Hobnail Boot
Well-Known Member
I think the reason they inject so much humor is because if the films take themselves too seriously, they might come off as ludicrous. This isn't like the serious Batman films where it's a normal guy in a cape judo chopping bad guys with the occassional, slightly unbelievable action. These are movies where we have an alien with a big hammer that shoots lightning, a WWII super soldier who was frozen for 70 years and survived, and a billionaire who flies around in armor equipped with rocket boots and lasers. Having a bit of levity will help entertain those who don't know squat about the comics. I've never heard a theater laugh so hard as they did when Hulk picked Loki up and beat him like a rag doll. Many were still laughing about it as we exited, too.
I feel Marvel is doing a great job with the movies so far. The Thor films are the weakest imo, but his stories and worlds are understandably the hardest to translate to film. As a life long comic reader, I think Joss is doing a great and I'm more excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron than I have been for any movie in my life (the mid-credits scene from CA:TWS is going to make me very happy if rumors are true). This Cap film does look a bit darker, and apparently A:AoU will be darker too, and I'm fine with that. But I like me some of those corny one liners in there.
I suck at explaining things on here so I'm sure that comes off as an incoherent mess.
I feel Marvel is doing a great job with the movies so far. The Thor films are the weakest imo, but his stories and worlds are understandably the hardest to translate to film. As a life long comic reader, I think Joss is doing a great and I'm more excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron than I have been for any movie in my life (the mid-credits scene from CA:TWS is going to make me very happy if rumors are true). This Cap film does look a bit darker, and apparently A:AoU will be darker too, and I'm fine with that. But I like me some of those corny one liners in there.
I suck at explaining things on here so I'm sure that comes off as an incoherent mess.