Capacity closings today?


Well-Known Member
DizWhizKid said:
I don't know if she's okay or not. I assume she probably was taken to Celebration Hospital. But imagine if she does end up...not...being ok... Epcot would have had two people getting fatally ill on two of their most popular attractions in less than a week's time (though you can't say Soarin's to blame for this one). How bad would that look for the Resort?

I'll edit my post then, because it's not appropriate if her status is unclear.


Active Member
DizWhizKid said:
Also, I heard that Soarin' went down tonight around 7:30 for a guest who was drunk and began to choke on her own vomit. After the dust cleared and the ambulances were called in, Soarin' ended up staying open until 10 because of it.

I hope this is not true because I do not want them to cut out the sale of alcohol because of somebody being so stupid. I hate people who cannot take responsibility for themselves and ruin it for others.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Ringo8n24 said:
I hope this is not true because I do not want them to cut out the sale of alcohol because of somebody being so stupid. I hate people who cannot take responsibility for themselves and ruin it for others.

People just need to know their limit, especially in a public place. This isn't your house where you can worship the toilet all night. Aren't CMs supposed to cut people off when they get too much?

BTW MISSION:SPACE oh man those wait times are great news! BEAT TEST TRACK!


Well-Known Member
warlord said:
Aren't CMs supposed to cut people off when they get too much?

The problem is, it's so objective. And chances are, all of the intoxicating beverages were not consumed in the same place.

Some people just act funny. Or dumb. Unless they literally reek and are physically ill unless, you know someone at least passingly, or they consume all of the beverages in front of you, it's very difficult to drawn the line between stopping an idiot drunk and offending someone because of their personality/voice patterns/etc.

It's a hard judgement for someone at a cart or stand serving snacks and beer to hundreds of theme park guests every hour to make, I'm sure.



Active Member
dxer07002 said:
OK, from my CM friend who works at Epcot in one of the gift shops...

She said Epcot was busy, but not as busy as they had expected... She did say she heard M:S wait times were 100 minutes, but when she had a chance to go outside, she checked it out and saw it was only 20-30 minutes.. so she wasn't too sure which one was right... She did say she heard guests still talking about the incident on Tuesday... Some were saying they were concerned enough not to ride M:S others shrugged it off.... One guest she siad came into her store after riding M:S and complained he started feeling ill... He walked out with his family.. She didn't know if they left the park or went to seek medical attention... She didn;t hear anything else after that... But this one even kid of shocked me...

She said 2 males, maybe 18-21 years of age, came into the shop.. Both were wearing M:S shirts with the logo on the front and a saying on the back.. One shirt said MISSION SPACE,IT IS A KILLER OF A RIDE and the other said MISSION SPACE I AM DYING TO GET OFF... Even though I am not a fan of the ride, I found this tasteless as she did as well.. I asked her if anyone said anything to them about the shirts and she didn't think anyone did....

Other than that, she said the park did not have to put into affect any park closing....

Were the wait times 110 min or 20???? And as for those shirts, I want one...


Active Member
TAC said:
Speck is a highly respected member here. To my knowledge, he has never "made up facts." He has lived in the Orlando area for over 10 years, and has provided this message board with many updates, stories, and yes, true facts from his own experiences as well as from others.

Be careful what you say about him.

Have a magical day!

I had typed a really long response to this, but I realized as I finished that it is just not worth my effort. Suffice to say that respect should be shown before it is given.


Well-Known Member
Take it to PMs or report to a moderator....we don't need this...especially with all the M:S trash stinkin' up the place. Just my opinion though.



Well-Known Member
mhead said:
I had typed a really long response to this, but I realized as I finished that it is just not worth my effort. Suffice to say that respect should be shown before it is given.
Not worth the effort or just not true? :rolleyes:

Respect goes both ways and so far, you're the one lacking.


Premium Member
GothMickey said:
Were the wait times 110 min or 20????

As I posted earlier, it could very well have been 110 minutes during a downtime. Once the two bays involved came back up, things cleared out to about a 20-30 minute wait.


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
As I posted earlier, it could very well have been 110 minutes during a downtime. Once the two bays involved came back up, things cleared out to about a 20-30 minute wait.

Still, it shows how popular the ride is...and says tons about its capacity. As for how many got sick? Probably a handful of people....the same who get sick after ToT or any type of coaster...and yet still get back in line to ride again.


Premium Member
Shaman said:
Still, it shows how popular the ride is...and says tons about its capacity.

I think it says more for Fastpass's ability to bring the Standby line to a dead halt if the ride has as much as a hiccup.


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
I think it says more for Fastpass's ability to bring the Standby line to a dead halt if the ride has as much as a hiccup.

Still...people in line are people in line. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I went to DL on NYE one year -- it wasn't too bad... In the early evening, the PARTY crowd definatly started arriving and was getting busy around 7-8, but it was kinda quiet during the day.


Active Member
Alright so back on topic - I have not made it to WDW since February and since February is a not a good month by which to measure - what effect is EE having on AK attendance? I mean I know alot more people are going to AK for EE, but is it sustained through the day? I mean there still isn't much to do at AK so I guess I am asking if it seems that the park as a whole is seeing increased attendance or is it just EE that is "busting at the seams?"


Well-Known Member
mhead said:
Alright so back on topic - I have not made it to WDW since February and since February is a not a good month by which to measure - what effect is EE having on AK attendance? I mean I know alot more people are going to AK for EE, but is it sustained through the day? I mean there still isn't much to do at AK so I guess I am asking if it seems that the park as a whole is seeing increased attendance or is it just EE that is "busting at the seams?"
The park as a whole has seen increased attendance.


Active Member
peter11435 said:
The park as a whole has seen increased attendance.

And this is a great thing.... EE is having the affect they hoped for... I am glad to see AK's attendance is going up.... People may finally see how awesome AK really is.

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