Can you recite?


Well-Known Member
diddy_mouse said:
the manager: "we can't?"
Steven Tyler: "no-ho."

I thought it was "no-no." That just sounds funny as he's answering his manager (a woman). Something just seems wrong with it being that way.

And I, too, know a lot of the spiels, but I don't want to type them all out, because with my luck my computer will freeze right at the end.


New Member
:D I have the original intro to the old Journey Into Imagination down pat...probably due to the fact that I have it burned on a CD in my car...and listen to it at every available opportunity.

Dreamfinder and Figment make rush hour traffic a whole lot more fun.....


Well-Known Member
Original JII (w/ Dreamfinder)-

Dreamfinder:One Little spark, of inspiration
Is at the heart, hehe, of all creation
Right at the start, of everything thats new
One little spark, lights up for you

Oh Hello there so glad you could come along. I am the Dreamfinder!!

(Bubbling sound)

Ahh hahaha!! Musical notes what delightful melodies those will make!!

I love these flights of fancy, searching the universe for sounds colors, ideas, ANYTHING that sparks the imagination.

(Bubbling sound)

A sun beam ,thats a good one. Hohohoho! Everything I collect can inspire amazing and marvelous new ideas. And you never know what kind of Figment you may come up with. Ohohoho! Heres my favorite.

Two tiny wings, eyes big and yellow
Horns of a steer, but a loveable fellow
From head to tail, hes royal purple pigment
and there VOILA, you've got a Figment

A Figment of Imagination!! <!-- / sig -->

Figment: Ohohohohho!! Dreamfinder, I'm just right!
Dreamfinder: Ah ah ah!! Not quite!
Figment: Ehh?
Dreamfinder: I'll throw in a dash of childish delight
Figment: Ohoohohoho Hahahahahah!!

I can remember a good bit past that, but my fingers are getting tired. I have it on CD in my car too.:lol:


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Spaceship Earth: "AT&T welcomes you aboard Spaceship Earth. Journey with us now to the dawn of recorded time as we explore the amazing story of human communication. Like a grand and miraculous spaceship, our planet has sailed through the universe of time. And for a brief moment, we have been among its many passengers. From the very beginning we have always sought to reach out to one another, to bridge the gaps between us, to communicate..."...
......Across the lonely hostile planet, our early anscestors spread in search of food and shelter. With the development of language......?(can't remember the rest of that part)

General Grizz said:
Haunted Mansion: Is this haunted room ACTUALLY stretching? Or is it your imagination? Hmm? And consider this dismaying observation: this chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out!...
......Of course there's always my waaayy!! (lights go out,thunder/lightening)Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! Ohh I didn't mean to frighten you prematurely, the real chills come later. Now as they say, look alive, and we'll continue our little tour. (I know this whole ride speil back to front):hammer:

Sorry, figured I would add the parts I could remember.:lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
to continue what PurpleDragon started...

Dreamfinder: Look, Figment, some new friends have joined us.
Figment: Can they imagine too?
Dreamfinder: Of course! Imagination is something that belongs to all of us.
Figment: You mean, everyone can think up new things?
Dreamfinder: That's right, Figment. And every sparkling idea can lead to even more. So many times, we're stumbling in the dark. And then, eureka! What a spark!
Figment: How are we gonna use lightning?
Dreamfinder: We can combine it with ghostly shivers on a stormy night and turn them into a tale of fright!
Figment: Oh look, look, a rainbow! I'll use that to paint with!
Dreamfinder: Now you've got it!
Figment: Wow, wow, wow! Numbers, letters, papers for writing. Costumes, make-up, stages for lighting. Teardrops, laughter!
Dreamfinder: What about science?
Figment: Science! We'll need electron beams and crystal prisms, gyroscopes and magnetisms, holograms in three dimensions..
Dreamfinder: Hold on, Figment!
Figment: Why?
Dreamfinder: The idea bag is full!
Figment: It is? Let's start making new things!
Dreamfinder: Now wait. First we must store these ideas with the others in the Dreamport.
Figment: Are we almost there?
Dreamfinder: Oh, the Dreamport is never far away when you use your imagination!
Figment: Come on, everybody, let's go!
Dreamfinder: We all have sparks, imagination. That's how our minds create creation. Right at the start of everything that's new, one little spark lights up for you!
Figment & Dreamfinder: Imagination! Imagination! A dream can be a dream come true, with just that spark in me and you.


Join Buzz Lightyear on a daring space mission to save the universe from the evil Emperor Zurg. Report to Star Command and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin.

This is Mr. Johnson in Sky-View Hovercraft One, bringing you the latest Tomorrowland traffic reports. As usual, everything is perfect on Tomorrowland's superhighway. Back to you at TTA Central.

Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow. Your party from Saturn has arrived. Please give them a ring.


