Calling all "RYANS"

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Trophy Husband
My favorite song lyric:

I love her so much I don't even know what planet I'm on
I love her so much I wish she'd just go away


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NowInc


Wanna hear the worst part? I actually liked it! Sure, I thought it'd have some more suspense/terror in it, but it was good fun. And they actually listen to the child for once!


New Member
I know!!!! where is Maria, Dan, and the rest of us....(who else posts here at night?) :lol:

Wellll.......Angel......I saw some hot guys in Hot Topic today :slurp:

haha how was your day?


New Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli
I know!!!! where is Maria, Dan, and the rest of us....(who else posts here at night?) :lol:

Wellll.......Angel......I saw some hot guys in Hot Topic today :slurp:

haha how was your day?

I wanna see hot guys. :(

Hmm.. my day was boring. I played on my computer and came to the conclusion.. that I really need to reinstall windows soon lol...


New Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli
lol but the SAD part was, my parents were hovering, so no flirting with the goth boys.....:(


My funniest story involving cute guys is when I was driving down a main road in my mustang with the top down with my two friends and um.. one said "cute guys in the car next to us" and I turned to look as I was turning down a street... and I went over a curb..

luckily the car was unharmed but it was soooo funny hehe.


New Member
oh my god that's funny! :lol:

I don't really have any stories, but today I was talking to one of the guys who works there....long hair, baggy pants, piercings.....oh my god, he was HHHHHOOOOOTTTTTT! And he like went to ask me if I was finding stuff okay and we had a lil convo and my mother was like...."lets go...." :D


New Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli
oh my god that's funny! :lol:

I don't really have any stories, but today I was talking to one of the guys who works there....long hair, baggy pants, piercings.....oh my god, he was HHHHHOOOOOTTTTTT! And he like went to ask me if I was finding stuff okay and we had a lil convo and my mother was like...."lets go...." :D

I wish hot guys would talk to me :(.

I swear I need to get out more.


New Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli
lol NICE! I just got a piece of crap grand am....that cost me $1500......:lol: my dad picked it.....go figure

Technically it's my dad's which is why it's at home and I'm in LA but when I'm at home that is what I drive. It was my first car.. and yes Dad picked it out. He likes mustangs... at the moment we have 3... a 66, 64 1/2 and a 2000... lol and a truck...


New Member
Originally posted by Angelique

I wish hot guys would talk to me :(.

I swear I need to get out more.

hot guys rarely talk to depends on how much time I spent on myself....which usually isn't much it's, if it makes you feel any better, i don't get attention from the guys I want it from :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli

hot guys rarely talk to depends on how much time I spent on myself....which usually isn't much it's, if it makes you feel any better, i don't get attention from the guys I want it from :lol:

even when I DO spend time on looking pretty guys don't talk to me. *sighs*. Therefore I give up. I only look pretty when I go out.. and since that is now.. at a minimum.. I usually just throw my hair up and do a little makeup for class hehe.


New Member
lol.....maybe guys talk to you, but you just brush them off? Well, I start conversations too, maybe thats why....I dunno, the mysteries of men....


New Member
Originally posted by PrincessAli
lol.....maybe guys talk to you, but you just brush them off? Well, I start conversations too, maybe thats why....I dunno, the mysteries of men....

Hmm.. no they usually don't talk to me. LOL ... I try talking to them.. that's why my friend Becca likes it when I'm around.. I talk to random cute guys.
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