Candlelight Processional Hosts


Well-Known Member
I was in Candlelight Cast Choir last year (I'm actually in one of the pictures posted earlier in the thread). I got to sing with most of the narrators, and I though most of them were very good. My all-time favorites were Gary Sinese, Kirk Cameron and Rita Moreno (she was a little over-the-top, but at least she was enthusiastic). Kirk Cameron actually came backstage and chatted with the Cast Choir between performances. My least favorite by-far was Mario Lopez. By his actions, he made it very clear that he DID NOT want to be there. He even text-messaged on his cell phone behind the podium while onstage. I'm not surprised that he wasn't back this year.

Wow. Text-messaging during the show, from the stage. That is crazy and rude, but then again I am continually amazed at how many people text-message things in more and more seemingly inappropriate places....



New Member
I was at AK speaking with a CM who performs in the CP show and he told us the same thing about Mario Lopez indicating that he wouldn't be asked back. He also said that John Stamos wouldn't be asked back although he wouldn't elaborate as to why. (I saw Stamos, and while I thought his enthusiasm was great he missed several pages of reading and ended up doing things out of order).

We've seen Gary Sinise several times as we always are at WDW for Christmas. We were told that he volunteers to do it over Christmas as he doesn't have children and feels that the others should be with their kids on Christmas.

We've also seen Rashad, Morena, and several others. All of whom were very good. I honestly can't think of anyone who wasn't.


New Member
Out of sheer curiosity...has anyone seen Marlee Matlin? How exactly does it work with her? Is the performance entirely signed? I'm not trying to be insensitive, I'm just curious how it works with her.

My aunt claims she has a surprisingly clear speaking voice and just narrates.


Well-Known Member
I am kinda bummed Phylicia Rashad isn't going to be our narrator as previously planned. I was looking forward to her. I hope we get someone good, although I'm mostly looking forward to the story I'll hear.

Please don't think me a heathen or anything, but growing up we didn't go to church and I've never read the bible. Bits and pieces here and there but not the whole thing. I know the gist of the Christmas Story but have never heard it told. My hubby, on the other hand, had a family tradition when growing up to sit by the fireplace with all of his family and listen to his grandfather read it from the bible on Christmas Eve. The Candlelight Processional will be my first time really hearing the Christmas Story. It will also be our sons' first times, too. The DH swears I will get emotional. We're all looking forward to it.

Reading this thread is making me that much more antsy!!!


Looks like my chorus, if they get in, will be with Steven Curtis Chapman again, or TBD, or another TBD!

(Last year was my first year bringing a chorus instead of being in one!)


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Original Poster

If all goes as planned my chorus will have Neil Patrick Harris.

I've heard of him, but I've never seen any of his movies and stuff.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member

Bad TV actor trying to do a convincing, live reading.

Everyone else sounds great, though.

I'll be in the choir. :sohappy:
Actually, he wasn't too bad last year (if I remember correctly). It was either him or Kirk Cameron that mentioned they were big fans of Disney, and Epcot in particular.

Congrats on getting into the choir!
My daughter will be performing on Sunday December 1st, and we're very excited ! :xmas:

According to the link in this forum to the list of performers, Neil Patrick Harris will be the host that night, but according to the list on it will be Dennis Franz. My daughter is hoping it's Neil, as she really wants to meet him, but I'm happy either way.


New Member
Just incase some of you didn't catch it, the Candlelight Processions hosts list is now completed. There are no longer any TBAs on the list.


From the link-

Nightly Candlelight Processional at the American Gardens Theatre. Revel in the joy of the season as you listen to an unforgettable retelling of the Christmas story by a celebrity narrator accompanied by a 50-piece orchestra and mass choir.

Shows are at 5:00, 6:45 and 8:15 p.m.

Scheduled Celebrity Narrators include:

David Robinson
Nov. 23-25

John O'Hurley

Nov. 26-28

Neil Patrick Harris

Nov. 29-Dec. 1

Dennis Franz

Dec. 2-Dec. 4

Monique Coleman

Dec. 5-Dec. 7

Steven Curtis Chapman

Dec. 8-Dec. 10

Chita Rivera

Dec. 11-Dec. 13

Isabella Rossellini

Dec. 14-Dec. 16

Kirk Cameron

Dec. 17-Dec. 19

Edward James Olmos

Dec. 20-Dec. 22

Gary Sinise

Dec. 23-Dec. 25

Rita Moreno

Dec. 26-Dec. 28

Marlee Matlin

Dec. 29-Dec. 30

:xmas: :xmas: :xmas: :xmas: :xmas: :xmas:


Well-Known Member
:) We are scheduled to go on the 5th and were TBA. My son loathes going. Well, now that Monique Colman is the speaker, he changed his tune.

(Wish everyone could have seen the smile on his face! :) )


New Member
last year our narrator was Brian Denehy. He acted very snooty and aloof but he actually did a very good job as he has a great speaking voice. We will be there again this year on the 14th and our narrator will be Isabella Rosselini. Has she done it before and if so does she do a good job? We keep hoping to go when Steven Curtis Chapman is narrating(we are huge fans)but our vacation schedule never seems to allow us to go when he's there.:(

Love him or hate him, Steven is very sincere and passionate about his faith so I bet he does an amazing job.


Well-Known Member
We get Dennis Franz on the 4th. Has anyone seen him do CP before? I'm still kinda bummed that we aren't getting Phylicia Rashad. I grew up watching her and can imagine she gives a beautiful, heartfelt narration.


New Member
I, too, am still bummed about Phylicia Rashad not being there. We now have Monique Coleman. My seven-year-old niece would be thrilled IF she were going with us. Me, not so much...:cry:


Well-Known Member
Isabella Rossellini is new this year and I'm pretty pumped to see her.

I think hearing the story read with an elegant Italian accent will be fun.

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