I mean don’t get me wrong, I have my gloom and doom perspective on Disney too, it’s just about different stuff. Combined with how the rest of the Western World lives, is Disney a part of a completely unsustainable way of life wherein we trash the Earth beyond repair and fill the oceans to the brim with ever increasing amounts of plastic? I think Disney does a good job with environmental initiatives but there are some aspects of a mass consumption based project where an element of harm is unavoidable, and Disney hosts that mass consumption at a huge, amplified scale. I also have my worries about the ethics of people paying thousands for a theme park vacation as people starve in the world, although I’m more on the fence about that one as I am generally a believer in regulated capitalism for improving quality of life. Someone like Peter Singer would say that giving as much as you can is best, while others may say that makes people reliant on giving and isn’t best long term. But either way, it’s an area to think about seriously.
Stuff like LLs and rate of ride production and such strike me more as details though. I love the underlying structure of Disney parks in terms of my guest experience. What Ohana is serving or how long it’s been since a new ride came out is not a deal breaker for me. A never ending negative trend on those details - yes, of course that would reach dealbreaker levels at some point. And for awhile I was actually getting concerned - LL and DME plus other cuts and price increases all at once was a lot. But so far I would call this a blip, which is currently experiencing a market correction.