Having a story is fine, and we do need one, but I think stitchcastle's point is we don't want things too complex.
Toy Story has the interactive games, and we're going for a completly interactive personalised attraction here. I think less is more in this instance, but we've reached a consensus and that's a good thing.
BTW here's an example of the sort of data we'd collect from guests, dotted lines indicate blank spaces for open input, while others will be multiple choice. This is so certain show elements can be created, where as the blank spaces indicate elements that are easily replicated such as colour)
Favourite Colour:.................
Who is your favourite Disney Character:................
Favourite Smell:......................
From the Following, what would be your dream:
To be a pirate
To be a princess
To be a rock star
To be a pop star
To be a superhero
To be asports star (multiple options may be avalable here)
To be a doctor
If that's ok, then I'll come up with a whole host more, if you want it rethinking then go ahead, From the data I'll then come up with how it can be incororated into the attraction and what tech we'd use to do this