Pre-Trip Can we pull this off again? PTR

Hello hello!! Most of ya know me from my last 2 trip reports.. Sept 2012 and August 2011.. if ya don't..go ahead..go read those 2 reports..I'll wait for ya to return!

ok done reading? Do ya know who we are? Ok if you're lazy (like I can be) and don't wanna go read them ( are ya nuts..they are good..I promise.. One full of rain and drama and one..well one full of fun!) then here's who we are: to 4 awesome kids..(1 is Noah..who is now 18 and will NOT be joining us on this next trip). I homeschool the 3 youngest ( eldest is graduated).. I work for the family owned Dance Studio as well as driving the 3 youngest around to the 10000 activities they do. I no longer bartend (YEPPIE!!) so I have way more time for bon bons and talk shows of course!(@@)

Eric~40.. a total Disney convert.. didn't want to go in 2011.. couldn't wait to get there in 2012 and is the one that booked 2013..LOL. He works his bum off to get us there..especially for this coming trip since I am no longer working a 2nd job.

Declan~will be 11 in Feb.. loved being a "MAN" ( aka Disney adult) this past trip..and he apparently likes eating Garbage cans in Epcot..don't ask..go read the Sept 2012 TR..go! He dances ( hip hop) and plays basketball and baseball along with does an all boys cooking class and is a stellar student ( pretty sure he's gonna be teaching me by next year). Declan is an OCD pin trader and loves everything Disney! Stitch is his favorite!

Jadziah~ the lone girl ~ she will be 9 on the 28th ( 6 whole days away!).. she's also an amazing athlete who has been known to play baseball ( yes..not softball ) and basketball. She's taking the year off hoops to try Cheerleading.. she's a natural with her 6 years of dance and 4 years of acrobatics training! She hates meeting characters if that requires waiting but loves Disney..just not lines..or the heat..or Not sure she has a favorite..but if I had to pick I'd say Daisy Duck..but she will NOT wait in a line to see her..nope..not gonna happen!

Taejan~Turned 7 right before this years trip. The boy of many faces ( again..go read the TR's.. August 2011 has some great shots of him in full meltdown mode).. he's a very difficult child but also the light of my life. He has boundless energy, plays Basketball, baseball and sometimes soccer. He's an olympic's bound gymnast( ask him..he'll tell ya)'s the only thing he focuses on for more than 2 minutes..he's good.. he also does acrobatics at our dance studio. Chip and Dale are his top characters!

Here we are just a few weeks ago in Epcot:

So the logistics eh? We have Sept 14-26th booked with free dining..did this via a bounceback while we were at POFQ in Sept. We chose PORs for the fact we can stay in ONE room. ONE! Now we have booked 2 the last 2 trips as we had 8 and then 7 people. Needless to say these trips cost $$$$.. this trip is half the price as the one we just took...and thats WITH Hoppers and Water Parks and more!

Last trip we did 3 nights prior to the package..( if ya wanna know where..go read the tr!) this time we are not doing that.. we spent too much money on food over those 3 days.. so this trip is 12 nights of the package not 10. we will likely add one night at the same DTD hotel..but who knows!

So why are we traveling with just 5 you ask ( I heard someone I know I did)?

Well Noah and his girlfriend are expecting a baby in Feb. It's a ROCKY road..has not been a fun experience..too much stress to even imagine..but he will not be joining us!

And now here comes the major daughter mom is not invited. I feel bad..I do.. but #1..she def had issues keeping up this trip ..but that's not even why really. #2 which is really #1.. we only need ONE room without it's invite her and not go for 2-3 years ( due to that whole me not working that job I hated) or take ONE trip just the 5 of us.. no add paying for anyone but us ( we covered all but my moms airfare). So I have some guilt..but ultimately..I cant wait to do this trip with just the 5 of us! Next time we will likely have 3 kids that are too big to be stuffed in one room with us and will go back to 2 rooms..then my mom may join us..but for this's just us!

So that's the start of this PTR...oh I forgot..SHhhh.. the younger 2 kids do not know we are going. Declan does..but the other 2 think we are just going to my friend's house in GA for vacation ( we've done that for years so it's plausible). I am going to keep it a secret ( I say that every time) until we arrive in FLorida..

So..who's in for this ride?


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I think I have our plans all laid out finally... 41 days to go..

