Columbus Day Crowds?!?!

I did a forum search and found out that Columbus Day Monday is usually a very busy day for the parks. My question is: What is the rest of the week usually like? We'll be there Oct 8-16 and just wondering about the crowds for the rest of the week. It is fall break for our kids and I think this is becoming more popular with the school systems.

Any input? Thanks in advance!!

Disney MDACK

New Member
I was there in Oct. of 2003 for a convention and happened to be in MK on Columbus Day. It was crowded on that day but the rest of the trip was really quiet especially the night we went to mnsshp. Overall after columbus day it really isnt that crowded.
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Well-Known Member
Fellow Tennessean:wave:

Our kids have a fall break that week as well and we went last year. I agree that it did seem slightly more crowded than usual and Columbus Day itself was very crowded especially at MK.
I wouldn't let that scare you though. We had a great time at MNSSHP and it was a great holiday for the kids. Have fun!!
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New Member
What about that weekend? I'll be arriving on Thursday the 6th and leaving the 9th and attending the MNSSHP on the 7th. I can't wait as I've never been to this event before!
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
That's kinda what I expected. We've been in October before (a few times) but never the week of Columbus Day. We've been in March, June, Oct, and Dec. and I have to say, Oct. is my favorite time, esp with MNSSHP. Thanks for the responses and thanks for anymore input!

(Lauriebar, I just leaned out my window and waved. Did ya see me? :wave: )
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Well-Known Member
Buzz Lightyear said:
(Lauriebar, I just leaned out my window and waved. Did ya see me? :wave: )

Not quite...the Bat Building was in the way!!:lol:

BTW, I have driven through Maryville a couple of times going the back way to Gaitlinburg and it's lovely.
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
Lauriebar said:
Not quite...the Bat Building was in the way!!:lol:

BTW, I have driven through Maryville a couple of times going the back way to Gaitlinburg and it's lovely.

Thanks, it is a great little town (but growing). The only thing negative about Maryville is that it's 665 miles to WDW. Wish it was closer.

I'll be coming your way soon to see the Predators play this year. My two favorite things are Disney and hockey.
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Meega, nala kwishta!
We've been there several times around that time. Our anaversary is on the 12th, so we always go that week. This year we are arriving on the the 10th and staying on till the 16th.

Here's what we've ssen. MK is the crowded park. The other three are fine, but it's MK that seems to be wall to wall, especially on the Saturday of the Columbus Day weekend.

It was absolute stroller hell one year. We gave up and left for Epcot, which was barren comparred to MK. I belive this was the year that MK was full to capasity before noon. It was very busy.

The Monday is busy, but just slightly over October normal, and again, it's really only MK that you'll notice this.

As for the rest of the week, it's buisness as normal for October. Seems everyone leaves on that Monday (or Tuesday morning), and the parks are back to the light to med crowds of a normal October day.

So for us, we'll just avoid MK on our first day (the 10th), and everything else will be fine. :D

Have fun!
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Well-Known Member
I'm glad you brought up this topic since I'm starting my trip on Columbus day. Luckily I'm doing Epcot the 1st day I go down there. It's a tradition since I went with my friend during christmas of 03. And also doing MNSSHP on the 11th :sohappy: .
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
AkiraRaptor said:
As for the rest of the week, it's buisness as normal for October. Seems everyone leaves on that Monday (or Tuesday morning), and the parks are back to the light to med crowds of a normal October day.

So for us, we'll just avoid MK on our first day (the 10th), and everything else will be fine. :D

Have fun!

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks AkiraRaptor!!! :sohappy: Hope to see you there!!!
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New Member
I was at WDW last year for Columbus Day week. We only noticed large crowds on Columbus day itself; later in the week we saw Spectromagic with the 50 other who were still in the MK in the cold. It did get cool in the evening if it rained during the day, which it pretty much did every day.

On Columbus Day we went to MGM and it was absolutely wall-to-wall people, even in the rain (I think it rained most of the day). We changed over to Epcot and it was much better.

Have fun! I wish I was going, too!
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Buzz Lightyear

Original Poster
inafog said:
I was at WDW last year for Columbus Day week. We only noticed large crowds on Columbus day itself; later in the week we saw Spectromagic with the 50 other who were still in the MK in the cold. It did get cool in the evening if it rained during the day, which it pretty much did every day.

On Columbus Day we went to MGM and it was absolutely wall-to-wall people, even in the rain (I think it rained most of the day). We changed over to Epcot and it was much better.

Have fun! I wish I was going, too!

Thanks, we will. Isn't it funny that rain doesn't seem to decrease the crowds at the parks. One of my favorite pins is the one with Mickey in the yellow poncho. I miss those ponchos and the sea of yellow when it rains.
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