Supply and demand, folks. It's a law. Try to go against it, and Adam Smith will rise from his grave and bite you in the wallet.
Actually, what I like is the different opinions and choices of what everyone wants to do. Some won't pay to stay onsite. Good for you. Some insist on staying onsite. That's fine. Some want to get a season pass to 6 Flags. Wonderful. Some would rather see the Cubs, perhaps. Excellent.
The first time I took the family to Disney, a guy got up and said, "Pack your wallet. Mickey's favorite color is green." That was 2003. It's greener now, but so be it. In the meantime, the crowds keep coming. Adam Smith, along with Roy and the Bank of America, are the economic patriarchs of the mouse.
Actually, what I like is the different opinions and choices of what everyone wants to do. Some won't pay to stay onsite. Good for you. Some insist on staying onsite. That's fine. Some want to get a season pass to 6 Flags. Wonderful. Some would rather see the Cubs, perhaps. Excellent.
The first time I took the family to Disney, a guy got up and said, "Pack your wallet. Mickey's favorite color is green." That was 2003. It's greener now, but so be it. In the meantime, the crowds keep coming. Adam Smith, along with Roy and the Bank of America, are the economic patriarchs of the mouse.