Citrus Dreamin' - Game Thread

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
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Team bird waiting

Moone Boy Waiting GIF by HULU
We’re just happy to be invited
It might be a hot minute, I meant to save Boats Review so I could post them together but accidentally hit "post" by force of habit lol
Team Birds

Ye come seekin' new adventure and uncharted new territory, eh? Sure, you come to the proper place. But keep a weather eye open, mates, and hold on tight. With both hands, if you please. There be danger ahead! Deadly booby traps, ferocious animals, angry Leviathans, all waiting for them what don't obey.

It be too late to alter course, mateys, and there be strange creatures and plunderin' pirates lurkin' 'round every corner. Sit closer together, and keep your ruddy hands inboard. That be the best way to repel boarders. And mark well me words, mateys:

Dead men tell no tales!
Dang I guess I’ll be a last min judge stop the boat @Pi on my Cake im coming!!!


Well-Known Member
Cdunlap's Review for TEAM BIRDS:
@MonorailRed, I love the Aztec theme for Indy and I think it suits Adventureland’s first Mesoamerica representation well. Also, your art slayed, as per usual!
@Muppetsfan#1, The Jungle Book ride was pretty cool. I must tell you that the painting at the very beginning is in the Mughal style because you seemed to be struggling to name it.
@tcool123, the Tiki Roost was pretty interesting for someone who likes all things Polynesia.
I'm confused as to why y'all went with a Mesopotamian aesthetic for Atlantis rather than, say, an Egyptian or Greco-Roman aesthetic, but it's cool!
@Disney Dad 3000, Heart Of Atlantis is a pretty cool attraction and I would love to experience it.
@AceAstro, Coral Cove sounds like an interesting restaurant
@DisneyManOne, your additions to POTC were very true to the original attraction and I appreciate that greatly.
@AceAstro, the flat rides of Shipwreck Cove are very cool sounding, especially the Kraken one!
Overall, your concept was amazing and I enjoyed it very much!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Birds Review
  • First Impressions
    • I truly did not know what to expect from this team considering so many of its members are veterans who either rarely play these days or rarely have the free time to commit to seriously playing even when do join. It's why when @MonorailRed joined last minute I put her on this team to help round it out. My concerns that this team wouldn't be that active or engaged or that many of the players might be rusty were absolutely NOT warranted though because this was a tour de force from some of the most respected members in this forum's history showing off why they earned that respect in the first place. That's not to say there aren't some cobwebs that need dusting off or some faults here and there with the project, but this was a delight to watch come together and see how everyone played off of each other​
  • Presentation
    • Google Sites as well. Just like I mentioned with Boats, this is a safe presentation choice for lands but it is safe for a reason. It works so well for large scale projects like this! Plus, ya'll put a lot of effort into polishing this to make it look special and not just a stock Google project​
    • Big shout out to the artwork/visuals provided by @MonorailRed throughout! You have a real knack for blending mediums/tools to create images that evoke the exact emotions needed. A picture's worth a 1000 words, but with you its more like 10,000!​
    • The map by @Muppetsfan#1 is astounding! I'd give the note that some of the text is tough to read (Perhaps just put "1" and then have an index on the side like Disney does with guidemaps irl), but all the important stuff is easy to see and this is perhaps the most realistic map I've ever seen. I know this was a bit of a struggle and hopefully finding a way to incorporate some other art programs/tech into your routines will help make the process easier in the future. But you have a real knack for creative cartography! This is a truly impressive map​
  • Team Dynamic
    • This team's dynamic was interesting to watch and it was great seeing veterans from throughout the forum's history come together. Including a very talented up and comer like @Muppetsfan#1 who wound up sort of in the center of the team dynamic. You're getting a lot of great advice and feedback from teammates with some of the best writers and artists I've ever worked with offering you help and teaching you ways to take your work to the next level. I hope it doesn't feel overwhelming because if you can keep up with it they're giving you some invaluable advice. I'd imagine it can be a bit intimidating playing this game with people that started on this forum a decade ago, but don't get discouraged and be open to their help and you'll grow as an imagineer real fast​
