Car Seat Recommendations

Hi Everyone,

I have an odd question.

The family and I are heading to WDW the first week of June.

It will be the first time for myself and DW to go with our DD who will be 15 months old at the time.

We need to get a new carseat...a forward facing one. This will be the first forward facing carseat we will get, since she is still riding in the rear facing seat.

We have looked at the Graco Nautilus and a seat by a company called Britax and another called Safety 1st.

Do you have any recommendations? We don't know where to begin!

Any help, ideas, stories, anything at all will be most helpful. Thanks!


P.S. We will be driving from New Orleans to WDW...about 10 hours.


We drove down in Nov/Dec from Maine with our then 15 month old DS. We specifically checked out in person all of the different car seats we could find and check the padding in the seat, etc since we knew we were driving down and needed one that would be as comfortable for him as possible. Some had hardly any padding in it, while others (like the one we chose) was very thick. I'd want to be comfortable too being in a car for that long on a time!

Here is a link to ours we bought at Toys R Us:

We actually bought 2 of them, one for each vehicle. Very easy to install, fabric is gender neutral, the color of the fabric being a tan hide spill and stains easily, is very easy to take the cover off and wash it (we had to while we were in Orlando on our last trip since our son got sick all over it), has a little cup holder on the side for her sippy cup, very easy to tighten and release the straps (you can do this from either side of the car seat which makes if VERY convenient), my son has no problems at all to sleep in it (he's now 20 months old and will be 2 when we drive again in Sept.). I just can't say enough good things about this! We bought this when they were having a sale where you could get an additional $20 off each car seat, plus we have their Babies r us/Toys r us Mastercard that we paid with, which built up points for such an expensive purchase and gave us furture 2) $10 off coupons. Plus for apply for the card that day we got an additional % off. So, with all of that, we saved quite a bit!

It fits comfortably in both a minivan and pick up. Not sure what you're driving down in, but we have a minivan we mostly travel in and it fits perfectly! (no problems either with the pick up.) Never had to install it in a car.

It is so hard to make a decision on a car seat since they will be in it for such a long time, that you want to make the right decision. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Good Luck!
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New Member

We purchased the Britax Marathon for my daughter. I searched many places, read many forums etc. before deciding on the Britax Marathon. She always seemed cozy while napping and didn't slouch forward. My only regret is that i didnt buy two (one for each car). Our second seat was a graco something or other- she didn't much care for it. The Britax wins my vote hands down.:sohappy:
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We bought a Britax Roundabout for my son when he was a baby. My daughter is using it now. Very comfortable and holds up nicely, you'd never know it was seven years old. We got the cow pattern which is adorable and stands out when all rental cars look alike.
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Well-Known Member
I third the Britax suggestion. All three of my kids are in Britax now (5,4 and 8 months) .My older two have Marathons and my baby is in a Decatholon (yes my 5 year old falls into the height and weights requirements). Our kids outgrew thier infant pumpkin seat's at about 4 to 5 months length wise. (PSA the length is at limit of seat before weigth. If you kids feet are at or passed the end of the infant seat IT IS NOT SAFE!!!! I see this every day thoose kids hips could break in a accident and if the seat is not being used correctly ie your kid is too big they are not liabile for anything) so we moved on to Britax after much research.
Anyway I love the Britax brand. My kids have puked, pooped and spilled just about everything else on thoose seats and they have washed beautifully. I have ordered replacement foam cushions, EPS hard foam on the sides and straps. The only thing Britax charged me for were they foam inserts b/c the seats were over 3 years. I also just put the new foam over the old foam to make the seats more cushy. The seats also have a recline option great for sleeping on road trips, there little heads don't fall forward. I know they are pricey but they are the best, EXCELLENT quality, great customer support and they are SO SAFE. I really don't care all that much about celebs I have seen many pic of celeb kids in Britax's so if it good enough for Baby Suri there you go ;)
Hope that helps.
ETA:Marcriss if your DD seat is really 7 years old check out this site by Britax as her seat may be unsafe:
I looked it up recently to check on things for our seats.
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ETA:Marcriss if your DD seat is really 7 years old check out this site by Britax as her seat may be unsafe:
I looked it up recently to check on things for our seats.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip, we're actually still within the "use" time. Our model was brand new when we bought it and we're still within the 6 year window (My son was in the infant seat for a while). I'm hoping my daughter will be able to move into a booster before we pass the 6 year mark!
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Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
Britax for the win... Can't remember exactly which models we've had, three different ones. I know we've had a marathon and a roundabout. Went through a bad accident with one and our son was uninjured. Very easy to install, etc. Can't go wrong with it.
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