Come on everybody...sing your favorite song!!!


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
Standin' on a mountain lookin' down on a city
The way I feel is a doggone pity
Teardrops fallin' down the mountain side
Many times I've been here, many times I've cried
We used to be so happy when we were in love
High on a mountain of love

Johnny Rivers, but I remember someone else singing it....:confused:

Charley Pride?


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Original Poster

You’ll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we walk in fields of gold
So she took her love for to gaze awhile
Upon the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down
Among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me, will you be my love
Among the fields of barley?
We’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we lie in fields of gold
See the west wind move like a lover so
Upon the fields of barley
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
Among the fields of gold

I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I’ve broken
But I swear in the days still left
We’ll walk in fields of gold
We’ll walk in fields of gold

Many years have passed since those summer days
Among the fields of barley
See the children run as the sun goes down
As you lie in the fields of gold
You’ll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light
Those days are over
You don’t have to sell your body to the night
Roxanne, you don’t have to wear that dress tonight
Walk the streets for money
You don’t care if it’s wrong or if it’s right

Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light
Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light
Put on the red light, put on the red light
Put on the red light, put on the red light
Put on the red light, oh

I loved you since I knew ya
I wouldn’t talk down to ya
I have to tell you just how I feel
I won’t share you with another boy
I know my mind is made up
So put away your make up
Told you once I won’t tell you again it’s a bad way

Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light
Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light
You don’t have to put on the red light
Put on the red light, put on the red light


Well-Known Member
Would you lay with me, in a field of stone?
If my needs were strong, would you lay with me?

Should my lips grow dry, would you wet them, dear.
In the midnight hour, if my lips were dry.

Would you go away to another land?
Walk a thousand miles through the burnin' sand?
Wipe the blood away from my dyin' hand,
If I give myself to you?

Will you bathe me, in the stream of life?
When the moon is full, will you bathe me?

Will you still love me, when I'm down and out?
In my time of trial, will you stand by me?

Would you go away to another land?
Walk a thousand miles through the burnin' sand?
Wipe the blood away from my dyin' hand,
If I give myself to you?

Would you lay with me, In a field of stone?
Should my lips grow dry, should you wet them, dear?

Will you bathe me, in the stream of life?
Would you still love me, when I'm down and out?

Would you lay with me, in a field of stone?
Should my lips grow dry, would you wet them, dear?


