Citrus Dreamin' - Game Thread


Well-Known Member
If ya'll DID want to turn them in tonight though, I was planning on staying up to review them anyways 😉 (Of course my input is only constructive feedback and won't count towards any actual game mechanics.)

Also just a friendly reminder that it'd be very helpful to include a list of who did what so Pi and I can have an easy way of giving credit on tomorrow night's podcast.

Disney Dad 3000

Well-Known Member
No. We're gonna list who didn't do what



Team Birds

Ye come seekin' new adventure and uncharted new territory, eh? Sure, you come to the proper place. But keep a weather eye open, mates, and hold on tight. With both hands, if you please. There be danger ahead! Deadly booby traps, ferocious animals, angry Leviathans, all waiting for them what don't obey.

It be too late to alter course, mateys, and there be strange creatures and plunderin' pirates lurkin' 'round every corner. Sit closer together, and keep your ruddy hands inboard. That be the best way to repel boarders. And mark well me words, mateys:

Dead men tell no tales!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Birds

Ye come seekin' new adventure and uncharted new territory, eh? Sure, you come to the proper place. But keep a weather eye open, mates, and hold on tight. With both hands, if you please. There be danger ahead! Deadly booby traps, ferocious animals, angry Leviathans, all waiting for them what don't obey.

It be too late to alter course, mateys, and there be strange creatures and plunderin' pirates lurkin' 'round every corner. Sit closer together, and keep your ruddy hands inboard. That be the best way to repel boarders. And mark well me words, mateys:

Dead men tell no tales!
This was a fantastic first round! Ya'll did amazing and well exceeded my expectations! I know there was some growing pains and some stumbling with team dynamics and issues pulling the final details together. I promise in the future to be more on top of due date reminders, the family visit this week was a bit more than it was planned to be. BUT I don't see any similar issues on my end arriving until the end of the game.

If ya'll ever need an extension I'm happy to do that, just give 24 Hours notice so that way both teams have the extra time. And if there's any days of the week you want me to avoid projects being due on send me a message in the diary rooms and I'll do my best to avoid those days.

I'm starting on reviews now, but since the prize for the winner does not directly effect Round 2 I'll send the next prompt out shortly so you have extra time for brainstorming! Thank you again for your patience and look forward to a Podcast with Tiki covering the first project tonight at 10 EST!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Imagineering Expedition #02



A legal loophole has been discovered!

--What you need to know--

(Warning: Some mildly PG-13 Language, but its just a fun bit so no need to watch if you don't want)

Thanks to a mix up with some paperwork long ago, [INSERT DISNEY IP] was accidentally copyrighted/trademarked with a typo in it's name meaning that [INSERT DISNEY IP] is technically in the public domain right now, this very second. This is how the law works trust me, Orange Bird is a lawyer.

Now, you as Imagineers working for [Non-Disney/Universal Theme Park] have the opportunity to do the funniest thing and just straight up take the IP. Don't forget to copyright/trademark it without any typos and it is all yours! Disney can't stop you! This is how the justice system works I'm pretty sure trust me! The cartoon bird is my lawyer!

--The Prompt--


Design a New Major Attraction for the non-Disney/Universal Theme Park of your choice, AND use any Disney IP of your choice

You can use any IP Disney owns, but you can only choose one. A movie, a TV show, a video game, a book, a song, whatever you would like, but only one!

The park can be any park of your choosing as long as it is not a Disney or Universal park. Keep in mind that these smaller parks tend to define "E-Tickets" differently and try to stick to that kind of scale. Look at Sally Dark Rides or some of the coasters by parks like Alton Towers if you are unsure. The YouTuber Mike from the Party has made some great videos on lesser known rides/parks

There are no eliminations this round, but there will be a prize at the end for the winning team!

--Helpful Advice--

Communication is Key!
In projects like this where the whole team is working on one attraction, it is more important than ever to communicate! Talk to each other, check in, read what each other is doing, update your team. You're trying to make one cohesive whole here so it requires a cohesive team

--When is it due?--

This project is due Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 at 11:59 pm WDW Time
(9 pm Disneyland Time, 11 pm Six Flags over Texas Time, 2 pm the next day Tokyo Disneyland Time)

