We go 2-3 times a year, so that leaves the door open for being there a lot more, which in turn leads to the greater chance that something could go wrong just because we're there a lot. We've had to complain quite a few times about TS restaurants, resort rooms, bus service, and MM+.
These next two stories aren't really "complaints" per se, but they are great stories. I might go into a couple of bad experiences in another post, but I will try to keep this one positive.
This next one really wasn't a complaint, nor was it entirely Disney's fault, but it was at Kouzina's. I have several food allergies, which I had just developed (I was in middle school at the time), so I was just avoiding the foods I was allergic to on menus. That was a mistake. We were there for breakfast, and I didn't realize that the blueberry pancakes contained nuts. Thankfully, I noticed when I got them and immediately told the wait staff. They were nice about it, didn't say anything about not telling them about the allergy, brought the chef out, and said that they would make me ones without the nuts. Well, I got the next set, and they were undercooked. Still had batter in the middle. By this point, I was hungry and about in tears. They brought me a properly done set, some fruit before the pancakes, and a cereal bar for the road. When we got back to the room that night, we found a large fruit basket waiting for us. It had the fruits I'm not allergic to in it, plus a few of the gluten/nut-free snacks. It also had several pins that were attached to a heart made from construction paper. There was also a note inside with my name on it. So they figured out where we were staying, what my first name was, and they bothered to check to be sure that there was nothing in there that I was allergic to. I still have the heart with the pins on it.
Another non-complaint type was with Pal Mickey. I was about 9 and dropped my pal Mickey in the water of Rio del Tiempo accidentally (one reason I was not sorry to see that version of the ride go: personal bad memories!

). Needless to say, water and electronics do not mix; he had completely stopped working. We took him to the camera shop in Epcot, the center for Pal Mickey issues at the time, and told the CM working there what had happened. The CM just said, "Oh, not good," and smiled. He left us there for a second, went in the back, brought out another Pal Mickey, and said, "How would you like a new Pal Mickey?" Free of charge, we just gave them the old one. Above and beyond what we were expecting. That one CM definitely saved that day and that trip. And yes, I still have that Pal Mickey.