New Member
Alice's Restaurant

This song is called Alice's Restaurant, and it's about Alice, and therestaurant, but Alice's Restaurant is not the name of the restaurant,that's just the name of the song, and that's why I called the song Alice'sRestaurant.You can get anything you want at Alice's RestaurantYou can get anything you want at Alice's RestaurantWalk right in it's around the backJust a half a mile from the railroad trackYou can get anything you want at Alice's RestaurantNow it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on - two years ago onThanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at therestaurant, but Alice doesn't live in the restaurant, she lives in thechurch nearby the restaurant, in the bell-tower, with her husband Ray andFasha the dog. And livin' in the bell tower like that, they got a lot ofroom downstairs where the pews used to be in. Havin' all that room,seein' as how they took out all the pews, they decided that they didn'thave to take out their garbage for a long time.We got up there, we found all the garbage in there, and we decided it'd bea friendly gesture for us to take the garbage down to the city dump. Sowe took the half a ton of garbage, put it in the back of a red VWmicrobus, took shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headedon toward the city dump.Well we got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across thedump saying, "Closed on Thanksgiving." And we had never heard of a dumpclosed on Thanksgiving before, and with tears in our eyes we drove offinto the sunset looking for another place to put the garbage.We didn't find one. Until we came to a side road, and off the side of theside road there was another fifteen foot cliff and at the bottom of thecliff there was another pile of garbage. And we decided that one big pileis better than two little piles, and rather than bring that one up wedecided to throw our's down.That's what we did, and drove back to the church, had a thanksgivingdinner that couldn't be beat, went to sleep and didn't get up until thenext morning, when we got a phone call from officer Obie. He said, "Kid,we found your name on an envelope at the bottom of a half a ton ofgarbage, and just wanted to know if you had any information about it." AndI said, "Yes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelopeunder that garbage."After speaking to Obie for about fourty-five minutes on the telephone wefinally arrived at the truth of the matter and said that we had to go downand pick up the garbage, and also had to go down and speak to him at thepolice officer's station. So we got in the red VW microbus with theshovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward thepolice officer's station.Now friends, there was only one or two things that Obie coulda done atthe police station, and the first was he could have given us a medal forbeing so brave and honest on the telephone, which wasn't very likely, andwe didn't expect it, and the other thing was he could have bawled us outand told us never to be see driving garbage around the vicinity again,which is what we expected, but when we got to the police officer's stationthere was a third possibility that we hadn't even counted upon, and we wasboth immediately arrested. Handcuffed. And I said "Obie, I don't think Ican pick up the garbage with these handcuffs on." He said, "Shut up, kid.Get in the back of the patrol car."And that's what we did, sat in the back of the patrol car and drove to thequote Scene of the Crime unquote. I want tell you about the town ofStockbridge, Massachusets, where this happened here, they got three stopsigns, two police officers, and one police car, but when we got to theScene of the Crime there was five police officers and three police cars,being the biggest crime of the last fifty years, and everybody wanted toget in the newspaper story about it. And they was using up all kinds ofcop equipment that they had hanging around the police officer's station.They was taking plaster tire tracks, foot prints, dog smelling prints, andthey took twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circlesand arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what eachone was to be used as evidence against us. Took pictures of the approach,the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner and that's not tomention the aerial photography.After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obie said he was going to putus in the cell. Said, "Kid, I'm going to put you in the cell, I want yourwallet and your belt." And I said, "Obie, I can understand you wanting mywallet so I don't have any money to spend in the cell, but what do youwant my belt for?" And he said, "Kid, we don't want any hangings." Isaid, "Obie, did you think I was going to hang myself for littering?"Obie said he was making sure, and friends Obie was, cause he took out thetoilet seat so I couldn't hit myself over the head and drown, and he tookout the toilet paper so I couldn't bend the bars roll out the - roll thetoilet paper out the window, slide down the roll and have an escape. Obiewas making sure, and it was about four or five hours later that Alice(remember Alice? It's a song about Alice), Alice came by and with a fewnasty words to Obie on the side, bailed us out of jail, and we went backto the church, had a another thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat,and didn't get up until the next morning, when we all had to go to court.We walked in, sat down, Obie came in with the twenty seven eight-by-tencolour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the backof each one, sat down. Man came in said, "All rise." We all stood up,and Obie stood up with the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossypictures, and the judge walked in sat down with a seeing eye dog, and hesat down, we sat down. Obie looked at the seeing eye dog, and then at thetwenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrowsand a paragraph on the back of each one, and looked at the seeing eye dog.And then at twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circlesand arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry,'cause Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of Americanblind justice, and there wasn't nothing he could do about it, and thejudge wasn't going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossypictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of eachone explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us. Andwe was fined $50 and had to pick up the garbage in the snow, but thats notwhat I came to tell you about.Came to talk about the draft.They got a building down New York City, it's called Whitehall Street,where you walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected,neglected and selected. I went down to get my physical examination oneday, and I walked in, I sat down, got good and drunk