    • I'd maybe note that the team seemed to possibly struggle a bit with perfectionism. I appreciate the effort and striving to make it as great as possible, but so much time was spent on polishing, editing, and helping each other that whole attractions nearly got cut last minute. But that is also partly due to taking on a lot by reshaping basically every corner of Adventureland going above and beyond the prompt. the amount ya'll managed to do is astounding​
    • Last not on team dynamics, communication is key. It is especially important to be on the same page before things like maps are made considering the confusion of what to do with the island that arose pretty last minute when the original plan seemed to be to cut the island in favor of a lagoon show. This was a big team with a lot going on, which makes communication and careful listening very important.​
  • Introduction - @DisneyManOne
    • I'm probably going to sound like a broken record by the end of this, but excellent writing by DMan. The in character introduction setting up everything was brilliant and perfectly set the stage for a fun adventure​
  • Adventure Village - @Muppetsfan#1
    • I love the thought and detail that went into the placemaking here. The very simple animatronics throughout add a lot of character and I loved how lived in and real the space feels. It can be a little overwhelming to read. Splitting this up into sections could help a lot (The updates to Adventure Isle/Treehouse could be its own page. The shops could be given names and headings to break it up. Things like that) or adding some reference photos throughout (original artwork is always great, but even just a picture from a movie or something from another theme park irl you find on Google Images can go a long way to helping it feel less like just a block of text. This would also help with how the writing can feel somewhat "train of thought" as if you are coming up with it as you go. Having a more clear purpose could help a lot. Come up with a list of stores first and then write the descriptions.​
    • Or maybe even just focus on a smaller number of fully developed stores. There's a suspension of disbelief at play. If we were doing a write up for WDW's real life Adventureland there's a good chance that things like the sunglass hut or the kiosks near the front that sells mostly mouse ears wouldn't be written up. Sometimes its best to focus on the highlights and trust that the reader understands that there are likely other supplemental stores that weren't mentioned.​
    • I do really love the life you added to the land though, you did a great job with it. The writing can be a bit repetitive, but breaking it up and focusing on a smaller amount of detailed highlights rather than a larger amount of briefly touched on elements will help with that a lot and let you and your team's vision shine!​
  • Adventure River Fountain Show - @PerGron
    • Nice a simple but so fun and would add so much to the land! Especially with the seaside theme of the land, the fountains are a natural fit that add so much kinetic energy and spectacle. Acknowledging the cold winters and the fireworks were a nice touch that shows the care put into even just this short write up​
  • Indiana Jones and the Mask of Destruction - @MonorailRed
    • Indy mixed with S.E.A. mixed with Jungle Cruise mixed with an EMV mixed with Cosmic Rewind? Amazing! A true masterpiece. Is it realistic? Not really considering the pre-show is a ride in and of itself, but then again Rise of the Resistance's pre-show sequence would probably be called unrealistic if it was written up here before it opened. The part where it becomes a rollercoaster might have been a bridge too far, but overall you really do balance the big blue sky dreams with the realism making it feel grounded despite the fact that if built this would be a Mega E-Ticket unlike anything else. You've got a real sense of what technical details need to be mentioned to help guests feel immersed in the world you're building​
