For those going to MGM on 8.29, 8.30 or 8.31, be aware that the RIDES (SDD, TSM, @SS, ToT, RnR, and Star Tours) all have FPs starting at 6:00 AM, and they seem to be gone already for 8.29 (at least there are none available for parties of 3 that day). The shows all seem start with FPs after "normal" hours (9-10ish). So if you're planning on going to MGM to rope drop ToT and ride it repeatedly with no lines by avoiding us Star Wars nerds, that may not work out.
I wish they had just killed FP+ for the whole park those three days instead of this asinine tiering tomfoolery.
Starting on 9.1, when there is EEMH from 6-9 and the park officially opens at 9, it appears that FP+ starts at 9 for all FP+ attractions.