Just joined up last night after getting back from Disney last Friday. Took a couple days to think about it. Then the wife told me to get home early from work last night so we could call James at DVC and join. Got 160 pts at Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa with a use year date of Dec. 06 so we already have 160 pts now, get another 160 pts in 8 months, and plan on going back next April with 320 to play with!!!! We also got a $1,600 discount too ($10/pt) off of the $104/pt price!! We paid cash this time and only paid a couple hundred to close which was great, so I'm thinking we might decide to get more points at SSR or buy into AKV next time we go down, I am intrigued by the resell stuff though and may opt to get into BCV if possible not sure yet. Does anyone know if DVC offers smaller amounts than 160pts for purchase as I have seen a couple of 50pts resells listed that seemed pretty cheap. AKV is a little scary to buy into now as they only have artist renditions to look at lol, so I was like nah we want SSR!!