I can also do most of the Haunted Mansion, Spaceship Earth, monorail narration, Maelstrom, and many others that I can't think of offhand.


Well-Known Member
I know several of them as well. But, as others have said, I'm not gonna type them all out on here. My computer always manages to delete things on me after I've spent time typing. It usually happens when I've just typed a decent sized post or email.

Besides, it's much more fun to wait until we go and annoy my family by reciting the ride spiels when we're there. :D :drevil:


New Member
hcwalker16 said:
Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor, mantenganse alejado de las puertas. :)
Disney4Eva said:
AWW! That one's my favorite! *sniff* Now I miss Disney even more. :( :D
I have the fridge magnet monorail that says those wonderful words when you hit the button on its side. OK, so it's not the same voice, but it always puts a smile on my face.


Well-Known Member
Love gets mad at me because I know the entire HM spiel and always start saying it and wind up mouthing it. The last time I rode it, we were in the stretching room and I was mouthing it like I always do and this lady saw me and smiled and chuckled.

I also always add my own "scream" when the lights go off. *hee hee*


Active Member
Test Track Pre show:

Sherry: Bill

Bill: Yeah.

Sherry: The next group's ready.

Bill: Oh, thanks. Hi, everybody. Welcome to the Test Track. My name is Bill McKim, I'm up here in the control center and in just a couple of minutes you're gonna be out there on that track. But first, let's put together your test schedule. These are the same kinds of tests that are run at GM test facilities all over the world. Let's put up the, er, 26-8 grade.

Sherry: You got it.

Bill: Ok, we're gonna start you off on an accelerated hill climb. Now, these steep grades give us a chance to evaluate the effects of heat and stress on your engine and on the transmission.

Sherry: Twists or blocks?

Bill: Let's put up the blocks, er, German and Belgian.

Sherry: Ok.

Bill: Next, your vehicle is going to go over a variety of rough road surfaces. These are designed to test the integrity of the suspension and the chassis.

Sherry: And it's gonna get a bit bumpy.

Bill: Yeah. Next you're gonna see and feel what it's like when your brakes lock up and you lose control of the steering. Not such a good feeling but hang in there because we're gonna do the test one more time, this time with the ABS or the anti-lock brakes.

Sherry: Ok. What's next?

Bill: Let's do some environmental tests. Put up 2, 5, ...and 7.

Sherry: 7?

Bill: Yeah....7.

Sherry: Ok.

Bill: After that, we're gonna subject your vehicle to some extremes in temperature as well as corrosive conditions to see how it handles nature's worst. And finally, we'll take you out for some handling runs.

Sherry: Off-road or cornering?

Bill: Let's do the cornering. I'm gonna send you through some hairpin turns and then we'll take you out and do the high speed loops. And depending on how your vehicle and you hold up, ah, we'll even throw a few surprise tests in there.

Sherry: Surprise tests????

Bill: Yeah, pick one.

Bill: Now, if this whole routine seems a bit extreme, you're absolutely right, but that's what a test track is all about. The cars you drive at home are made up of over 15,000 different parts and every one of them has to pass the test under very extreme conditions before we ever let it off that test track and out onto the road. Now, as you can imagine safety is a big concern of ours so we're going to insist that you buckle up your safety belt securely.

Sherry: You'll be glad you did. Oh, we're ready.

Bill: Ok, great. Well, Sherry says we're ready. So, we'll see you on there on the Test Track.

Sherry: Good luck. Have a good ride.

WHEW! :hammer:


Active Member
America, spread your golden wings
Sail on freedom's wind, across the sky.
Great bird, with your golden dreams
flying high, flying high.

Restless one in a world of change,
keeping dreams aloft in the rain.
Spirit free, soaring through the clouds
of time, of time.

America, you must keep dreaming now
Dreaming the promised vow of your pioneers
America, keep on flying now.
Keep your spirit free.
Facing new frontiers.

America, spread your golden wings
Sail on freedom's wind across the sky.
Great bird with your golden dreams,
Flying high, flying high,
Flying high, America!
Ahhhh...keep on flying high!!!


New Member
Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls the magic kingdom proudly presents our spectacular festival pageant of nighttime magic and imagination, in thousands of sparkling lights and electro-synthe-magnetic musical sounds the main street electrical parade.


Well-Known Member
"Attention please....Eastern Airlines flight 76, your fiesta cruise to puerto rico will depart at gate 23......Attention please Eastern Airlines flight 72, you rWisper Jet to the emerald island will depard at conourse six..." [I just totally butchered that. :hammer: :lol: ]

...for you have wings have wings have wings.....[step out to the right please, your vehicle and the moving platform are traveling at the same speed]


New Member
I can do all of Snow White's Scary Adventure (with safety spiel), Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (also with safety spiel), as well as the Teacups (safety spiel and whistling the entire song). I also can do all of Spectro and Wishes. I guess this is what happens to you when you do your CP in Fantasyland!