--Some Brainstorming Music--


Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Boats Review

  • First Impressions
    • I really love the angle you took with the theme. Tiki Springs as a new yet familiar take on classic Adventureland with Expedition Cove as a more grounded and historical take on it. Little details like using Indiana Jones to ease the transition between the two or getting more fantastical the closer you get to Pirates/Fantasyland and more grounded as you get closer to Frontierland. A really interesting mix of "The obvious choice but done really well or with a twist" and "Fully out of the box uniquely "you" experiences. Plus, a good balance of flashy new things yet still a grounded scale. Joan of Arc, Pele, and Tiki Ride all being D/E Ticket level experiences is maybe a bit much. One being scaled back to more of a Fantasyland style dark ride might have helped balance it a bit since Adventureland is now pretty loaded with heavy hitters. But at the same time these are all high capacity ride systems without HUGE IPs and you fixed the dead end back there so they shouldn't get overwhelmed. Plus, the two flat rides plus the scavenger hunt round it out nicely.​
  • Presentation​
    • The website is very nice. Google Sites might be a pretty common presentation style, but there's a reason for it. Sites just works great for lands without all the added complications that can make Wix so difficult. You did a good job playing around with fonts/visuals/formatting to make the Site stand out though and helped it feel unique rather than "just another Site."​
    • For all the joking about this team being stacked with map makers, the map for the land does leave a bit to be desired. It isn't bad and I usually enjoy simplistic maps optimised for readibility, but this might have been a bit too simple. Especially since the map makes it seem like the Island was replaced with a lake whereas the write up says the island remains unchanged. Plus, There's such a focus on making guests feel like they are going on their own adventure, but the path shown just being a single loop feels more theme parky than adventurous. Talking about pathways in a map not being dynamic enough is obviously just me being nitpicky and not a serious issue, but for a project like this it could've helped sell it more. I do like how very clear the map is and the color coding​
  • Team Dynamic​
    • It's kind of interesting, this is the team I expected to be the most active and the most talkative yet when all was said and done Team Birds wound up with triple the pages of brainstorming lol. It took you a while to really get going, but once you did it went really well! Kudos to @Outbound for taking charge a bit. I had debated on whether or not to assign project managers like in Sorcerer's Apprentice (might start doing that with round 3 onwards, let me know if you have strong feelings either way about me doing that), but someone volunteering really helped pull it together.​
  • Tiki Springs​
    • Disneyland Paris has no real Polynesian area in their Adventureland, so a more fantastical new take on the classic Adventureland vibes is a great call. I really love the kinetics here with the Tiki Ride and Rapids interacting with each other, the Rapids weaving by some of the paths/the river by the island, and the tropical bird flat ride. This area feels alive! It's a little touch, but calling out specific tropical trees you plan to grow here is very nice. I don't know enough to know if they could survive the French winters but I'll trust you that they could make it lol​
  • Expedition Cove​
    • The description for this section could use a bit more it terms of placesetting. Tiki Springs was also pretty light on its descriptions of the area, but it also is a more familiar theme and the attraction descriptions did more to explain how they fit together. With how unique this area is, a bit more about it would have helped. Not a huge deal, but I was really excited to see what ya'll did with Expedition Cove that I was hoping for more. Describing the land itself is a pretty commonly overlooked part of land projects lol. I really do love the concept of a Dsiney SEA style French history land though. This is super clever​
    • Minor note of confusion, some parts make it seem like this is replacing the Arabian entrance area, other parts make it seem like this is an extension to it. not sure if that was a miscommunication or if I just missed something.​
  • The Enchanted Tiki Ride - @Outbound with ideas from @WaltWiz1901
    • Love the concept of a Tiki Room Ride! Making this a trackless ride is great because it really lets it feel like guests are able to "dance" along with the music and explore the Tropical wonderland.​
    • The Audio Track is amazing and a real stand out moment for the project! Amazingly well done and I'm incredibly impressed by the details added and how much of a plus it is. I expected just a soundtrack or a few lines of dialogue but it feels like source audio for an actual ride!​
    • When I did my first skim of this I was worried this would just be "Tiki Room as a ride" but seeing it all together it really is so much more than that. The pacing of this is fantastic with a great series of experiences, rising excitement, a quiet moment to catch your breath after Pele (feels remeniscent of Flight of Passage where you pause in the cave after the fight with the banshee), the whimsical tone. The audio track, gotta shout it out again, was fantastic at conveying the rising action and the changing moods.​
    • I'd make a minor note that some effects were unclear how they were being pulled off. Especilly with scenes 3 and 4 where what was projection and what was practical felt unclear in a way that made it tough to picture. I'm not expecting engineering diagrams, but a bit of grounding can go a long way towards making it feel real and transporting the reader. Though this is nitpicking especially since as the ride went on it got better and better at explaining how the magic is made​
    • Overall, I really liked this! It could've just been a simple addition without much special beyond the cool twist on a classic but you evolved it into something great!​
  • Mount Pele Raging Rapids - @WaltWiz1901
    • The Mt Pele showbuilding serving as a converging point where several different elements of the land interact is very clever and fun! A good new take on the old Indiana Jones Expedition concept from Disneyland​
