Trip Report COMPLETED: BEST (DISNEY) MONTH EVER !! - Dec 2016 - 2 Continents, 2 Resorts, 6 Parks !!

Hello to all the Disney Fans

As the title stipulates the month of December was a great Disney month for me and my family

Quick introduction - I am Max and I have been going to Disney since 1979. This trip report will detail trips 24 and 25 for me. (edit 1/17)

What: The first leg is a solo trip to Tokyo Disneyland and the second is a family trip to Walt Disney World.
Who: My DW (T) and 2 DD ( S 21 and C 19) and me (Max)
(I am using initials to type less and protect the innocent.
The star over my head in the shot below is awesome!!!

When: Dec 10 and 11 at TDR and Dec 23-30 at WDW
Why: Business trip from Dec 2-16 in Japan & family vacation in Florida.

This is my first full length trip report that I have attempted. In the past I have asked a few questions on the boards, and then posted a few details but never really went all in. The family has agreed to this one so here goes. I will try to use Doc Disney, Nicole and Longers amazing reports as motivation.

Just a few disclaimers (and I understand if I might lose most of my viewers but I have to be up front and honest)

#1 - I am Canadian (hence the honest and upfront approach - lol). So my viewpoints and opinions come from a different perspective at times. I will try to avoid political comments but sometimes the jokes are hard to pass on. (And I know the hat gives it away - I support the Blue Jays and that is the hat the team wears on Canada Day - Our birthday - 150 Years old in 2017!!)

#2 - I do not take a lot of food pictures - I am on a seefood diet - I see food and I eat it. I do not take the time to take a picture of it - I will have a few though.(The sound you hear is of all the "foodies" running for the exit)

#3 I do not own or use an expensive camera - all pictures will be either photo pass or iPhone. (the sound you now hear is of all the photographers leaving the building)

#4 Having been to TDR before (and being on a solo trip) and having been to WDW a few times I did not take a ton of pictures. Hopefully enough to tell the story. And my night time shots are limited (see point 3)

#5 I did not take a great notes (I know - Rookie mistake) but I will rely on my family to fill in the blanks for me.

Next Up : Background on the two trips and how them came to be
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Active Member
DHS FW /stage show tip.
Except for the inconsiderate parents who put there kids on their shoulders
I know you want them to see - I get that - so just hold them in your arms - at the same height as you - that way you do not ruin the experience for others.
And I have gone to Disney with my DD's in the past - this is not a rant of a non parent.

Disney did a no selfie stick policy for safety and guest enjoyment.
I hope they do a No child on shoulders policy next.


We were at Disneyland 3 weeks ago. During World of Color, my 8 year old daughter couldn't see, so I held her in my arms for the entire show. Considering my daughter is about 8 inches shorter than me, this was no small feat. By the end of the show my arms felt like they were going to fall off, but there was no way I was putting her on my shoulders and blocking the view of those behind me.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We were at Disneyland 3 weeks ago. During World of Color, my 8 year old daughter couldn't see, so I held her in my arms for the entire show. Considering my daughter is about 8 inches shorter than me, this was no small feat. By the end of the show my arms felt like they were going to fall off, but there was no way I was putting her on my shoulders and blocking the view of those behind me.
They only let me "like" a post once.
If I could I would press the button over one hundred times
Thanks for posting

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Part 2 - Dec 27 cont'd

So after some more DS walkabout we went back to YC and then to AKL for a dinner at Boma.


Took some pictures of the lodge (inside and out)

We then went in for dinner
Have to say this one was disappointing.
Holiday pricing is making it hard to justify a buffet at WDW
I am probably the only one who can come close to eating enough to justify it.

After Boma we went to DHS and watched Fantasmic.
We sat beside a Japanese family that was now living in Indiana
I had fun entertaining their son and daughter as we waited for the show
Sorry - no pics
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Active Member
Part 2 - Dec 27 cont'd

So after some more DS walkabout we went back to YC and then to AKL for a dinner at Boma.

Have to say this one was disappointing.
Holiday pricing is making it hard to justify a buffet at WDW
I am probably the only one who can come close to eating enough to justify it.

After Boma we went to DHS and watched Fantasmic.

(pics to be added tonight)

I've never been to Boma, but I absolutely LOVED Sanaa. It's a Must Do in my opinion. Not a buffet, but the food was amazing and we even had a savanna view from our table


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I've never been to Boma, but I absolutely LOVED Sanaa. It's a Must Do in my opinion. Not a buffet, but the food was amazing and we even had a savanna view from our table
Next time we go to WDW and if a dinner at the AKL is being considered we will go to Sanaa

Thanks for the tip


Premium Member
Love the pictures so far! Can't wait for the final days of your trip! Thank you for sharing!

In your pictures the parks look a lot less crowded than they are in my head for this time of year!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love the pictures so far! Can't wait for the final days of your trip! Thank you for sharing!

In your pictures the parks look a lot less crowded than they are in my head for this time of year!
I must be an amazing photographer (not!)
I think what we did was get to the parks early and leave before it got too bad in the afternoon.

Of course if you take a look at the Tokyo pics you should see more people!!

Thanks for following
I am trying to get the last few days input within the next week or so


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