the night before, soI looked and felt my best when I went in that morning. `Cause I wanted tolook like the all-American kid from New York City, man I wanted, I wantedto feel like the all-, I wanted to be the all American kid from New York,and I walked in, sat down, I was hung down, brung down, hung up, and allkinds o' mean nasty ugly things. And I waked in and sat down and they gaveme a piece of paper, said, "Kid, see the phsychiatrist, room 604."And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, Iwanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore andguts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill,KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL," andhe started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and downyelling, "KILL, KILL." And the sargent came over, pinned a medal on me,sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."Didn't feel too good about it.Proceeded on down the hall gettin more injections, inspections,detections, neglections and all kinds of stuff that they was doin' to meat the thing there, and I was there for two hours, three hours, fourhours, I was there for a long time going through all kinds of mean nastyugly things and I was just having a tough time there, and they wasinspecting, injecting every single part of me, and they was leaving nopart untouched. Proceeded through, and when I finally came to the see thelast man, I walked in, walked in sat down after a whole big thing there,and I walked up and said, "What do you want?" He said, "Kid, we only gotone question. Have you ever been arrested?"And I proceeded to tell him the story of the Alice's Restaurant Massacre,with full orchestration and five part harmony and stuff like that and allthe phenome... - and he stopped me right there and said, "Kid, did you evergo to court?"And I proceeded to tell him the story of the twenty seven eight-by-tencolour glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and the paragraph onthe back of each one, and he stopped me right there and said, "Kid, I wantyou to go and sit down on that bench that says Group W .... NOW kid!!"And I, I walked over to the, to the bench there, and there is, Group W'swhere they put you if you may not be moral enough to join the army aftercommitting your special crime, and there was all kinds of mean nasty uglylooking people on the bench there. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Fatherrapers! Father rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me! Andthey was mean and nasty and ugly and horrible crime-type guys sitting on thebench next to me. And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one, the meanestfather raper of them all, was coming over to me and he was mean 'n' ugly'n' nasty 'n' horrible and all kind of things and he sat down next to meand said, "Kid, whad'ya get?" I said, "I didn't get nothing, I had to pay$50 and pick up the garbage." He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?"And I said, "Littering." And they all moved away from me on the benchthere, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till Isaid, "And creating a nuisance." And they all came back, shook my hand,and we had a great time on the bench, talkin about crime, mother stabbing,father raping, all kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on thebench. And everything was fine, we was smoking cigarettes and all kinds ofthings, until the Sargeant came over, had some paper in his hand, held itup and said."Kids, this-piece-of-paper's-got-47-words-37-sentences-58-words-we-wanna-know-details-of-the-crime-time-of-the-crime-and-any-other-kind-of-thing-you-gotta-say-pertaining-to-and-about-the-crime-I-want-to-know-arresting-officer's-name-and-any-other-kind-of-thing-you-gotta-say", and talked forforty-five minutes and nobody understood a word that he said, but we hadfun filling out the forms and playing with the pencils on the bench there,and I filled out the massacre with the four part harmony, and wrote itdown there, just like it was, and everything was fine and I put down thepencil, and I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on theother side, in the middle of the other side, away from everything else onthe other side, in parentheses, capital letters, quotated, read thefollowing words:("KID, HAVE YOU REHABILITATED YOURSELF?")I went over to the sargent, said, "Sargeant, you got a lot a damn gall toask me if I've rehabilitated myself, I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'msittin' here on the bench, I mean I'm sittin here on the Group W bench'cause you want to know if I'm moral enough join the army, burn women,kids, houses and villages after bein' a litterbug." He looked at me andsaid, "Kid, we don't like your kind, and we're gonna send your fingerprintsoff to Washington."And friends, somewhere in Washington enshrined in some little folder, is astudy in black and white of my fingerprints. And the only reason I'msinging you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similarsituation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if your in asituation like that there's only one thing you can do and that's walk intothe shrink wherever you are ,just walk in say "Shrink, You can getanything you want, at Alice's restaurant.". And walk out. You know, ifone person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick andthey won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them.And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking insingin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's anorganization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I saidfifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant andwalking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement.And that's what it is , the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement, andall you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on theguitar.With feeling. So we'll wait for it to come around on the guitar, here andsing it when it does. Here it comes.You can get anything you want, at Alice's RestaurantYou can get anything you want, at Alice's RestaurantWalk right in it's around the backJust a half a mile from the railroad trackYou can get anything you want, at Alice's RestaurantThat was horrible. If you want to end war and stuff you got to sing loud.I've been singing this song now for twenty five minutes. I could sing itfor another twenty five minutes. I'm not proud... or tired.So we'll wait till it comes around again, and this time with four partharmony and feeling.We're just waitin' for it to come around is what we're doing.All right now.You can get anything you want, at Alice's RestaurantExcepting AliceYou can get anything you want, at Alice's RestaurantWalk right in it's around the backJust a half a mile from the railroad trackYou can get anything you want, at Alice's RestaurantDa da da da da da da dumAt Alice's Restaurant