At WDW, I've memorized the RnRc preshow, AE 2nd preshow, most of the Test Track preshow, and some parts of Spaceship Earth, Journey into Imagination with Figment, Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, Tower of Terror preshow, the Tomorrowland Transit Authority, and Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress.

At UO, I've memorized The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man, Revenge of the Mummy, and some parts of Jaws, Back to the Future The Ride, and the Jurassic Park River Adventure.


New Member
Am I the only one that has the Top 7 Must Sees at Walt Disney World featuring Krissa memorized????

7) Cirque Du Solei
6) Summit Plummit
5)Playhouse Disney
4)Thunder/Spash/Space Mountain
3)Mickey's Philharmaic/stitch
2)Kilamanjaro Safari

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Perhaps the MOST ANNOYING safetly spiel from Primevilwhirl...

"Please stand up before exiting (duhhhhh :brick: ) BAHHH BYEEEEEEE :brick: :brick: !


Account Suspended
Atta83 said:
O can recite the whole haunted mansion speil but im not going to go and type that whole thing out.

When hinges creak in doorless chambers and strange and frightening
sounds echo through the halls, whenever candle lights flicker where
the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are present,
practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.

Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host,
your Ghost Host. Kindly step all the way in please, and make room
for everyone. There's no turning back now.

Our tour begins here in this gallery, where you see paintings of
some of our guests as they appeared in their corruptible, mortal

Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as
though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room
actually stretching? Or is it your imagination? And consider this
dismaying observation: this chamber has no windows, and no doors.
Which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out! Of
course, there's always my way.

Oh, I didn't mean to frighten you prematurely. The real chills
come later. Now, as they say, "look alive," and we'll continue our
little tour. And let's all stay together, please.

There are several prominent ghosts who have retired here from
creepy old crypts all over the world. Actually, we have 999 happy
haunts here, but there's room for a thousand. Any volunteers? If
you insist on lagging behind, you may not need to volunteer.

(The following two paragraphs alternate, depending on which expanding room
you can down in. If you linger and wait for the next expanding room, you
can hear both spiels.)

(Version #1)
The carriage that will carry you into the moldering sanctum of the
spirit world will accommodate you and one or two loved ones. Kindly
watch your step as you board, please. We spirits haunt our best in
gloomy darkness, so remember, no flash pictures, please.

(Version #2)
And now a carriage approaches to take you into the boundless realm
of the supernatural. Take your loved ones by the hand, please, and
kindly watch your step. Oh yes, and no flash pictures, please. We
spirits are frightfully sensitive to bright lights.

Do not pull down on the safety bar, please; I will lower it for you.
And heed this warning: the spirits will materialize only if you
remain quietly seated at all times.

We find it delightfully unlivable here in this ghostly retreat.
Every room has wall-to-wall creeps and hot and cold running chills.
Shh, listen.

(During the last renovation in Sept 1995, these two paragraphs where added back in)

* All our ghosts have been dying to meet you. This one can hardly
* contain himself. Unfortunately, they all seem to have trouble
* getting through.
* Perhaps Madam Leota can establish contact. She has a remarkable
* head for materializing the disembodied.

Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat
call in the spirits wherever they're at.
Rap on a table, it's time to respond,
send us a message from somewhere beyond.
Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween
awaken the spirits with your tambourine.
Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond
let there be music from regions beyond.
Wizards and witches wherever you dwell
give us a hint by ringing a bell.

The happy haunts have received your sympathetic vibrations and are
beginning to materialize. They're assembling for a swinging wake.
And they'll be expecting me. I'll see you all a little later.

When the crypt doors creak and the tombstones quake
Spooks come out for a swinging wake
Happy haunts materialize
And begin to vocalize
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize

Now don't close your eyes and don't try to hide
Or a silly spook may sit by your side
Shrouded in a daft disguise
They pretend to terrorize
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize

As the moon climbs high over the dead oak tree
Spooks arrive for the midnight spree
Creepy creeps with eerie eyes
Start to shriek and harmonize
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize

When you hear the knell of a requiem bell
Weird glows gleam where spirits dwell
Restless bones etherealize
Rises spooks of every size
<villainous laugh>

Ah, there you are. And just in time. There's a little matter I
forgot to mention: beware of hitchhiking ghosts. They have selected
you to fill our quota, and they'll haunt you until you return. Now
I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home.

If you would like to join our jamboree
There's a simple rule that's compulsory
Mortals pay a token fee
Rest in peace; the haunting's free
So hurry back we would like your company

Hurry back, hurry back. Be sure to bring your death certificate if
you decide to join us. Make final arrangements now. We've been
dying to have you.

I had this typed up from a few years back for a project I had done.

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