I just watched the video in the other thread, and I think I'm sorta starting to warm up to the show. I think my initial not-so-pleasant reaction was a result of a comparison between WDW's and Tokyo's (there really is no comparison, Tokyo still beats WDW by a long shot in terms of scale and wow-factor). However, the more I think about it and the more I see of the talented cast, the more I like the show for what it is.
I still think it drags in some parts, and I thought the same of Tokyo's version. I'm also not a big fan of how Cinderella is portrayed in either version--she seems too comfortable with the whole princess thing. She should be more in awe and naieve in my opinion. I just wish they'd call it something else so there wouldn't necessarily be a direct connection between Tokyo and WDW. It's still not something I would necessarily go out of my way to see, but I like it now more than I did.