Sept 12~Arrive Via ME around noon to PORS.. hopefully get into room.. DTD for lunch at Earl of Sandwich. Back to resort..pool and chill and SLEEP!

Sept 13~ check out then in for the start of our FD stay. Then its off to MK! Dinner at Hoop Dee Doo ( from MK via the boat to FW). back to resort after

Sept 14~ HS ( emh 8am).. Fantasmic Package at mama melrose in the afternoon.. Fantasmic at 8:30 then back to resort

Sept 15~ Epcot with lunch at Marrakesh. stay til we wanna leave

Sept 16th ~This is no Main park day.. if weather allows we will hit our first ever Disney water park. Dinner at Boma

Sept 17 ~ No Main park during the day.. late breakfast at O'hana.. back to resort to chill. MNSSHP ..arrive at MK around 4/5pm

Sept 18 ~ Animal Kingdom ( finally). No meal planned for this day. This and the 16th are interchangable if we wish..

Sept 19 ~ Epcot early dinner at Garden Grill

Sept 20 ~ Magic Kingdom with Lunch at Liberty Tree

Sept 21 ~ any park with the luau at 5:15

Sept 22~ Any Park no meal planned

Sept 23 ~ NO main park..hopefully a water park day Cape May for dinner

Sept 24 ~ Any park with dinner at Chef Mickey's

Sept 25 ~ NO main park potential water park day dinner at 1900 Park Fare

Sept 26 ~ Magic Kingdom with LATE dinner at Be Our Guest. This is our last park day

Sept 27 ~ relax, check out..swim, get on ME around 3pm and head home :(


Well-Known Member
Just read online that riverside is participating in magic bands for stays in September with letters being sent out today and they can select fastpasses+. You'll have to let us know if you get one! We are at FQ hoping they get added!


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Just wanted to update.. was able to pick FP+ yesterday and then today after being given the hint to redo online check in we were able to customize Magic Bands!! I am so darn excited....27 days to go!!


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I just logged into MDE and I have TWO sets of Magic Bands coming. Yesterday only one set was showing for our RO a 2nd set for our package stay was. I customized those and now I wait!


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Yesterday we got the letter ( via UPS) to test magic bands.. of course we got those last week so yeah..thanks for the invite... today we got the "you may not have a fridge letter"... 2 days of Disney Mail...I'll take it!!

days til we are there!


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Been mostly talking to myself here for awhile..oh well... we are 7 days out.. with not many reading this I am thinking I am skipping a trip report...

But anyway.. in exactly 7 days we will be , God willing , in the air and on our way!


Well-Known Member
I've been following along just not posting. Enjoy the next 7 days, hopefully they go by fast for you.

My wife and I put together a countdown collage last night based on the one you guys use. Such a great idea and so many memories!


Well-Known Member
Been mostly talking to myself here for awhile..oh well... we are 7 days out.. with not many reading this I am thinking I am skipping a trip report...

But anyway.. in exactly 7 days we will be , God willing , in the air and on our way!
You have over 15,000 views, I just don't think everyone has the time to post each time they read. Hope you decide to do a tr anyways!


Active Member
I love your trip reports so hope you reconsider. I usually just read and don't comment much. Have been following your PTR, which actually says a lot because I don't tend to read PTRs only TRs. Enjoy your time in WDW. I am so jealous that you are going and for so long!


Well-Known Member
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You have over 15,000 views, I just don't think everyone has the time to post each time they read. Hope you decide to do a tr anyways!
My bad..LOL..i go thru a direct link so I had no idea..LOL..

a week and a day from now I'll be riding something in MK getting ready to hop on the boat over the FW for HDDr!!!
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Well-Known Member
Hi Allison!! Its been along time since I have been on the boards. Just no time at work anymore...but right now I have lots of time. I am so excited for you guys. Sounds like you have a great LONG trip planned...and flying!! That gives you that much more time to enjoy WDW!!! I am having withdraws and have no clue when we will be back. But DH and I have 46 days until we get to cruise on the DREAM!!!! But its just not the WORLD. While in the MK and if you get any ice cream keep an eye for for a cute kid named Samantha from Woodbridge, VA. That would be my oldest DD. You could also see her in AK at Dinosaur. Well cant wait for the report...have a awesome trip!!!

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