Trip Report **COMPLETED** It's My Mom's Birthday and We Will Stay DVC If We Want To

Hello everyone!
We just got back from the World on Saturday night so it's time to start my Trip Report!

My Mom (Mary) and myself Megan

The Beach Club Villas! It was our first DVC stay (hence the title) and we loved it!

August 9-17, 2019

Also as the title indicates it was my Mom's Birthday!

Day 1 August 9, 2019
We stayed at a hotel across from the airport the night before since our flight was pretty early and it was cheaper than parking my car at the airport. Plus it was Southwest Points :) So, we got ourselves out of bed at 3:30 am 😴
I completely forgot I said I would make the sign we usually use for our trip so I grabbed some computer paper from the hotel printers and my Mom made a makeshift one :joyfull:

Could not keep my eyes open so we ended up with this one :joyfull:

The hotel said that they would have to put us in a taxi because their shuttle did not run between midnight and 5 am. I was worried about getting all of our luggage into a taxi but when we went up to the desk around 4 am they had the shuttle ready. Hooray!
The Southwest Counter was not open when we got to the airport but it opened within a few minutes. Our luggage was checked and TSA precheck was open so we made it through security very quickly.
We stopped for our usual breakfast of bagels but they only had one so we got a bagel and a croissant

The croissant was not very good but we were good with just the bagel :)
We headed to our gate and the therapy dog Jake was there! He usually does not start until 9 am but his owner knew a family flying to Disney so he brought him in. Of course I had to get a picture

Waiting to board our plane

We boarded the plane super fast! We were in row 2!

Gang is all here

Magic Bands!

The entire plane was boarded by 5:55 except 2 passengers - so we were 15 minutes ahead of schedule except that we had to wait for them for about 10 minutes. It was a bit annoying and we ended up leaving a little late.

Next up: more traveling
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Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yay! Pecos Bill! I haven't been since they remolded it. It seems good, but I do wish the MK had another burger joint. We used to go to Pecos Bill for burgers.

Yes, we notice most people use their "multiple experience" FP as one for the roller coasters. We end up on SM a lot! :geek:

Honestly I had no idea they had burgers there to be honest :hilarious:
It makes the most sense to use it on a roller coaster its the most bang for your buck

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 1 continued


Our room was actually ready very early in the day so after Space Mountain we headed out of the park.
We lucked out with a bus being there already and we got back to the Beach Club super fast!
The Villas are not too far off the Main Lobby so that was nice!
I was super excited because when we walked into the room they already had my Mom's Birthday surprises there :)
I got her this basket of treats (which honestly most of them were stale - which is annoying based on how much they cost)

Toy Story themed flowers

And balloons!

They called me in a panic the day before and asked if my Mom was turning 65 or 56 :hilarious:
My Mom told me I should have said 56 :)

I took some photos of the room since it was our first DVC stay. We were in a Studio
TV/dresser/table/bed where the table is area (we never pulled that one down)

The one bed in the room

Then the couch/pullout. I slept on that - it was pretty comfortable actually!

I loved how much room there was when the couch was up. We put the bed away every day and it felt more like a living room which obviously is the point.

Next up: more room

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 1 continued
The shower/toilet

I was worried about where to hang up our towels so I brought command strips with me but there were plenty of places to hang them up! I was trying to adjust my mindset to not having Mousekeeping every day and honestly in the end we much preferred it this way.
Sink! Lots of room under it to store things

Apparently the only kitchenette photo I took was of the soap :hilarious:

There was a nice size fridge, microwave, sink and cupboard too.
Then the closet. We did have a vacuum (which my Mom actually used at one point), mop, broom in there. I knew from watching room videos there was very little drawer space in the room and we like to unpack so I got these collapsable travel hangers on amazon to hang our clothes on (in addition to the wooden ones they supply) and this worked out great!

After fully unpacking we decided to walk over to Epcot for some dinner. I saw some people walking down a back ways path that I assumed correctly went to Epcot and I was shocked at how close Epcot really was! That was awesome! Oh, along the way I noticed that I lost my Vera Bradley sunglasses case. I was trying out a new backpack this trip and it was a bit too small for me so I knew it probably flew out (it was a soft case) when I was grabbing my camera at the MK.
The sky looked awful....


And indeed it did start pouring. Our plan was to grab some pizza in Italy from the pizza window but that was closed so we wandered around. I tried to find a reservation but there was nothing close to this time available. In hindsight we could have walked up to several restaurants I'm sure because it was not very crowded but my tired brain is my stubborn brain and I was certain they would not take walk ups :facepalm:
Anyway, eventually we decided to eat at the Electric Umbrella.
We never ate there before either and I know its on the Epcot improvement plan chopping list so we planned on eating there eventually this trip anyway. Plus they have mobile order which is nice (although it was dead in there so not necessary).
Blurry photo because it was raining :joyfull:

I got the kids Mac and cheese and my Mom got the kids chicken nuggets


We made sure to sit under an umbrella :)

Next up: more Epcot

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
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Day 1 continued
The food was typical Disney Mac and cheese and nuggets so it was good :)