    • The story has a bit of weird pacing with René Belloq being set up as the villain and then disappearing by the time you enter the real ride. Either cutting him and making the artifact/curse the real threat or having him be a part of the ride also exploring the temple in search of the mask would've helped it feel like more of a cohesive whole. Similarly, Hightower is given a lot of importance early on, but there's no pay off to that set up either. Obviously these are nitpicks as the ride is splendid and this is a boat ride/EMV/coaster not a movie so the story doesn't have to be as tightly written since the experience as a whole is the key. You created a great experience here unlike anything else!​
  • Jungle Book: Wild Adventure - @Muppetsfan#1 and @PerGron
    • Before getting into it, just want to note, the macaque wearing Minnie ears it stole from guests is a great gag​
    • I love the Jungle Book and I think that it would lend itself so well to a log flume! It wasn't mentioned here, but I know the team did discuss cold weather provisions to tone down the water splashes or close for part of winter. I know it is something Disney has been hesitant to build in Paris, but one boat ride couldn't hurt.​
    • You do a really great job at grounding scenes. There's a clear vision for how these moments will realistically look and how they will work. With one or two mild exceptions, everything you wrote could be brought to life with tech from the 80s. It's a great and practical feeling pitch!​
    • My only real complaint is the story pacing. Pretty much every scene in the entire movie is here which leads to a really crowded ride. It works better with Jungle Book than it would with other movies since each scene is presented as a vignette in the film, but still a more focused narrative would give the scenes more room to breathe. Perhaps just Bare Necessities (Having the characters on a track so they can dance alongside the boat is great) into Wanna be Like You? Its tough because all your scenes are good, but when you have too many scenes it stops feeling like a story being told and feeling more like just a series of things happening one right after the other.​
    • You've got a lot of talent with writing up dark ride scenes that feel real and with @PerGron helping to polish the writing it turned out really great!​
  • Enchanted Tiki Roost - @tcool123
    • You managed to include pretty much everything I would want from a Tiki Room restaurant! I love the idea of swapping between sets with the Tikis singing more traditional Hawaiian music and the birds singing more classic Tiki Room songs. Helps the act from ever feeling stale while eating. the menu is fantastic. I want a Wally Grog and some Kalua Pulled Pork please and thank you lol. This is a great balance of authentic and theme park cheese​
  • Atlantis - @AceAstro
    • Love seeing such a unique area brought to life! The ruined temples and the hanging gardens, the weaving waterways, the interactive games/exhibits. It makes the whole sub-land feel like a giant walkthrough! This would be visually striking and so much fun to run around and explore​
  • Heart of Atlantis - @Disney Dad 3000
    • That Rocking Boat looks super cool!​
    • Yada yada yada usual Paris weather makes a boat ride like this unlikely, BUT considering this is indoors and the level of control that ride systems give you it actually works I think. I don't even think this would need to close for winter if it works as well as Mack promises​
    • I love the kinetics of how interconnected the Atlantis sub-land is. Yet the intentionality you show when mentioning how clever bits of walls/plants are used to hide showscenes from the walking paths to keep the a surprise for riders​
    • I don't have much to say about the ridethrough, but that's not an insult. I love it! The Leviathan and the whirlpool make a great 1-2 punch of a wow moments for the climax! I love how realistically it is described too with the leviathan being mostly hidden. Some of the scenes, especially with the navy in scene 3, I'm a little unclear how it is pulled off. Is it a screen or is a room filled to the brim with figures/animatronics? That's a nitpick of course, but you don't give me much to comment on that isn't just nitpicks when the ride is this good!​
  • Coral Cove Cafe - @AceAstro
    • Nice and simple. Not much here that wasn't mentioned in the area walkthrough. I do really love it though and the options available for outdoor dining or dining overlooking the ride or just a simple indoor dining room. The menu is very pretty too. I want to say I'd order the Fisherman's Pie for something a bit more unique, but if I'm honest the Poseidon's Pasta is calling my name!​
  • Shipwreck Cove