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
1st verse
I took my baby to the doctor
With a fever, but nothing he found
By the time this hit the street
They said she had a breakdown
Someone’s always tryin’ to start my baby cryin’
Talkin’, squealin’, lyin’
Sayin’ you just wanna be startin’ somethin’

I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)

2nd verse
You love to pretend that you’re good
When you’re always up to no good
You really can’t make him hate her
So your tongue became a razor
Someone’s always tryin’ to keep my baby cryin’
Treacherous, cunnin’, declinin’
You got my baby cryin’

I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
You’re a vegetable, you’re a vegetable
Still they hate you, you’re a vegetable
You’re just a buffet, you’re a vegetable
They eat off of you, you’re a vegetable

3rd verse
Billie jean is always talkin’
When nobody else is talkin’
Tellin’ lies and rubbin’ shoulders
So they called her mouth a motor
Someone’s always tryin’ to start my baby cryin’
Talkin’, squealin’, spyin’
Sayin’ you just wanna be startin’ somethin’
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
You’re a vegetable, you’re a vegetable
Still they hate you, you’re a vegetable
You’re just a buffet, you’re a vegetable
They eat off of you, you’re a vegetable

If you cant feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
Then don’t have a baby (yeah, yeah)
And don’t think maybe (yeah, yeah)
If you can’t feed your baby (yeah, yeah)
You’ll be always tryin’
To stop that child from cryin’
Hustlin’, stealin’, lyin’
Now baby’s slowly dyin’

I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
I said you wanna be startin’ somethin’
You got to be startin’ somethin’
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)
It’s too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You’re stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)

Lift your head up high
And scream out to the world
I know I am someone
And let the truth unfurl
No one can hurt you now
Because you know what’s true
Yes, I believe in me
So you believe in you
Help me sing it, ma ma se,
Ma ma sa, ma ma coo sa
Ma ma se, ma ma sa,
Ma ma coo sa


Well-Known Member
Riding on the City of New Orleans,
Illinois Central Monday morning rail
Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders,
Three conductors and twenty-five sacks of mail.
All along the southbound odyssey
The train pulls out at Kankakee
Rolls along past houses, farms and fields.
Passin' trains that have no names,
Freight yards full of old black men
And the graveyards of the rusted automobiles.

Good morning America how are you?
Don't you know me I'm your native son,
I'm the train they call The City of New Orleans,
I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done.

Dealin' card games with the old men in the club car.
Penny a point ain't no one keepin' score.
Pass the paper bag that holds the bottle
Feel the wheels rumblin' 'neath the floor.
And the sons of pullman porters
And the sons of engineers
Ride their father's magic carpets made of steel.
Mothers with their babes asleep,
Are rockin' to the gentle beat
And the rhythm of the rails is all they feel.


Nighttime on The City of New Orleans,
Changing cars in Memphis, Tennessee.
Half way home, we'll be there by morning
Through the Mississippi darkness
Rolling down to the sea.
And all the towns and people seem
To fade into a bad dream
And the steel rails still ain't heard the news.
The conductor sings his song again,
The passengers will please refrain
This train's got the disappearing railroad blues.

Good night, America, how are you?
Don't you know me I'm your native son,
I'm the train they call The City of New Orleans,
I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done.


New Member
Not to touch the earth
Not to see the sun
Nothing left to do, but
Run, run, run
Let's run
Let's run

House upon the hill
Moon is lying still
Shadows of the trees
Witnessing the wild breeze
C'mon baby run with me
Let's run

Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run

The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill
Rich are the rooms and the comforts there
Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs
And you won't know a thing till you get inside

Dead president's corpse in the driver's car
The engine runs on glue and tar
Come on along, not goin' very far
To the East to meet the Czar

Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run


Some outlaws lived by the side of a lake
The minister's daughter's in love with the snake
Who lives in a well by the side of the road
Wake up, girl, we're almost home

Ya, c'mon!

We should see the gates by mornin'
We should be inside the evenin'

Sun, sun, sun
Burn, burn, burn
Soon, soon, soon
Moon, moon, moon
I will get you

I am the Lizard King
I can do anything


New Member
tigsmom said:
And all the towns and people seem
To fade into a bad dream
And the steel rails still ain't heard the news.
The conductor sings his song again,
The passengers will please refrain
This train's got the disappearing railroad blues.

Thank you for that one! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
If there's a prize for rotten judgment,
I guess I've already won that.
No man is worth the aggravation -
That's ancient history, been there, done that!

Who'd'ya think you're kiddin',
He's the Earth and heaven to you.
Try to keep it hidden,
Honey, we can see right through you.
Girl, you can't conceal it,
we know how ya' feel and who you're thinking of.

No chance, no way, I won't say it, no, no.
You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, uh, oh!
It's too cliche, I wont say I'm in love!
I thought my heart had learned its lesson...
It feels so good when you start out!
My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl!
Unless you're dying to cry your eyes out!" Oh...

You keep on denying who you are and how you're feeling.
Baby, we're not buying, Hon, we saw ya' hit the ceiling!
Face it like a grown up - When 'ya gonna own up
That ya' got, got, got it bad!
No chance. no way, I won't say it no, no.
Give up give in, check the grin - you're in love!
This scene won't play, I won't say I'm in love...

You're doin' flips, read our lips, You're in love!
You're way off base! I won't say it!
Get off my case! I won't say it!
Girl, don't be proud, it's O.K. you're in love.
Oh... At least out loud... I won't say I'm in love!


