Goodevening. :wave:
Hope everyone has been well with this crazy weather. Kind of crazy day, the wind tore a pine tree out from the roots and were hanging on the wires coming to the house. Called the bil and he said he'd call me back, he never did, so I called the electric company and a few hours later they came out and cut down the tree. The line is still connected to the house, just pulled out a little.
George is back in the hospital. :brick: He has another infection that he needs iv drips for the meds, they don't have a take home oral type. But things seem to be getting better. I just wish we weren't so emotional lately. We are so exhausted and tired that every little thing makes snap. He even told me he is sorry he ever go the transplant. If I was down there I would have strangled him for saying that. But he is better now.