    • Another very expressive and detailed area description by @Muppetsfan#1. Much like with Adventure Village and with the Jungle Book ride, my biggest feedback is to scale back. I don't want you to get burnt out by doing too much and also doing a smaller number of things with more detail will help those things shine. You have a lot of great ideas, but the original plan the team came up with was to turn Adventure Isle into a lake. But instead you not only kept it but expanded it and updated most of it giving yourself WAY more work. Which lead to you talking about how tired you were and ready to be done with the round. It is all good stuff, but if you focus on a smaller amount of things then you can really make it shine. As it stands, a lot of your work gets lost in the shuffle of too many things at once. We have two treehouses and 5 pirate ships on top of an already packed land, and all of that leads to more and more being put on your plate. You are very talented at laying out areas and showscenes. If you can get a bit better at pacing yourself and showcasing your work then you have a real shot at winning! But if you keep working at this pace and adding more and more to your to do list I'm worried you'll be burnt out by round 4 or you'll wind up with 8 halfbaked things instead of 1 great one​
  • Jack's Grotto - @PerGron
    • The treasure trove is a very fun setting for the M&G. A good nod to the film franchise while keeping the land mostly original​
  • Pirates of the Caribbean - @DisneyManOne
    • Some nice solid updates to return it to the pre-movie version. If you're going to remove effects, personally I'd like to see new ones in their place. this isn't bad at all, but the Barbossa removal reminds me of how the Davy Jones waterfall projection was removed in Florida and now its just an empty spot. Which isn't bad and I do consider it an upgrade considering Davy Jones used to clash with the tone of the caverns. But over in Disneyland they replaced it AND added a new octopus figure as a bonus. What you did is good, but adding a new figure or effect elsewhere in the ride might be better than just cuts. though like you said the ride is already pretty perfect as is so not messing with it probably smart​
    • This is a part that I know there were bigger plans for, but it got sidelined for polishing and working on everything else. If I didn't know that, I would still be totally happy with it. It's nice and simple, gets the point across, and the sinking ship gimmick (especially not knowing which will sink) is fantastic. It's a really clever touch that the reason this is a shorter write up is because the show is "coming soon." Its a good bit​
  • Flat Rides - @AceAstro
    • Love me a good flat ride and this is a great way to round out the land and add some kinetics to the area!​
    • Kraken Encounter is a lot of fun and would certainly make for a great set piece in the land!​
    • Canonball Chaos is a great ride for the summer, sadly I don't see a way to keep this one going in the winter. It's a shame to have it closed for so long every year when a flat ride is always on display in guest view. Perhaps a mention of a dry version (even if just as a decorative set piece) would help with it. But even if it is only open part of the year, this would be really great especially for kids​
  • S.S. Maudlin - @Lizzy May Bee
    • A shipwreck lit by bioluminescent algae is a GREAT setting for a bar! A pirate tavern might not be the most unique concept, but little touches like the algae, the backstory, and how you use it as a way to transition to Atlantis really sell this as something special without being over complicated.​
  • Pirate Dinner Show - @Muppetsfan#1
    • A sea shanty dinner theater is great! Reminds me of a more nautical version of the buffet in the German Pavilion at Epcot where the meal is complimented by a bit of live music. A solid addition to round out the dining for the land. Though considering how many pirate ships there already are I'd have recommended either a different facade or to do a unique twist with the ship (like how the S.S. Maudlin was crashed and full of glowing algae). Perhaps this could have just been a tavern? Or this could've been added to one of the already existing ships? Either way I always support sea shanties​
  • Final Thoughts
    • There is a lot going on here and it is great! Just be careful not to overdo it, be careful to communicate, and be aware of what your teammates are doing. The talent and the excitement on this team are off the charts! Can't wait to see what ya'll do next!​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
The Winner of the First Expedition is...