This chicken nugget looked like a cute little lamb or something

After dinner we popped over to see how long the Spaceship Earth line was but it was pretty long so I just took this picture of my Mom instead :)

The sun finally came out at this point so we stopped for a fountain picture. Probably our last fountain picture ever :arghh:


Then a PP picture.
It was at this point that I noticed I lost my sunglasses (probably because I did not have them in the case I lost) :arghh: I had them when we walked in the park but again must have lost them when I was pulling out my rain coat. Oh man, I was so bummed - they were Coach sunglasses so not exactly cheap unfortunately. I swear to you I never lose things - especially in Disney! I may be a bit scatter brained but usually I find what I am looking for :( Hint- this is also not the last thing I lose this trip :cry::cry:
Anyway, we got the PP picture


Then we went back to the Electric Umbrella just to see if my sunglasses were there. They weren't so they told us to go to Guest Services. They did not have them either but they gave me information how to submit an online request so I did that later.

Next up: finishing up Day 1

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 1 continued
I was tying very hard to not be overly bummed about my sunglasses. At least they were my old pair - I did just buy new sunglasses before this trip. Still I moped around the rest of Epcot I'm sure. Being overtired did not help either.
There was a beautiful rainbow though!

I said before I lost my sunglasses that I wanted a treat in Epcot but after I literally could not even think of what I wanted. I said something from France so we headed to the bakery. We ended up sharing creme brûlée because I wavered too much. I wanted macaroons but not a whole 6 pack of them and I thought I wanted gelato but I didn't :hilarious: I'm sure this whole wavering scenario was super fun for my Mom.

Then we walked back to the Beach Club. We wandered around a bit and somehow I got us lost and we ended up at the bar - Martha's Vineyard. We figured we would stop for a drink - why not drown our sorrows over my sunglasses :hilarious:;)

I got a processco

And my Mom got a red sangria



I thought my Prosecco went well with my nails :joyfull:

Anyway, after this we headed back to the room and off to bed pretty early :)

Next up: Day 2


Well-Known Member
My Hubs loves the mac and cheese and gets it every opportunity! Glad to see other Mac fans here!
Disney Mac and cheese

Oh man, I was so bummed - they were Coach sunglasses so not exactly cheap unfortunately. I swear to you I never lose things - especially in Disney! I may be a bit scatter brained but usually I find what I am looking for

So sorry about your sunglasses! I hate losing things! I'm a little scatterbrained, too! Half the time the sunglasses are on my head! Anyway, sorry that wasn't the case for you. I always take a cheap pair as backup. My mom thinks my $20 polarized sunglasses from the grocery store are too expensive (she gets hers at the dollar store). This is where my mom and I fundamentally disagree :jawdrop::banghead:

I'm sure this whole wavering scenario was super fun for my Mom.

I hate it when I'm distracted, like you, then I don't know what I want. However, I never really waver on treats! I probably would have gone for the gelato but it's sweet your mom split something with you. Mom and I just went on a mega trip and I'm sure I wavered a bit and drove her crazy. Moms still love us, they are sweet that way! 😍😍🥰🥰😘🤩🤩


Well-Known Member
Day 1 continued
I was tying very hard to not be overly bummed about my sunglasses. At least they were my old pair - I did just buy new sunglasses before this trip. Still I moped around the rest of Epcot I'm sure. Being overtired did not help either.
There was a beautiful rainbow though!
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I said before I lost my sunglasses that I wanted a treat in Epcot but after I literally could not even think of what I wanted. I said something from France so we headed to the bakery. We ended up sharing creme brûlée because I wavered too much. I wanted macaroons but not a whole 6 pack of them and I thought I wanted gelato but I didn't :hilarious: I'm sure this whole wavering scenario was super fun for my Mom.
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Then we walked back to the Beach Club. We wandered around a bit and somehow I got us lost and we ended up at the bar - Martha's Vineyard. We figured we would stop for a drink - why not drown our sorrows over my sunglasses :hilarious:;)
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I got a processco
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And my Mom got a red sangria
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I thought my Prosecco went well with my nails :joyfull:
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Anyway, after this we headed back to the room and off to bed pretty early :)

Next up: Day 2

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I cracked up at this one. All I kept thinking was, "only one bagel, didn't they just open?"

I'm late but more than excited to follow along!! Sorry about your sunglasses. That's a bummer.

My Mom and I thought the same exact do you only have one bagel :hilarious:

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 2 August 10, 2019
We got up around 7am, got ready and headed to the Beach Club Marketplace for breakfast. We both ordered kids waffles with bacon.

They were not very good, but I think mainly because they were not fresh. They essentially just have a pile of all the foods they offer sitting there and dish it up as you order it. Truthfully we avoided eating any hot breakfast there the rest of the trip so I can’t say if its always like that.
After breakfast we braved the heat and walked to HS. We have only ever walked from the Boardwalk before and this seemed much further. It did take us about 20 minutes to get there and we were definitely sweating pretty hard.
I was already back to my old backpack :hilarious:



It was the first day we saw the new security. It's nice and organized and they have separate lines that are marked for wheelchairs, strollers and scooters which is cool.

