CM put the "kaybash" on recording Cranium Command


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Went to Epcot today to capture Cranium Command, was able to ge the preshow, but told to turn off my camera during the regular show and CM stood behind me the whole time :)

They do make an announcement of NO videotaping for both parts.

FYI for anyone looking to partake


New Member
Originally posted by KevinPage
Went to Epcot today to capture Cranium Command, was able to ge the preshow, but told to turn off my camera during the regular show and CM stood behind me the whole time :)

They do make an announcement of NO videotaping for both parts.

FYI for anyone looking to partake

Then why would you "knowingly" violate the rules?


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Woody13 (where are Woody 1-12),

Yeah I went against the rules, cause I wanted to capture the atttraction before it is gone. I don't use an external light so I'm not bothering anyone.

Nor am I complaining, just informing people ahead of time what the policy is in they wanted to get the video of it as well

General Grizz

New Member
Heh. They did the same thing for Alien Encounter before it closed.

I really don't understand. If they prohibit videotaping an attraction before it closes, the WDC should REALLY be released on DVD.


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Thankfully I was able to get both pre shows videotaped of Alien Encounter. From what I remember they didn't say anything about NO videotaping, until we left the 2nd pre show a CM said "no taping inside the building".

I don't like to be "one of those people" since I don't record attractions until they are on their death bed, it's never really an issue. I've asked ahead of time and was told both YES and NO.

Heck, on Philharmgic I asked a CM if I could record, he said "there is no policy against recording at this time so it is fine". The dang thing came out magnificent as well. Only issue is you see a double image when things would "come out" of the screen.


New Member
Originally posted by KevinPage
Woody13 (where are Woody 1-12)I don't use an external light so I'm not bothering anyone.

Well, I really disagree with that statement. External light is not an issue (unless you use it). Recording is the issue. This is just another example that demonstrates how some people have no regard for other guests. When you record the attraction you are indeed a distraction to other guests. That is, unless you have a recorder that does not require any manipulation on your part. If your recorder is built into your skull and you can sit with your hands at your side, then I apologize. Otherwise, don't play with your toy in a theater!

Woody 1-12 were banned as a result of using video recorders.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Heh. They did the same thing for Alien Encounter before it closed.

I really don't understand. If they prohibit videotaping an attraction before it closes, the WDC should REALLY be released on DVD.

I've always thought it would be cool if they'd release a dvd of all (or a lot) of the films from closed attractions. Maybe we'll see that some day.

I do have a copy of Captain Eo that someone gave me a long time ago. It was a studio copy and it has the time index at the bottom of the screen the whole time. Also have a parody video done by CMs called Captain Eeyore. It is hilarious.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin
I've always thought it would be cool if they'd release a dvd of all (or a lot) of the films from closed attractions. Maybe we'll see that some day.

I do have a copy of Captain Eo that someone gave me a long time ago. It was a studio copy and it has the time index at the bottom of the screen the whole time. Also have a parody video done by CMs called Captain Eeyore. It is hilarious.

Neat! Can you post it? Or, can you at least tell us what its like? Captain Eore sounds really funny!:lol:


Well-Known Member
i'm sorry, but i don't see how video taping is any more distracting than having someone with a beenie cap sit in front of you (and yes, that has happened to me) my dad has videotaped most of the shows at WDW such as American Adventure, and CoP. his old (and rather large camera) had a red light on it that would come on everytime he would record, so he used to cover it up with black electrical tape. his newer, smaller camera is much less distracting.
by saying all this, i'm not trying to say that video taping isn't at all distracting, and i'm not saying that violating the rules is the right thing to do. i'm just saying that there are TONS more stuff that goes on in a theater that is far more distracting that taping but is not 'outlawed' at all. and violating the rules is wrong only when you get caught ;) :D j/k!
heck, probably half of the great video captures we have available to us on the net wouldn't be possible if someone didn't violate the rules!
i dunno...maybe since my dad does it, then i've grown accustomed to it, and therefore it doesn't distract me.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dean[AU]
Try placing the 3D glasses over the camera lens... it worked @ NASA

hey, yeah! that reminds me! last year, dad decided to try the glasses they hand out at the Osbourne SoL (the ones that turn the lights into snowflakes or angels) in front of his camera lense, and sure enough, it worked! so i bet the 3-D glasses would do the same thing!
good idea, Dean!


New Member
Originally posted by KevinPage
Went to Epcot today to capture Cranium Command, was able to ge the preshow, but told to turn off my camera during the regular show and CM stood behind me the whole time :)

They do make an announcement of NO videotaping for both parts.

FYI for anyone looking to partake

Sit at the very back, then you are in nobody's way. That's what I did and the CM did not object.

As far as taping being a distraction goes, I just don’t see it. Incessant chatter is a distraction. Kids moaning is a distraction. People kicking the seats is a distraction. People bringing kids into an attraction they know will scare the living daylights out of them and then have to drag them out whilst they are screaming their lungs out is a distraction.

I will grant you that someone using the flip out TV set on a camcorder is distracting in a dark show, which is why I use the eye piece, but why is a camcorder distracting?


