my "fin" and turn to my side. I was dying I was so happy.


We said bye to Ariel and then went to ride the Little Mermaid ride. I forget what it's called since it's called something different in California.

We walked back to Main Street and took more photopass pictures. This was my favorite picture of the whole trip!


Then we stopped by the emporium and I bought this little beauty to commemorate the night.

The park was about to close so we went back to the room and went to sleep. I was soo happy.
Next time...I get sick, REALLY sick and we get flooded out of Animal Kingdom.


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What a wonderful day at Universal, I really can't wait to be able to experience the New Harry Potter section. You caught some very detailed pictures of the new area that was awesome. California Grill is an great place to eat dinner and catch the fireworks. Glad you were able to meet Ariel even being a couple minutes late. Following along.


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Loving the TR so far!! Ariel is my absolute favorite too and I disney bounded as her for my birthday last year and had such a great interaction. I have super bright red hair like her also, she said we were twin. Cant wait to read more!


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What a wonderful day at Universal, I really can't wait to be able to experience the New Harry Potter section. You caught some very detailed pictures of the new area that was awesome. California Grill is an great place to eat dinner and catch the fireworks. Glad you were able to meet Ariel even being a couple minutes late. Following along.
Thank you! The new Harry Potter is awesome but get there early! And eat ice cream for breakfast otherwise you'll wait outside like we did! I love California Grill best place to watch fireworks ever!


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Great TR so far. Your Ariel Disneybound is lovely-- so classy!

I have the same Hermoine shirt you wore to Universal! The day I went to Diagon Alley, the Gringotts ride was having lots of problems too. Sorry you didn't get to see the full queue.

Following along!


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Great TR so far. Your Ariel Disneybound is lovely-- so classy!

I have the same Hermoine shirt you wore to Universal! The day I went to Diagon Alley, the Gringotts ride was having lots of problems too. Sorry you didn't get to see the full queue.

Following along!
Thank you for the kind words and following along! Hermione is awesome, my favorite character.


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Great report so far!! I was there the week before you, crowds changed so drastically!!! We walked on pretty much everything, or were able to get a fastpass for it.

Love your Disneybound!!!
Thanks! We are already planning our next Disney bound, looks like it's gonna be Donald and Daisy. :-) Yeah the crowds just get worse as the week goes on.


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Yay! I'm done working this week so I can start working on this trip report again!

Day 5! November 25 Animal Kingdom Day!

I woke up that night early with my throat on fire. It was horrible and I couldn't sleep after that. I was hoping that it was just allergies from the weather changes. This day we woke up and it was really cloudy. Weather reports weren't looking optimistic with tornado warnings for the theme park area. Of course with our luck, it had to be Animal Kingdom day. After our long bus ride we arrived.
Photopass time! This is the one and only time we were dry at the park this day.

While walking to Everest it started to sprinkle, we were trying to be optimistic especially since we saw trains going on the ride.
The rain was getting worse so we stopped here to put our ponchos on. And since I am a big dork I wanted to pet the tiger on the wall.

I thought it came out really cool!
Everest was still running when we got into the queue but after we passed the part with the bells, they closed the ride and emptied the queue. After we exited the rain was getting really hard but we kept walking towards Africa for our Kilimanjaro Safari Fastpass. Thats when the downpour started. We had to stop and hide under the Tamu Tamu Refreshments awning for coverage.

There we waited for a long time, it was really bad. Water was coming up to the building. We had to stand right against the wall to stay relatively dry, because all the storm drains were clogged and overflowing.

While we were hiding under the awning, the thunder and lightning seemed to be getting closer and closer. We've been through the summer downpours but nothing like this. It wouldn't let up at all. After like half an hour I started getting antsy and wanted to go somewhere and try to ride something. So I had the brilliant idea to run to the Safaris. It was still downpouring with thunder and lightning.

