Hmmm, funny the cuts they made from the Tokyo version (I have not seen the show yet on video) sound like they actually improve the story. I'm sure that the show is less grand, but that was inevitable from the start due to stage size, cast size, and the fact that it's done during the day. But cutting the stepsisters, tremaine, and the queen of hearts makes perfect sense to me. I never understood why the family that hates her would even be invited to the coronation let alone want to come, and QoH is just a villain that doesn't quite make sense either. Fab Five is perhaps an unnecessary cut, but frankly they are only in the Tokyo version because any show without Mickey in it---well that doesn't really exist, haha.
Live speaking Cindy and Fairy--good. Shorter version--VERY GOOD. Perhaps nothing special? Well the source material was fundamentally flawed so a scaled back version can't exactly be a whole heap better. But with so many showings it will make it easy to make the show a nice diversion and no time needs to be spoiled waiting in any queues or lotteries or sitting to hold a seat for hours on end for a disappointing product.
Seeing as how the castle shows have been less than spectacular anyway, this one seems like it's a pretty decent step in the right direction. Of course when I watch it in person I may want to change this post, haha, but let's show a little perspective...if they over-publicize the show it will be a mistake. If they allow it to be a pleasant diversion than it will serve it's purpose.
And as for the performers, I'm certain that they are all doing a fantastic job. I'm a performer as well and I rip up my show all the time, it's nothing against any of my fellow castmates or myself. We are only given what we are given. Personally, no human being should ever have to wear the costumes that I have to schlep into 5 times a day, let alone have to watch them as a guest. But that's not really my fault, haha...