On my visit to Epcot this past weekend, I noticed that the new Soarin' building has been painted a very light blue, to match the color of the sky. It does a fairly nice job of camouflaging the building and makes Canada's pavillion still very visible from the American Garden theatre without detracting from the theming there too much.
One of the rumors on these boards a few months ago was that Canada was going to get a large mountain/log ride for that very reason - to hide the show building from Soarin'. Since the building has since been meticulously painted however, I would think that possibility is becoming more remote - at least if the Canada mountain was dependent upon concealing Soarin'.
One of the rumors on these boards a few months ago was that Canada was going to get a large mountain/log ride for that very reason - to hide the show building from Soarin'. Since the building has since been meticulously painted however, I would think that possibility is becoming more remote - at least if the Canada mountain was dependent upon concealing Soarin'.