So we took off running and ran straight into a gigantic lake that had formed in the middle of the walkway in Africa. Immediately my shoes and my socks were completely soaked. When we finally got the Fastpass area of the Safari we were drenched. Rain was coming inside my poncho somehow. We got into the queue and there were people everywhere sitting in the queue just hanging out. Not a good sign. We got all the way to the loading area and they let us line up and then nothing....the ride was stopped. The entire loading was area was flooded with rain and debris and the trucks couldn't drive through it. We heard the trucks were stuck on the ride as well.

So for the next half hour we watched some poor guy stand in the loading area above a drain trying to unclog it. He was pulling out a ton of leaves and roots and trash. It was kinda amusing but standing in my wet socks and shoes was getting old. We both took off our shoes and even wrung out our socks and shoes but it didn't help.

We waited ten more minutes and decided to give up. The rain was still going and there was no letting up. Our first stop was at Creature Comforts where I bought sandals and DH bought ugly crocs. We then stopped at the lockers and put our nasty shoes and socks inside so we didn't have to carry them around all day.

We wandered back towards Everest to see if it was open because it was only sprinkling at this point, but no it was still down. I think at this point it was already lunch time and we had a late lunch reservation at Sanaa and we were both hungry. We went back to Tamu Tamu to get something to share. We split the chicken curry. But then it started raining hard again and we ran across to Dawa bar to try to eat our food, and it was packed. There were no tables at all, so we ate over a trash can. It was really good! Kinda spicy but I liked that for my throat.

With no prospects for any outdoor rides being open we jumped into Festival of the Lion King. I didn't get to see much of the expansion for Harambe but what we did see was really cool and detailed, I'm glad Lion King is in Africa now.
It's my favorite show at Disney World and it was a great place to dry off. We were in the Lion section, my favorite and we got to see the Giraffe float have a bit of malfunction. It got stuck in the middle of the stage trying to cross and they had to bring out tech workers to fix it.



Simba! I love Simba.
After this we had to go back out into the horrible weather. We had a Fastpass to meet Mickey and Minnie so off we went. We "walked on" to meet them and it was awesome! I was surprised to see them in their winter outfits. I told Minnie she was my favorite and she gave me the biggest hug!


After this we donned our rain gear and decided to see if Everest was open. We started running when we saw trains going with actual people on them! Used our return anytime fastpass we got after the Safari fiasco, and we walked on. Usually we wait to sit in the front, but this time we didn't want to press our luck and just sit where we were assigned. I'm so glad we kept our ponchos on during the ride because the rain started again and we were pelted the entire ride. DH loved it, me not so much.

yay!! We're riding something!!


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After we rode Everest, the ride went down again. This weather was awful and it never warmed up again the rest of the trip. We started wandering towards Dino Land. I'm not sure why I didn't want to ride Dinosaur, I'm not a fan. I think it's because we've been on the far superior Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland.

I saw a lonely cast member with an umbrella in front of a character meet. It didn't say who it was for so when he said Daisy was meeting we decided why not. I ripped off my poncho super fast and ran to meet Daisy while DH was still struggling with his.


Yay!! DH told Daisy Donald was his favorite and she nodded and pointed at herself like she said me too! She was a great Daisy and was dancing after we left because nobody was in line after us. Very sad. I really wanted to meet Pocahontas after this because of my shirt. But we couldn't find her. We kept asking a bunch of CM's but they all told us unhelpful directions "by the flamingos."
Yeah, that didn't help. It felt like we were wandering around Discovery Island forever. DH found a plaid vest and she said she wouldn't be meeting there until 3. Our Sanaa reservations were in an hour so we decided we had enough of rain and closed rides for the day. Plus my throat was really starting to hurt.

As we were leaving, the rain began to subside slightly so we stopped for Photopass pictures. I've never met a Cast Member that was so uninterested and rude to guests. We asked if he could take our picture, then he said I can take pictures. So we asked again will you take our picture and he said ok, then we posed took a regular shot then asked if he could take a magic shot and he just said NO. And the picture was horrible, there was something on the lens and it appeared in all the pictures like I had smutz on my nose. I didn't, I promise. In this shot in appears in my left eye.