New Member
When I fall in love it will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love
In a restless world like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart it will be completely
Or I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you.


And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I'll fall in love with you


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Hey! Thats my song. :lol:
:lol: I remembered :D But you know that's a great song you sing there :lol:

Here's mine then :lol:


A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will loose your heartache
Whatever you wish for you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're feeling small
Alone in the night you whisper
Thinking no-one can hear you at all
You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow
For all you know tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes (x2)

You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow
For all you know tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true

No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
:lol: I remembered :D But you know that's a great song you sing there :lol:

Here's mine then :lol:


A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will loose your heartache
Whatever you wish for you keep

I also consider this to be my song :)


New Member
This song has been in my head for a couple of days now...


Play that funky music

Yeah hey

Once there was a boogie singer
Playing in a rock and roll band
I never had no problems, yeah
burnin'out the one night stands
And everything around me
Got to start to feeling so low
And I decied quickly, yes is did
To disco down and check out this show

Yeah there was dancing
And singing
And moving to the grooving
And just when it hit me
Somebody turned around
And shouted

Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and play that funky music til you die
Til you die?
Oh til you die

I tried to understand this
I thought that they where out of their minds
How could I be so foolish, how could I
To not see I was the one behind
So still I kept on fighting
Loosing every step of the way
(And what you do?)
I said I must go back there, got to go back
And check to see if things still the same

Yeah there were dancing
And singing
And moving to the grooving
And just when it hit me
Somebody turned around
And shouted

Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and wear that funky music til you die
Til you die?
Oh til you die

Hey, wait a minute
Now first it wasn’t easy
Changing rock and roll and minds
And things where getting shaky
I thought I had to leave it behind
Now its so much better, it’s so much better
I’m funkying out in every way
But I’ll never lose that feeling, no I won’t
On how I learned my lesson that day

Yeah there were dancing
And singing
And moving to the grooving
And just when it hit me
Somebody turned around
And shouted

Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie and play that funky music til you die
Til you die?
Oh til you die

Thay shouted
Play that funky music
Play that funky music
Play that funky music
Play that funky music

Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy


Well-Known Member
stranger said:
This song has been in my head for a couple of days now...


Play that funky music

Yeah hey

Once there was a boogie singer
Playing in a rock and roll band
I never had no problems, yeah
burnin'out the one night stands
And everything around me
Got to start to feeling so low
And I decied quickly, yes is did
To disco down and check out this show

ooOoo..... Wild Cherry :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You left me, for another
You told me, he was your lover
So I'm begging and I'm pleading
And I'm down on any knee, ooh baby
That's What My Heart Needs

Baby, ooh baby
I'm calling you out loud and clear, baby
Ooh baby
I love you, yes I do
And I want on meeting you, ooh baby
That's What My Heart Needs

Darling, my my darling
I need you here right by my side, baby, darling
If you hadn't left that day
Then my love wouldn't be this way, ooh baby
That's what my heart needs

Come on baby
I said I need you right here by my side
I said I need you baby
I need you here to protect me and be my guide
And ooh, baby, yeah baby
I know you don't know what I mean, baby
Ooh, baby, yeah, HEY baby
Hey hey baby
Come on, come on and love me, baby, Lord
Come on, come on and be right by my side
hey, come on


New Member
Its like a magic
I've got to have it
Whatever lies out of reach of me
And to despise it
Just magnifies it
Can't obliterate the need

You're bad news disguised
Dressed and painted with lies
But I just can't see
When truth is concealed
How the danger appeals
But my conscience sees

I heard it from the preacher man
He said leave that boy alone
He's no good for you
I heard it from the preacher man
He said heaven must have sent you
But the devil's gonna get you
He's gonna do it for you

You're like a black cat
Who always knows that
It's life is a mystery
You mesmerise me
And then you hypnotise me
'Til obsession devours me

You're silky words soothe me
As they move me
To ecstasy
And just as I'm falling
I hear a voice calling
Don't believe

I heard it from the preacher man
He said leave that boy alone
He's no good for you
I heard it from the preacher man
He said heaven must have sent you
But the devil's gonna get you
He's gonna do it for you

You're bad news disguised
Dressed and painted with lies
But I just can't see
When truth is concealed
How the danger appeals
But my conscience sees

I heard it from the preacher man
He said leave that boy alone
He's no good for you
I heard it from the preacher man
He said heaven must have sent you
But the devil's gonna get you
He's gonna do it for you

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