CM's Flirting With Guests


New Member
I think it's cute when a CM flirts with the guests. I remember on my recent trip, there was a really cute guy at the Haunted Mansion.:D It was so funny...

He was actually standing behind the wall that opens when you exit the stretching room, and I laughed at him and said "Hello" with a smile. When I got off the ride, he was there and he came up walking behind me...trying to scare me. I thought it was funny and said "Hello again." When I got back on the ride later, he was the guy in the stretching room and he spotted me. My dad said he swooped around like a buzzard and walked up behind me AGAIN when we were walking in. :lookaroun He left for a minute and I was standing where the wall opens and you go to the doombuggies. He came up behind me and was practically hovering over my shoulder with his face EXTREMELY close to mine.:animwink: I just smiled and laughed, but this other guy put his arm around him. I think he didn't realize that it was a joke. The CM really got angry and I felt bad for him.

It was really funny though and my dad's been saying that all I did was flirt with the guys at the Haunted Mansion...he's right. It was funny.:p

Tim G

Well-Known Member
You've seen POTC 5 times???


That's exactly the number of the signature lines, we all aggreed to...


New Member
Originally posted by Corrus
You've seen POTC 5 times???


That's exactly the number of the signature lines, we all aggreed to...

Thank you for the "WOW" and I'm seeing it tomorrow, Sunday, and 2 times the next week! I must have lost my mind.:hammer:

I just love Orlando Bloom so much.:kiss: LOL.


Well-Known Member
Gee, when I try to flirt with young, pretty, intelligent, female CM's at WDW, they just look at me like I'm an old fart who's married and has two kids.:cry: :cry:

Wait...I AM an old fart who's married and has two kids. Wow, the CM's are more on the ball than I thought!

And, I have four, and I'm darn proud of them!


New Member
Originally posted by no2apprentice
Gee, when I try to flirt with young, pretty, intelligent, female CM's at WDW, they just look at me like I'm an old fart who's married and has two kids.:cry: :cry:

Wait...I AM an old fart who's married and has two kids. Wow, the CM's are more on the ball than I thought!

:lol: You're like my dad...he especially spends his time w/ the UK front of my mom! :eek: :hammer:

But anyway, CM's have been flirting w/ me the past couple trips, so yeah they do it. One CM's lucky that I'm as nice as I am...someone else might've complained about harassment: he sprayed me on the butt w/ one of those lil water bottle sprays...I looked at him and gave him the "excuse me?" look. He had this big grin on his face... :lol:
I never actively flirted with any CM's. But I have joked about it with my mom over several cuties. I did get brave and asked a pretty CM to snap a photo with me. She posed a bit more intimately than I expected. I'm not sure if she was flirting directly, but she was the one who started a conversation and was asking questions. In hindsight, I should have taken a chance and asked for a phone number. Or at least an e-mail address as I could send her the digital photo as a good excuse. But no, my mom said something extremly embarassing and I hightailed it outta there.

Maybe next time.


Well-Known Member
as a word of caution to CM's on the board.

While there is no specific rule about flirting, please keep the following story in mind.

A cast members was flirting with a very nice and attractive young woman. He eventually gave the guest his phone number. Seems ok so far right?

A little later the young lady's mother came up searching for a manager. She was highly irate. It turns out that the nice attractive young lady was a little younger than she appeared.

The bottom line is that flirting is not considered professional in any organization. While Disney may not specifically prohibit it, you are expected to behave appropriately while on the clock.


Minnie flirted with me once...
I swear to God, this is true.

I was hanging out with some family at one of the character dining places, and Minnie came to our table. She played with my little cousins, then turned her attention to me. She gave me a hug and kissed me. My dad said, "Minnie thinks you're cute" and she started to nod. I told her, I didn't want any trouble with the Big Cheese and she pointed at her left ring finger, as if to say Mickey hadn't put a ring on her finger yet.

My folks and my aunt and incle found all of this very funny, and so did I, I suppose. But, you never know who's under that costume.

"Sir, I'm flattered, but um..."


New Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
Minnie flirted with me once...
I swear to God, this is true.

I was hanging out with some family at one of the character dining places, and Minnie came to our table. She played with my little cousins, then turned her attention to me. She gave me a hug and kissed me. My dad said, "Minnie thinks you're cute" and she started to nod. I told her, I didn't want any trouble with the Big Cheese and she pointed at her left ring finger, as if to say Mickey hadn't put a ring on her finger yet.

My folks and my aunt and incle found all of this very funny, and so did I, I suppose. But, you never know who's under that costume.

"Sir, I'm flattered, but um..."

:lol: That is just too dang funny! :lol:

:lookaroun As long as Mickey isn't the jealous type!!! :lookaroun

Decorum makes me hesitate to ask if you got any tail (sorry, couldn't resist)
Originally posted by Maria
What did sh say, what did she say??? :D :animwink:

It figures you would be the one to ask this of all people. I suppose since I told this to some people the other day, I can tell it here.

Somehow or other she brought up nationality and started to mention how she is from Peurto Rico and that her name had a specific story to it. For some reason my mom decided to join in the conversation and said "that's cool, he really likes latina's" or "he's got a thing for latina's" or something to that affect.

I wanted to crawl under a rock at that point. So after exchanging a few more words, I was out of there.

Oh and I saw about Minnie flirting with someone else here. I forgot that Minnie started hugging me and kissing me at Park Fair one time. I was shocked because I had my back turned figuring she was entertaining the family behind me. I certainly hope Minnie wasn't a man trapped in a woman's body that night if you get my drift.


New Member
Originally posted by monorailmike
It figures you would be the one to ask this of all people. I suppose since I told this to some people the other day, I can tell it here.

Somehow or other she brought up nationality and started to mention how she is from Peurto Rico and that her name had a specific story to it. For some reason my mom decided to join in the conversation and said "that's cool, he really likes latina's" or "he's got a thing for latina's" or something to that affect.

I wanted to crawl under a rock at that point. So after exchanging a few more words, I was out of there.

Soooo... you like 'latinas', huh?......:lookaroun


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