We collected our shoes and socks, and walked out and saw another Photopass guy by the Christmas tree and decided to try again. He was really nice and actually talked to us a little bit about our awesome shirts.

We took the nice short bus ride to Kidani Village. We've eaten at Boma before but we haven't seen Kidani Village before. DH liked it better, said the people were less snobby. I was really looking forward to Sanaa and was not disappointed.

Us waiting for our table. I think I'm starting to look really red and I enjoyed sitting while DH wandered around the lobby.

I was so sad we didn't get a window table but we were close enough I guess.

First we started off with the bread service and we got the Original naan, garlic ginger naan, and the onion with cucumber raita, roasted red pepper hummus, and coriander chutney. We could have eaten this just as the meal. It was so awesome we actually have a picture of it.

For food I don't remember what we ate but DH's so too spicy so I ate it and my throat enjoyed it a lot. It started pouring when we were eating and we saw a Giraffe literally sprint across the savannah to find shelter. Everyone in the restaurant was watching him. I've never seen a giraffe run so fast in my life.
DH was fascinated with this bird. There are tons of pictures of him. I'll spare you and post this one

After lunch, we went back to AK to take a bus to WL. The rain was really bad and I wasn't feeling well. Usually I pack an entire medicine cabinet with me on these trips but I forgot to pack NyQuil or something for cough or sore throat. We went to the WL gift shop and all they had was Robutussin. That doesn't work too well for me but I was desperate for relief. I took my medicine and took a nap.

We woke up later and I really wanted to go to Downtown Disney for DTech on Demand and make my own case with my weird name on it because I never get anything with my name on it! The bus ride was long, super long. DH fell asleep on my shoulder and woke up and we still weren't there. I think it might have been an hour.

We hit the Christmas shop, World of Disney, Pin Traders and Marketplace Co-op. We finished our Christmas shopping and spent a ton of money. DH saw this Donald at Pin Traders and said he felt his pain

Haha! I don't see the resemblance....:angelic:
After this it started raining again! And we went to the bus stop because I was just not feeling it anymore. It started pouring again and we were all hiding under the bus stop waiting for our bus. After three Grand Floridian buses, a bus for WL and the Contemporary was finally able to get through.

We got home and ate dinner at Roaring Forks then took our shoes to the laundromat to dry. DH had to stand and hold the dryer door because it kept popping open with the shoes bouncing around in there. We made a lot of friends with random people drying shoes. The consensus between everyone was Epcot was the best place to be in that weather and AK was the worst. When we went back to our room the deluge had started up again and the cast members were dealing with a flood outside Roaring Forks and everyone coming in from the parks were drenched. We called it a night and went to bed early. Tomorrow is Epcot day 2!


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I forgot to load the pictures of our beautiful phone cases

I love mine! I wanted an Ariel one but they only had one and I thought it was too cartoony. They had more options for Elsa.

Day 6 November 26 Epcot day 2.

I slept horribly that night I kept waking up in pain from my throat. I was taking NyQuil and Robutussin around the clock and nothing was helping. I kept waking up. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and just got up and started getting ready. We bought some donuts from the gift shop and had those as breakfast.

It was really cold that day and cloudy. I should have brought my hoodie along with my long sleeved shirt. Our first stop was Character Spot Fastpass. The line took a long time for being Fastpass I think because the building was nice and warm. We met Goofy first

He was very tall....
Mickey was next

he wasn't a very friendly Mickey. Maybe he was sick, too.
Minnie was last

I'm smiling through my pain....
We had to go outside to the cold and walk to Test Track for our next Fastpass. That line was very quick and we made a pretty pink car.

