Certainly...I have to believe that there is a tremendouse amout of disagreement at the Board and shareholder level on how to navigate their way out of this. I believe that Disney has an enormous public relations and public perception problem on its hands. I have to guess that they CANNOT fix their financial trouble until they fix their PR trouble.
Disney has always relied heavily on its brand "halo" with the public. Right now that "halo" over it's head is dimming FAST and I think the people with the most at steak....the shareholders...are the ones that will fight to get it back.
I dont know how this plays out in the next 3-5 years but Disney needs to restore as much goodwill with its customers as it possibly can. If they truly DO get labled a "nasty, political activist" company?....if that DOES become who they are?...they will literally chop their customer potenial in half.
There are many inside Disney that believe the company "should" take political and cultural sides and that doing so is a GOOD thing. Yes, many believe that political activism is Disney's "duty" to society. There are others that believe this tactic leads to financial disaster. I certainly am one of them.
Could you imagine if a company like....I dunno...Coca Cola came out with a press statement taking a publicly offical stance on abortion vs pro life? If Coke said? "We will work hard to PROMOTE one side of this cultural issue" Yes....half of America would be raging angry and the other half would be delighted. Coca Cola would crash and burn if they got involved like that....which is why no large company would ever try to do that.