Taping 3-D films

Any "3-D" style film will be a fuzzy image unless you take measures to filter the stereoscoptic nature of the projection. The reason these films are 3-D are due to the projection of two "out of registration" images show concurrently. The function of the glasses you are given to wear is to either filter out the left eye or right eye information for the appropriate eye. The difference between the images show are what the visual cortex will put back together in your brain to preceive depth. Usually the more out of registration the images are with each other the greater the depth that is preceived. This can be accomplished as simply as placing one of the glasses' lens over the camera's lens.

While annoyance of fellow guests is a consideration, I suspect the annoyance factor of taping these or other attractions isn't Disney's main concern. Removal of screaming/crying children from shows has never appeared to be a concern to any CM running a show I've observed since I began visiting back in 1976 - AND LET ME HASTEN TO ADD - nor would I ask any family member to do so. I raised two girls myself and have two grandchildren and sometimes you don't know all the facts of why someone would stay or go in a given situation. I suspect the concern is either a copyright issue of the film or has to do with the "magic" factor of the attraction. By magic factor I can understand the reason in for example Alien Encounter. So much of what went on in that attraction was in pitch darkness and depended on the psychological effect more than the special effect that had the show been done with the lights up you would have wondered what the big deal was. There really wasn't much in the darkness to tape. But an annoyance factor concern by Disney. Please! If the concern is annoyance then don't sell those twirly lightup things at Fantasmic!

As for copyright, not all Disney flim driven attractions are created equal. Most of the presentations don't tape well due to the frame rate of projection difference between the film and your video camera. It's what causes those bars across the screen. An exception would be the film in Timekeeper. While not a 3-D film it is very much a high definition film that is projected at a higher rate that will video tape quite well. You may know how vigilant the CMs there are about policing taping.

There is a real Disney's overall policy disconnect on when it is always not premitted and where. (CM oversight?) How can the Disney Magazine publish ads for zero light features of Sony handicams and sell overpriced Kodak video tape and yet say you can't tape an attraction?

A safety issue? There you have my agreement. What happens when you are taping a ride like Body Wars, it shakes the camera out of your hands, then it goes flying and hits someone, (and believe me, you have no idea how much that ride moves around unless you've been on the Behind the Magic tour). Disney is fully justified to restrict loose objects.

As for the annoyance of additional lighting, visible lighting is an annoyance to other guests and often destroys the theatrical lighting effects. The "skin" of AAs is very shinny under harsh external video lighting. As for IR, there are some instances where the ride has it's own IR lighting/cameras the CMs use to monitor the ride and guests. Usually it's enough to just use the existing IR. To fire up additional IR only blinds the monitor cameras. In some cases IR just doesn't work.

At Voyage of the Little Mermaid they take a more intelligent stance. The wrong kind of lighting destroys the magic and is a danger to the preforming CMs. However, low available light taping is welcome. How reasonable is that?



In the graveyard scene of the HM there is a "scrim", (a thin cheese cloth-like material), between the doombuggy you ride and the graveyard set. In some parts of the set it is used to project flying ghosts upon as you enter the scene. Otherwise it gives a hazy/foggy look to graveyard. If you blast it with external IR you just light up a spot on the scrim that the camera can't see past to the AAs. You are better off going to manual exposure settings and dialing up as much gain as you can get out of your camera without it going grainy.


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Original Poster

We'll agree to disagree. You are not in the atraction when I record it and was sitting at the back of the theatre with no one behind me. No light was coming off my camera, no one peobably even knew I was recrding it.

I've never been bothered by people recording in an attraction unless they have a light or viewfinder and i'm right next to them.

I don't like the people who have no consideration for other guests trying to enjoy a show, so I make sure not to impeded on anyone myself


Well-Known Member
And we'll rehash the discussions we have had numerous times on these boards: It's a rule not to record since you were obviously told not to record. Therefore, you don't record no matter where you are sitting or what kind of lighting you are using. Disney doesn't mention qualifiers on their disclaimers.

But Kevin, you have been very civil about all of this. :)

General Grizz

New Member
It's also a matter on the Cast Member. Some will say, sure go ahead. Others will prohibit it.

Some just say, "You can record so long as the camera does not emit any light" which leads me to think it's a distraction issue based on the screens that pop out. This accounts for NO videotaping and videotaping instructions.


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I'm not saying I should have been able to record, just that I tried, even though they don't want you to, I was told to put away my camera and I did. No hard feelings, CM was doing their job.

My intent on the whole post was to alert others who want to video the attraction, that Disney doesn't allow it and the CM will enforce it. No more no less :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by KevinPage
I'm not saying I should have been able to record, just that I tried, even though they don't want you to, I was told to put away my camera and I did. No hard feelings, CM was doing their job.

My intent on the whole post was to alert others who want to video the attraction, that Disney doesn't allow it and the CM will enforce it. No more no less :)
point taken. So, is it just this CM or are all of them enforcing this now with its rumored closure? It will be interesting to see if more people come across this.

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