    • I appreciate the mention of the cold weather and how to handle it a bit. Even Kali in Florida closes for the parts of winter and we are far from snowy lol. River Rapids get you very extra soaked, even short ones like Kali, compared to flumes. So, realistically I don't see a way a river rapids ride that goes outdoors being possible to make practical for Paris without it just closing seasonally. That being said, this is a very fun concept and I'm not against a bit of an blue sky addition especially for round one.​
    • The layout map is very nice. Simple yet it adds a lot! A river rapids through a volcano is just a very fun idea and I'd love to ride this. I appreciate you keeping it simple rather than overwhelming it with details. Sometimes less is more.​
    • My favorite part is how this serves as almost a PeopleMover for Tiki Springs conneting the land, the island, the Tiki Ride, the train, etc. That kind of kinetic energy is missing from a lot of modern theme park lands!​
  • Birds Eye View - @Brer Panther, with help from @Disney Warrior
    • A very simple yet great addition. The thought put into what some might have just treated as quick filler is appreciated. I wonder if a different style of Flat Ride might have been smarted since the park already has Dumbo and Atro Orbiter. Or a twist to the concept like how WDW's Astro Orbiter is extra high up to distinguish it. That being said, it really does work perfectly with the tropical bird theme being a great fit for Tiki Springs!​
  • Orange Bird Oasis - @spacemt354
    • Love the logo and the artwork! Bringing OB to Paris is a fun idea and you did a great job making a simple yet effective shop for Adventureland​
  • Dole Whip at the Tiki Juice Bar - @???​
    • Laughed out loud at this. Literally laughed out loud. Honestly what more needs to be said? We all know what a dole whip stand is haha​
  • Jone of Arc's Battle - @ThemeParkPriest
    • I wish this had fallen on a week where you had more time because I really adored this concept and would've loved to see what you could've done with it given the whole week to focus on it. Sadly, real life committments sometime do get in the way for all of us from time to time. What you have here is not bad at all, but I'm sure with more time it could've been great! As is, it is an intersting concept but misses the mark a bit.​
    • Joan of Arc is a historical figure I've always been fascinated by and i was curious to see how you pulled it off. I think you focused on the educational/historical side a bit too closely here for a castle park. Theological interrogations, implied stake burning, arrow wounds... Its a bit much for a ride within eysight of Captain Hook's ship. Feels more "EPCOT" if that makes sense. Altough the comic relief of Ensoleillé does help, but it almost makes the darker moments stand out more. I think that picking one moment or story from Joan's life and focusing on that would've worked better in this setting than going from 13 to death. A 3 Act Structure tale told like a fairy tale/fable/parable with maybe a museum post-show telling the full story. Not that what you did is bad, just feels out of place here. If this was a park like EPCOT it would've been perfect.​
    • One more quick nitpick, you don't mention here that its an omnimover or mention that the narrator exists until scene 3. Things that I know you usually would've noticed, but the rushed nature due to your packed schedule this week effected your usual level of polish​
    • That out of the way, I do still really like the ride. You balance the darker tone and the fun animal moments well. Your choice of scenes flow well showing her rise to power and becoming a hero, yet still being persecuted after eveything over her gender presentation and the threat the men in power saw her as. You never shy away from the religious overtones or darker moments, yet they never go too far to feel out of place in a Disney park.​
    • Overall a good ride, but one that could've been great with more time​
  • Indiana Jones: World Expedition - @Architectural Guinea Pig
    • I adore the Pirates scavenger hunt and feel like that kind of interactive game adds so much to the parks. This is a great evolution of that and a great way to keep Indiana Jones involved in the park. I don't have much to say about it but that isn't an insult. You just nailed it. Not much to add or critique. A great A-Ticket to add energy to the land​
    • The escape room I'm a bit more skeptical on, but the reservation system making it more of a special event to do helps a lot. I love the detail that Indy eithercongratualates you or saves you depending on if you win​
  • Bon Voyage - @Outbound
    • I love a good flat ride and this is a very nice addition that would give some fun scenic views of the land. They have one of these in Studios as a part of Toy Story Playland iirc, but thats the other park so this wouldn't be too repetitive. and the colorful balloons would add a lot to the visuals of the land! Plus, it could be a great family friendly thrill to compliment the more mature/slow paced Joan of Arc ride.​
  • Sous le Ciel de Verre - @Tegan pilots a chicken
    • A lovely restaruant with ties to French history. I'm not sure about the modern design of the interior in relation to the rest of your land, but also for a more upscale dining experience it works really well. The glass roof is a particularly striking visual that would make this a one of kind theme park dining experience​
  • Expeditioner's Club - @Outbound
    • A fun updated take on Adventurer's club that focuses on French history. Making it a walkthrough attraction (something DLP loves) is a smart move and sets it apart from the many Adventurer's Club updates/projects inspired by it over the years.​
    • I appreciate the fantatical take that manages to have some fun with the theme without glorifying the colonial era. Seems like a good balance was struck there beteen modern sensibilities and fun with history.​
  • Expedition Cove Shopping and Amenities - @spacemt354
    • I adore the book store/library cafe. I think me and you worked on a similar concept years ago for the entrance area for the 1984 park, but here with the focus on a cozy place to escape the weather the more relaxed/exploratory nature of DLP it works so well and would be a fantastic addition!​
    • Advetnureland Outpost feels more like just a filler shop. but it is a solid one and those are needed too sometimes. Plus, you smartly use it to ease the transition between lands​
  • Final Thoughts​
    • An excellent first project with some incredible aspects! A bit more polish to pull together some of the more underdeveloped yet clever/unique ideas could have lead to this being an all time great, but even as it stands I love it and ya'll shouldbe really proud of what you accomplished!​
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