Cinderellas B'fast


Well-Known Member
Well I have to admit I am totally upset. I have been calling with multiple phones starting at 545am for several days. I got through today and they said Sorry our computer lines are down for at least an hour dont call back before 8am Eastern time. So instead I called back 15 minutes later and the man tells me "Oh we just booked our last table" So I tell him what happened and he said "Well, yes the pc's in Tampa are down until 8am but we have no way of knowing where phone calls will be sent to..Orlando or Tampa" ! Anyway, I just thought I would let people know if interested that they should just hang up and call right back. Thats what I will try tomorrow! We will be there for 10 days and I am running out of chances! Its soooo aggravating ! Has anyone else had this experience?


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Thanks wish I knew about this a week ago! oh well still have four more days to try so hopefully we can get one of these days. The girls are really wanting to do this..they are 5 & 7, I dont think the 2 yr old will know if we skip it, we have never been able to do it on previous trips so hopefully we will get in this time!
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New Member
Cinderella B'Fast

I personally would not waste my time nor my money on this b'fast ever again!! We went in June 2001 and it was horrible! The only halfway friendly princess' were Jasmine and Belle. Aurora, about some serious attitudes! It was so bad my sis in law called Disney about it and they asked if we had a pic or could point out the exact day and time.....that they would be reprimanded! I know its probably just something that only happens once in a blue moon, but still.....the food wasen't that great either......nor was the service. My 2 favorites are by far the Mary Poppins (alice, mad hatter, pinochio, ghepetto) b'fast @ 1900 Park Fare at the Grand Floridian......and the Donald Duck's Breakfastasuarus @ the Animal Kingdom :) :) :)
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I've heard a lot of rumbling about that site and what they do.

Don't they get the PS and horde them until someone they feel is worthy can get one?

What about the people posting here that they called and couldn't get one. It *could* be because they called and got them before anyone else had a chance.

(note: this is just what people have been saying on RADP and it doesn't make it sound very nice)
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OK I guess this is a dumb question but what is RADP? We love Disney and go every few years with the kids. I just found out about this other site and still am not sure if I can get reservations. If not the girls will survive, I mean 10 days at Disney...what more could a person ask for??
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New Member
:) From what I understand Magic Kingdom has just doubled the available tables for this breakfast at 60 days in advance and will continue to make some available 2 days in advance. This will reportedly be in place through June, 2002. They also sometimes have cancelations and you should always try the day of.
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We did it:)

Yea...we got in for our entire party of 8~ I am soo happy. this is our first time getting into the castle! I have heard good and bad but I guess its one of those things you have to experience. hopefully ours will be a good experience!
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I had reservations this past January for it. I can understand why there are mixed reviews for this meal.

For the characters alone it is worth the money. Some very rare and fantastic characters were there. I loved that! However the food wasn't as good as I had hoped. Chef Mickey's is much better. It's a toss up though...what do you want to pay for, the ambience and characters or the actual meal. I really liked it.'s worth it just for the photo ops around the park before everyone else gets there. We got some of the best shots that morning.

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Well-Known Member
Hey there all!! I have done the Princess breakfast twice before and thought it was charming. As far as how to get the silly thing get up every morning and at EXACTLY 7 am dial in to 1-407-wdw-dine. Your reservation must be exactly 60 days out. For example if I was to call forJune 2 I could have called this morning at 7 am. If you arent calling exactly 60 days out, I wouldnt even bother. There are so many nice Character breakfasts also. If you cant get the Castle you can go there for lunch or dinner although there arent any princesses around then. Try Crystal Palace as an alternate for the breakfast. Great food excellent service also Liberty Tree Tavern for character dinner is one of my HUGE favorites!! Good luck!!:king:
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New Member
oops.....forgot this part........

We did get an unusual autograph and photo while at the Princess B'fast............Peter Pan was in the Castle...he was super nice and my daughters highlight of that entire day! Just thought that was cool cuz ya never hear much from him around the park.
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Well, I guess we are paying for the atmosphere. We asked the kids what they all wanted, they all wanted to stay at movies resort (we could have had CB cheaper) and the girls wanted to eat in Cinderellas castle wearing thier princess outfits (definately renting a locker w/change of clothes). But my husband was wondering if some of the other character meals might not be better. What type of food is offered? I am assuming its traditional American b'fast foods, sausages, eggs, waffles?, pancakes? or am I way off base? We have done the character b'fast at Crystal Palace onMain st. but none others. Any suggestions? I understand that we are doing this more for the thrill for the girls than for a great meal, I just hope the girls get some good photo ops. thanks for the info.
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Hey Lori it was with help from the Breakfast Club. Not sure exactly how they do it. I tried so many days and tomorrow was our last chance..but we got in so I am thrilled. I know the girls wont be disappointed as long as they get to meet the Princesses. Also I cant wait to get some photos w/o the crowds! Does anyone know if the resort busses are running that early to the parks or do i need to use our own transportation? thanks so much for all the help from everyone~
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Dwarful: I'm so glad you got in! I'm happy that they were able to help you (and that I saw your post!). Now I can see why they do it-- I feel great that I was able to help, even if only in a small way!

The other character meal that I think is a lot of fun is Chef Mickey's. I haven't been to breakfast there--only to dinner-- but it is a huge buffet, with a separate buffet for kids' stuff (chicken fingers, etc.). Goofy greets you at the door, and many other characters are in the room going from table to table. they also lead everyone in conga lines and encourage napkin waving to music at intervals. Kids all seem to have a fantastic time there. My husband and I I I went to this before we were even married (so no kids!) and we thought it was a hoot. You might want to check it out.

Generally the transportation to the parks starts about an hour to an hour and a half before the park opens (I don't know what time your reservation is for). You should be able to use Disney transportation, although if you will have a car, I'd drive. It's pretty far from thr All Star Resorts, and if you get there that early you'll get a great parking space (free because you are a resort guest too). I'd ask at Guest Services at your hotel when you get there. My understanding is that you can almost always use Disney tranportation to get to a character breakfast, no matter how early.

Have a great time!!!
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Well-Known Member
Hey Dwarf yes you absolutely can!! Call the same number I gave earlier and you are in!!!! The menu for dinner consists of a salad with a strawberry vinagarette that I LOVE., rolls with honey butter/ apple butter, Turkey Breast, Sliced steak, honey mustard ham, Mashed potatoes(real ones not instant stuff), veggies (last time I was there i had carrots ina butter sauce), stuffing and macaroni & cheese. It is an all you can eat type but it is served to your table family style. Adults are about 21 dollars or so and even your beverages are included. the only thing that might be extra is dessert, which i have never had the room for!!! Any other questions please post and I will try to help!! Take a camera or video camera for the Princess breakfast!! very nice!!!
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Hey, LoriL did you get your ressies yet? Well I guess I never mentioned this but ours are for May 31 so we just got lucky because it was less than 60 days for that one! someone must have cancelled I suppose but we got all 8 in our group which i really did not think was going to be possible.
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