We started wandering towards World Showcase after this and we saw Duffy meeting. We've never met him before and I talked DH into it. He was not a Duffy fan before this. We were in line behind two Japanese girls with all this cool Duffy merch from Japan. Jealous. When it was our turn we each gave Duffy a big hug, and for some reason DH decided to try to eat Duffy (jk)



Now DH is a big Duffy fan.
Oh I forgot to show you my awesome bow for today!

We started making our tour of World Showcase today and started in Canada. We walked all the way around and went into every shop. And it was cold! Super cold. We stopped for pictures at every Photopass person we could find. I like this one

I don't look so sick there!
Next, continuing around World Showcase and dinner with my BFF


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Continuing our tour around World Showcase. We stopped at Tangierine Cafe for lunch. Last year we ate there and it was 100 million degrees and we almost died of heat stroke on the way. The nice cast members were very concerned for DH and kept checking on him during the meal. THIS year we were freezing and the open air restaurant wasn't very warm. We ate our shawarma and baklava quickly.

We stopped Impressions de France for the first time ever and we really enjoyed it even though it is kinda showing its age. We stopped at American Adventure and waited to see Voices of Liberty. This is the second year in the row I've been chastised by Mary the CM. Last year I tried to bring an American Dream drink into the theater and this year she didn't like where we were sitting in the rotunda. Maybe next year she'll like me.

First time seeing the Voices of Liberty and we really enjoyed it, the CMs are very talented. DH the orchestra teacher was very impressed. Then we saw the American Adventure which is the most packed we've ever seen it.

Kept going around World Showcase and we went back to Japan to shop. I wanted to do the pick a pearl but it was jammed packed over there. We bought some Japanese candy, a little golden kitty and chop sticks (mine are pink!) We also saw the exhibit inside of Japanese folk art, it was cool.

On our way out we saw Matsuriza the drummers. That was awesome. World Showcase in the cold is actually pretty cool. We were able to see the whole thing at once.

We stopped at Karamel Küche to spoil our dinner. I got a salted caramel and DH got a white cake snowball thing. Mine was the overwhelming favorite.

We ate overlooking the lagoon at sunset and it was beautiful. We walked back down to China and saw the acrobats for the first time. They were inside the Reflections of China waiting area. I really enjoyed it.

By this time it was time for our Akershus reservations. We checked in and waited outside. I was feeling pretty loopy so I sat down while we waited. We were called to our table but first we met Belle.

She was a good Belle but not very interactive. I guess it gets old meeting everybody who goes into that restaurant.

Our table was right by the appetizer bar. The thing with a party of two is you always get a dinky table hidden somewhere. I must have been feeling really bad because I cannot remember what I ordered. DH ordered kjøttkake(Norwegian meatballs) he really liked it and kept asking the poor waitress how to pronounce it. DH can't remember what I ordered either. Then the princesses started coming!

Ariel loved my shirt, said her friend Flounder was on it.

I like this Cinderella better than the one from 1900 Park Fare

Snow White was very good.

Loved all the princesses and they gave us plenty of attention even though we are childless.

Dessert time!

It was all really yummy and we left REALLY full.

We started making our way down and stopped to see DH's BF in his ride in Mexico. Always fun. We saw some Photopass people in front of the Christmas tree at the entrance to WS, so we stopped.

Then we saw the topiaries with Donald.
EPCOT_BACKSIDE 4_7106349309.jpeg

By this point I was dunzo and we made our way back to the front. We stopped at MouseGears and bought something. Neither one of us remembers. But we always stop there and spend a bunch of money.
We used our last Fastpass for Spaceship Earth that day, and no pictures yet again. DH is slacking. Then we went to the bus stop and went home and I went to bed early.

Next time, it's Thanksgiving in the Magic Kingdom! And I finally meet Elsa!


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Wow, I can't believe you managed to smile with strep throat. I have had it several times in the last few years and yikes it hurts! Enjoying your trip report.
thanks! I don't know how I did it I wouldn't recommend it. I kept thinking I'm at Disney World and I sucked it up but if I did it again I would have totally taken to a cab to an Urgent Care or something.


