Celebrating Birthdays during stay...


Active Member
I've seen/read about the simple birthday gratuitous cakes and such during meals...BUT...Im wondering if there are some specifics that might be available during our stay 3/22-3/26.

Our oldest son turns 9 during the trip...staying AK Lodge, and we plan to do Epcot that day (3/23).

A side note...the BAD thing about this SURPRISE trip...they find out on the way to the airport with embroidered ears after we pick them up from school early. The other two kids (May (6, Girl) and July (8, Boy) birthdays)...we may have just blown up every other birthday for the rest of their lives with this. Have considered making each child get a birthday celebration on the visit.

Again, thanks in advance for any tips/advice/suggestions/things to avoid/etc....


Active Member
:wave: The first park you go to for the day, go over to guest relations and get them birthday pins to wear. they will get lots of attention from CM's and such. Plus, usually, they get called up to be in the shows, etc. they would like that. you can also have the resort put balloons and signed pics of Minnie and Mickey in the room for you. have a magical trip. Take them to Mickeys Backyard BBQ or Hoop De Doo Revue. Plus, character breakfasts. :sohappy:
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Original Poster
Thanks...that's the stuff I've been hoping to hear about...will be calling today to finalize the reservations and all...yeeeeeehaaaaaaah
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Active Member
We went to the Sci-Fi Cafe on my wife's birthday (she had the pin on) and we got a Sundae that was so big (it had to have 5-6 scoops of ice cream plus) that we ate about a 1/4 of it.....be prepared for lots of fast passes....

However....let me caution you....we just got back from our Honeymoon at DW in early November....we received some attention (we wore pins to the park)...like congrats and stuff...but no fast passes (then again we are in our 30s and there were no lines).....we did see plenty of folks with "My First Visit" pins getting some attention.....don't get me wrong, it was a great trip, but we got a lot more stuff on her birthday....

Also, try getting a seat at the front of the Monorail (they only take 4 passengers, though) and make sure to wear out the photopass folks...

Finally, are you on the dining plan??

my 2 cents....

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New Member
You can order a personalized birthday cake for a pretty reasonable price. For 4 people, it's $12.50. I can't remember how much for larger cakes.:wave:
I had heard once somewhere on the internet that if you ask if you can be in the AK parade, they will let you if it's your birthday. I was too chicken to ask on my last trip!
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Well-Known Member
From a mother of three....to a mother of three....even out those trips:lol: ! Say something like, 'we are starting a new birthday tradition of taking a trip to WDW for one birthday'. If they ask when it will be their turn make sure to let them know it will be another "suprise" trip and they will not know in advance. If your kids are like my kids, they will notice and want the same birthday treat. Good luck, have fun and get those birthday pins!
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New Member
We celebrated my son's 9th birthday in Epcot last July. I ordered him a personalized birthday shirt on Ebay, and my dd6 a princess shirt with her name. We had already been to the other 3 parks, and I picked up a birthday pin in each. He wore them all that day. We didn't get any free fastpasses or anything, but EVERYONE stopped us and told him happy birthday. You can request a Goofy birthday call as a wakeup call. We did, but he was half asleep when I made him answer the phone and couldn't remember it. In Cananda, a cm asked him if he'd had a birthday call. He told her about it, and she told him that the phone was ringing and must be for him. She mashed a button, handed him the phone, and Goofy was talking to him!

We had dinner at Garden Grill, and it was wonderful. I made note of it on the reservation. The characters kept coming back to play with my kids, and Dale brought out a birthday cake and signed card from Chip, Dale, Pluto, and Mickey. There was no extra charge-we just didn't get the normal dessert. There was plenty for all 4 of us that night, and for breakfast the next morning.

I made out tip envelopes for mousekeeping before we went. On each a put a note about my son's birthday on Thursday. When we got back to the room that night, he had balloons and a signed card from Mickey and Minnie.

My daughter will be 8 November 8. I teach, so we can't go for her birthday, but I am booked for Thanksgiving week. I am going to make one day just for her, with the boutique and dinner at 1900 Park Fare. Otherwise, it just wouldn't be fair-as she keeps telling me!
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We are using the dining plan...I finalized the res. today, and AKL actually wasn't available (don't trust the internet res. system I guess), so we are now at Poly, and actually saved some $$$.

Thanks for all the tips. Wife and I still haven't decided on the "birthday" plan yet...but thats a great idea on the "future surprises".
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Active Member
I don't know if you've made your dinner ressies yet, but I'd recommend Le Cellier in the WS. We'd not eaten there until our trip in Nov. '06, but we think that it's the best of the WS restaurants. The Rose and Crown (England) is fantastic also. The wife and I always liked Chefs de France, but the quality and menu have gone downhill.

my 2 cents....

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New Member
Birthday Celebration

Getting ready to celebrate the BIG 50 on 2/12 in Disneyworld! :sohappy: I'm more excited than any kid! With all the stress and tough stuff in our world, how fortunate are we who can make dreams and have a few days of Disney Magic.