We were not actually intending on making it for Rope Drop but we did :)


Of course we rope dropped Slinky Dog Dash since it is our favorite. Our rope drop was quite eventful. We were behind a couple where the husband was not happy about rope dropping. “You know I don’t like this (insert bad word here).” I mean he said it so loud that it attracted the attention of many kids.
It was SO hot already. Thank goodness for fans!


Overall we waited about 30 minutes so not bad at all. P.S. that guy who was swearing about rope dropping also really loved the ride!

Next up: more HS

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 2 continued
Ride number 1 on SDD




Anyway, our first FP was for Alien Swirling Saucers so we ended up just waiting in TSL for it. This means we skipped our Aerosmith FP which we were fine with. Now with the new tiers at HS I doubt we will ride it at all anymore. I feel like a weakling but I get an immediate headache after it. We did ride it later in the trip though :joyfull:.
Look at this super nice PP picture we got :banghead:

Do you not realize that your camera lens is foggy ?
I never noticed that this one wall is made from "moving boxes"
So cute!





Next up: more HS

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 2 continued
Alien Swirling Saucers




After our ride we headed over to the Incredibles Area.
Edna had a short wait so we hopped in her line for a Disney Check!

We happened to get out right around the time they were starting the Celebrate the Incredibles show. It was super cute!!! They had tons of games and interactive elements to it and the characters were out the entire time dancing with everyone.





Next up: more HS

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 2 continued

We snuck out a bit early because I was able to snag us a lunch reservation for Sci Fi Dine In. This meant we had to miss our last. FP…the Muppets…oh darn. :joyfull:
We checked into Sci Fi and we were seated very quickly.





We ordered our food and that also came out within 5 minutes. It was super hot and delicious though so we did not mind. We shared the Buffalo chicken tenders, fried pickles and a side of fries. Yum! Sorry - so dark for food photos



Our waitress also brought out a cupcake for my Mom’s Birthday which was delicious!

We really enjoyed our meal as usual!

Next up: leaving HS


Well-Known Member
I was already back to my old backpack
LOVE THE OLD PACKPACK! Someday, I'll break down at get a WDW backpack!

that guy who was swearing about rope dropping also really loved the ride

I've noticed most of the complainers end up loving things but won't admit it half the time. :rolleyes:

Overall we waited about 30 minutes so not bad at all. P.S. that guy who was swearing about rope dropping also really loved the ride!
Thirty minutes for SDD really isn't bad that time of day! Good job and nice thinking on the fans!

. I feel like a weakling but I get an immediate headache after it

I love the ride but I always get so stressed out about the launch. Not sure why.


Well-Known Member
Day 1 continued
I got this orange creamsicle vanilla treat
It was literally amazing! I love creamsicles and it tasted just like it
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What is weird about staying at a new resort is not knowing where anything is. I had to ask a CM (the Captain in the lobby actually :joyfull: ) where the Marketplace is :)
Anyway, I did at least know where the bus stop was so we headed over there. We made it just in time to squeeze onto the MK bus. We were very lucky with timing this day :)
We stopped for a PP picture right away
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I feel like we wandered around a bit
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Merida had a short wait and we never met her before so we decided to jump in line.
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She was cool to meet and it was a Disney Check :)
We stopped for another PP picture after this at the Wishing Well. So happy to be able enjoy this area without smokers to be honest.
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Next up: more MK
Hello everyone!
We just got back from the World on Saturday night so it's time to start my Trip Report!

My Mom (Mary) and myself Megan
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The Beach Club Villas! It was our first DVC stay (hence the title) and we loved it!
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August 9-17, 2019

Also as the title indicates it was my Mom's Birthday!

Day 1 August 9, 2019
We stayed at a hotel across from the airport the night before since our flight was pretty early and it was cheaper than parking my car at the airport. Plus it was Southwest Points :) So, we got ourselves out of bed at 3:30 am 😴
I completely forgot I said I would make the sign we usually use for our trip so I grabbed some computer paper from the hotel printers and my Mom made a makeshift one :joyfull:
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Could not keep my eyes open so we ended up with this one :joyfull:
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The hotel said that they would have to put us in a taxi because their shuttle did not run between midnight and 5 am. I was worried about getting all of our luggage into a taxi but when we went up to the desk around 4 am they had the shuttle ready. Hooray!
The Southwest Counter was not open when we got to the airport but it opened within a few minutes. Our luggage was checked and TSA precheck was open so we made it through security very quickly.
We stopped for our usual breakfast of bagels but they only had one so we got a bagel and a croissant
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The croissant was not very good but we were good with just the bagel :)
We headed to our gate and the therapy dog Jake was there! He usually does not start until 9 am but his owner knew a family flying to Disney so he brought him in. Of course I had to get a picture
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Waiting to board our plane
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We boarded the plane super fast! We were in row 2!
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Gang is all here
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Magic Bands!
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The entire plane was boarded by 5:55 except 2 passengers - so we were 15 minutes ahead of schedule except that we had to wait for them for about 10 minutes. It was a bit annoying and we ended up leaving a little late.

Next up: more traveling
Following! Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!

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