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Day 7 November 27th Thanksgiving Day at Magic Kingdom!

That night wasn't as bad for me sickness wise but it was still pretty bad. DH said I sneezed in my sleep and it landed in his ear. TMI I know but it doesn't matter because he never gets sick from me. Ever.

We woke up to another cold day. Magic Kingdom opened at 7 with EMH so we tried our best to get ready early but I was not at full speed. I was very excited because today was meet Elsa and Anna day, AND I had my painted Toms ready to go!

Me at the bus stop. My shirt was a Game of Thrones reference and I was really hoping Elsa would get the joke.

And my awesome bow for today...

Since I'm a nurse I know what it's like to work a major holiday, I've worked them all at one time or another. So we made it a point to wish every CM we came into contact with a Happy Thanksgiving. The bus driver seemed kinda down and not into it but perked up considerably and wished us a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

Usually on Magic Kingdom days we make it for the Welcome show but not once this trip did we make it there on time. It's sad. Next trip we'll do better. Today is also the day we are finally riding Seven Dwarves! We had a Fastpass for the evening but I wanted to ride it in the daytime and nighttime. So we rope dropped that.

You can't tell but it was a really chilly morning. Poor horse

MY castle!

When we got to the ride the wait was 45 minutes already. We took our chances but it was only a half hour. DH wasn't interested in the queue games because the line was moving too fast. We even skipped ahead of some people who weren't paying attention.

We got to ride in the very last row. And this is my favorite picture of DH ever.

He said he was genuinely surprised by the drop. Haha

We stopped for coffee and a muffin from Cheshire Cafe. That muffin was HUGE! No pictures again, today the excuse was we were too cold.

Next we went to Space Mountain and for some reason I apparently fell asleep on the ride

Then we went to Buzz Lightyear. I lost again.

DH has his game face on.

Next we finally rode the Peoplemover for the first time this trip. Every other time we walked by the ride was down. We even saw people getting evacuated once. It was cool.

I had to take a picture of my amazing shoes

Then we wandered to the front of the park to get pictures in front of the train station

Next, we finally meet Elsa! And have lunch at Be Our Guest.


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After our little photoshoot we went to our first Fastpass of the day, Elsa and Anna meet and greet. This Fastpass was the first one I scheduled as soon as our window was open! Then I went backwards and did everything else.

I like the Fastpass here because you really don't see the poor people in the queue so you can't feel guilty!

Elsa was very nice but I don't think she understood my shirt, she just look confused. And our pictures came out kinda blurry. She did like my shoes though.


Next was Anna! She was very impressed with my shoes, she asked me if I did that and I said oh no I have no talent for that! Then she spoke of Olaf "finger painting" with his "sticks" it was really funny. And as I was walking away she shouted bye me! bye Elsa! Bye Olaf! It was really cute.

The meet and greet spits you out into a gift shop and I know everyone sorta hates this but I wanted to take a picture with it.

After this our window for Be Our Guest was open. I scheduled this Fastpass and preordered our food so all we had to do was check in before the bridge starts and just practically walk in. They asked us if we wanted to change our food and we said nope!

We found a table for two in the room I wanted to eat at! The West Wing!


I ordered the roast beef sandwich and DH ordered the tuna niçoise salad. I ordered the masters cupcake and it was delicious. DH said the best part were the very delicious olives. We ate here last year for dinner and we sat in the ballroom. I think I like the lunch experience overall more even though I miss not seeing the Beast. The ballroom was too big and loud, like a cafeteria.
Some more pictures


After this we stopped at the Rapunzel restrooms so I could switch out my gorgeous shoes for just my normal tennis shoes. I didn't want anything to happen to my Frozen shoes.

Then we had a Fastpass for Splash Mountain.

The only time I like sitting in the back on Splash is when it's cold! We just got a light drizzle!

Next, Festival of Fantasy!

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