The project was slightly overstuffed and this was a very close race, but overall the rides were just stellar and so out of the box utilizing new technology and ideas! A phenomenal start to the season

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

A Totino's Party Pizza!
Valued at $2.19 according to my local Target!
Details will be shared in their team chat


Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
So I would like to point out something. Also I’m patting myself on the back for the win. I was not tired from the writing, I actually enjoyed the writing very much I always wanted to add more detail to my posts and this is a good way to do that. It was that damn map, all of the recolors really took the steam out of me.

Team Birds

While you all might not be the biggest birds, this project was BIG. Starting off with the Entrance, I wish Agrabah wasn’t removed, as the Carpets from WDSP could have been relocated! The idea is nice, but Ultimately I would have preferred the existing entrance, it’s also one of the only Middle East reps in the Disney Parks!

However, The experiences within the Village are genius! I think having a walkthrough of the lands, and overlook tower and the chiefs room (Not the one from dog man) are all great ideas! It’s a lot of text to get through, but I think it all pays off. The Adventure Island ideas with the shipwreck and treehouse are both standard (since we have the treehouse at Disneyland USA and the ship at shanghai) but they had though and effort put into them, which makes the first part of the island very OG compared to the swiss family treehouse we have and the boring walkways in real life.

The fountain show was unexpected for me and it OK to say the least. While it’s a fun concept to add energy to the river, I don’t think guest would appreciate getting wet in France, which has bad weather.

Moving on to the first ride of the reworked land, The Jungle Book: Wild Adventure finally give the movie so representation in the parks, and this was a good boat ride concept, but with a 30-foot drop, I don’t think that would work in france, But I think it’s a good concept that should have been done YEARS ago. Wasted opportunity Disney.

The Enchated Tiki Roost is a fantastic concept to bring our precious birds to France! Using the old concept of the tiki room was wonderful, and all pays off, and new audiences would love it!

For Indiana Jones and the Mask of Destuction, A long pathway to make it there, and no train stop. That is a major issue that I think now many guests would like, has for the ride, it’s BIG, it actually might be TOO BIG to say the least, but you combined Jungle Cruise, SEA, Tokyo’s tower of terror, Cosmic Rewind, The old Temple of Peril coaster, and the EMV experience into something big as Jupiter. It would be a night,are to operate though, but in the oreshow scenes on the boats, what happens if one boat breaks down. Alternate Route?

Atlantis in Adventureland is kinda weird, I think it fits Discoveryland better, but as for the total presentation, it was OK, it didn’t read the hearts of atlantis ride cuz I saw @DisneyManOne ‘s ride in his MWDW3.0 thread, nd the coral cove restaurant was just a basic seafood restaurant. Overall I would have preferred something more fitting for Adventureland.

Will do Shipwreck Cove! I will just need to find some time!
Also, I’m going on a cruise starting tomorrow and I wont be able to post a lot on there since cruise internet is expensive as heck. I will try to get some time in! Wish me luck!!!
The Winner of the First Expedition is...

View attachment 774383
The project was slightly overstuffed and this was a very close race, but overall the rides were just stellar and so out of the box utilizing new technology and ideas! A phenomenal start to the season

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

A Totino's Party Pizza!
Valued at $2.19 according to my local Target!
Details will be shared in their team chat

A pizza party? Pi! I wasn’t done typing my review!

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Now is my time to relax, since I do not have confidence in me drawing attraction layouts I’ll leave that to someone else. Also thanks for the compliments on the map @Pi on my Cake, I work really hard on them and they are probably the thing I’m most known for.
Join us in 1 hour!

Edit: I took too long to type this, 59 minutes

Edit Edit: 58!
Hey Pi, Can I actually join team birds? I think discusing with them for ideas would be cool, and I can think of really good ideas! I am actually going on the new carnival jubilee ship for spring break, and hundreds of my neighbors are going, I might have to wait for April, but I can try to get a few hours a day on the ship when I’m not doing stuff, but I think I could work!
Bye team Indy!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Hey Pi, Can I actually join team birds? I think discusing with them for ideas would be cool, and I can think of really good ideas! I am actually going on the new carnival jubilee ship for spring break, and hundreds of my neighbors are going, I might have to wait for April, but I can try to get a few hours a day on the ship when I’m not doing stuff, but I think I could work!
Bye team Indy!
I'll message you! Maybe its best to wait until after the cruise to join the game so you can just relax and enjoy

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