Chape's Big Blue WDW update 10/5/06


New Member
Thanks for the pictures.
Is it just me or does the stage seem to be rather small? Maybe it is just the pictures that make it look small!
THANKS again!


New Member
Still Wooden Benches.

Definately best Stage Show, Lion King moves to 2nd

If it bumps Festival of the Lion King it must really be great! From what I can tell it looks like the characters are done similar to The Lion King on Broadway. Can't wait until Dec 20th!:xmas:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the pictures.
Is it just me or does the stage seem to be rather small? Maybe it is just the pictures that make it look small!
THANKS again!
That's only 1/2 of the stage. The back wall with the title projected on it splits in 2 and moves off to reveal the back half. It's quite large.

The charactors are pretty simular to Lion King (broadway), but 1 thing I really liked was at a few main points the actors put the puppets down or handed them off and just acted for a few seconds. Sorta a "Stop looking at the cute fish and really see the point of the story" moment.

The actors were dressed as if their fish charactor was a human, and what that human would wear.

It beats out Lion king, because instead of a Celebration of music (WDW has had MANY of these shows), it has full plot and charactor emotional devolpment.


Well-Known Member
That or keeps the doors from flying open on guests who like to bump into the trashcans. it was very odd indeed, but it was every single one at MK, but none of the cans in the other parks.

Maybe the Custodial CMs didn't want to reach inside the trash can flap to unlock the hinge anymore? Or for those times when Custodial is really lax in their duties and the trashcan is overflowing, you don't have to dig through the overflowing trash to get at the latch...



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Maybe the Custodial CMs didn't want to reach inside the trash can flap to unlock the hinge anymore? Or for those times when Custodial is really lax in their duties and the trashcan is overflowing, you don't have to dig through the overflowing trash to get at the latch...

A much better point.


New Member
I was wondering do the projection bubbles seprate in 1/2 also, it seems like they would be in the way?

Is there any in theater efects besides the bubbles? like fog lasers etc.? Any water like in the VOLM?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No, the bubbles don't seperate in 2, they are for projection use only, there's nothing behind them.

There are many in-theatre effects, not like Mermaid. There's a low-lying fog during the EAC number, as well as bursts of smoke (the submarine blowing up), pryo (the Sea mines blowing up), and real soap bubbles for Curtain calls.

Also of Note, the center travler doens't always open fully it sometimes only opens a little bit to reveal 1 character or prop.


New Member
I was also wondering if there is any new lighting effects in this show? Do they do anything on the walls of the theater? It seems like there is not to many in theater effects. What do they do to make you think you are underwater? The press article says they are going to make you feel like you are underwater!


Why do people say that the xmas tree is in its temporary location? Why temp and where will it move to if/when it is moved?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was also wondering if there is any new lighting effects in this show? Do they do anything on the walls of the theater? It seems like there is not to many in theater effects. What do they do to make you think you are underwater? The press article says they are going to make you feel like you are underwater!
You definately feel like you are underwater. There are several lighting effects to accomplish this, including the use of projectors. It's very convincing. :wave:

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