We splurged and will be at Boardwalk Inn. I plan on getting my birthday button and have notified resort and restaurants. We'll see how extra-special Disney can make this.

Have a Disney-O Day..................Susie
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Birthday PARTY!!

My wife and I are going in April as somewhat of a second honeymoom/B-day trip for me! Even though I will be turning 28, I know I will feel like a kid when I am there. I can't wait for the trip in general, let alone any extra Disney magic!!
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New Member
How do you go about notifying the resort...I already have reservations and my mom is turning 50 so I would like to surprise her with balloons or something. Do you call reservations?

I am also planning to eat at Fultons in DTD for her birthday and getting a cake there. Do the characters ever come out to DTD??

I have only been to Disney two other times so bear with me.....You go th guest relations and get a birthday pin. Do you need to get a different pin in every park you go to that day? Do they give out the pins to just anyone or do you need proof of your birthdate??

Any other ideas for ways I could make this trip extra special??:shrug:
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Active Member
Last year my parents surprised my best friend, and myself with a trip to disney for my 21st birthday! Neways my mom made all these reservations for us at all these restaurants like victoria and alberts and the castle, etc. she did not tell the res. people it was my birthday THANK GOD! Neways my best friend called my mom got the conf. # and added birthday to the ADR's she did this with our room at the Contemp. too! Neways she said that they told her she could either order a cake for each location (we had friends popping in and out throughout the week so we had to have many parties!) for like 20 bucks each or she could tell the people when we checked in and we would get like a free desert she did that and it worked out fine! What she did was have a friend run late and make me stay at the hotel and wait for them while she went and checked in at that time she would tell them it was my b-day! By the 3rd party I figured it out, I didn't want to ruin her surprise for me so I never told her lol. I also know if u want to go a little further u can have a company plan scavenger hunts and prepare flowers or baskets I found it on another website its a planning website of sorts does anyone remember the name?:brick:
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You can get a birthday button at the resort and she wears in in all the parks. (She can do this several days, if she wants) Cast members, as well as other guests, will wish her Happy Birthday. Also, at some point go to the front desk and tell them when her birthday is. Last year, my husband did this for me and on my birthday, Mickey called to say Happy Birthday and then when we got back to the room that night, the resort had put a card and balloons in the room for me - there was no charge for it. I also did this for my son. I don't believe DTD has characters. Hope this helps.:wave:
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For my 7th birthday we were in disney. I just remember that we did a few character breakfasts and I got a lot of cakes!

My mom's birthday will be during the week we're there so I need to get her a button and make her wear it. Also when I'm doing the college program my boyfriend will be down for his 21st so I'll have to do a lot for that.

While we're there this summer I'm paying for my friend's princes breakfast in EPCOT since I needed something for her birthday and knew she wouldn't have the money for it. Should I get her a button and/or tell them when we get to the breakfast?
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Don't be affraid to mention that you're celebrating a birthday to every cast member you deal with. Even if you're talking with Disney CM's on the phone making reservations. I mentioned that it was my friends birthday to a great CM named Hal at MK when we were scoping out seats for the parade that afternoon. We found a good spot & a few minutes later I hear Hal calling my friend's name, at the top of his lungs. Hal made him get up & stand with him and got the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to him. My friend tried to make it look like he was embarrassed but I could see it in his face that he loved it.
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Naturally Grumpy
How do you go about notifying the resort...I already have reservations and my mom is turning 50 so I would like to surprise her with balloons or something. Do you call reservations?

I am also planning to eat at Fultons in DTD for her birthday and getting a cake there. Do the characters ever come out to DTD??

I have only been to Disney two other times so bear with me.....You go th guest relations and get a birthday pin. Do you need to get a different pin in every park you go to that day? Do they give out the pins to just anyone or do you need proof of your birthdate??

Any other ideas for ways I could make this trip extra special??:shrug:

Yes, call back reservations, have your reservation # handy. Ask them to add that information to the reservation. Buttons are the same at every park, so no need to get a separate one, although you may want to as the names sometimes wear. They do not ask for proof of age.

There are also gift services at the hotels, so you can arrange to have flowers, cake, balloons, champagne etc. delivered to the room for celebration.
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Another fun thing to do would be to go to Beaches & Cream at the Beach Club Resort and have a Kitchen Sink (Ice Cream). Yours and the kids mouthes will drop. Just make sure you have about 6 people with you to finish it off!:lol:

I did it on my birthday a few years ago.
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Active Member
Yes, call back reservations, have your reservation # handy. Ask them to add that information to the reservation. Buttons are the same at every park, so no need to get a separate one, although you may want to as the names sometimes wear. They do not ask for proof of age.

There are also gift services at the hotels, so you can arrange to have flowers, cake, balloons, champagne etc. delivered to the room for celebration.

Not sure if it has changed but when we went last June each park and DTD had their own button. So I would suggest getting one from each park.
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