**Calling all Mommies** Please advise!!!!


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We are in the final countdown for our first trip to WDW! :) April 15-24 (staying at PO FQ) to celebrate DS's 4th B-day (he has no idea we're going:animwink: ). Well wouldn't you know, surprise- surprise!!! After 1 1/2 years of trying, I'm about 5 weeks pregnant!!!:dazzle: ( I guess I can cancel the appointment with the reproductive specialist!)

I'm trying to get a Dr's appt scheduled for before we leave, but can anyone advise as to how to deal with the :hurl: while at the World?? Also, since it's my first trip, I was really looking forward to the rides. I'm guessing RNRC is out, but what about Splash Mountain & some of the 'milder' coasters?

Thanks so much in advance!!!


New Member
I was 4 monthes pregnant with twins last July when I went!! I was fine except I tired very easily. I definitely had to take the afternoon break to nap and rest my swollen feet! I think you will be fine. Just take lots of breaks, drink lots of water and keep those feet up whenever you can!

The cast members are very accomodating with the rides. I would stand in line with my daughter, then the CM would show me the way to the end of the ride to pick her up.

Oh - and by the way.....the pool will probably be your best friend!!!!
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New Member
I just wanted to say congratulations and wish you a wonderful trip. We have been trying to conceive a child for 2 1/2 years, so I know that struggle. Coincidentally, we'll be at the Port Orleans (Riverside) April 12-18. :) Maybe the magic will work for us. Have a great trip and a healthy pregnancy!!!
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Kaleigh said:
I just wanted to say congratulations and wish you a wonderful trip. We have been trying to conceive a child for 2 1/2 years, so I know that struggle. Coincidentally, we'll be at the Port Orleans (Riverside) April 12-18. :) Maybe the magic will work for us. Have a great trip and a healthy pregnancy!!!

Thanks Kay- Good luck to you! ~~~~~Sending you pregnancy vibes~~~~~~

Have a great trip also!! If you see a smiling, tired woman - looking a slight shade of green - make sure to say hi! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Hi Tink, where in MI are you from ? We live in Royal Oak (north of Detroit.)

Jan 2004 I was 8 weeks pregnant when we went to WDW. My Dr normally doesn't want to see you until the 8th week, so we pushed up our 1st visit by a week just for the visist. He is a WDW fan himself and when I mentioned my coneren of vomitting (I get very ill pregnant, healthy and so is the baby, just very ill :hurl: ) Anyway remember the time I had with the 1st he took pitty on me and gave me Zofan. It is prescribtion and very pricey ($30 a pill, thank GOD insurance covered it.) and it really helped at home. I didn't use them at much as home because I wanted to save them for the trip. Well the whole week I was there I felt GREAT! I didn't need the zofran the whole time while at WDW. So much fresh air, lots of exersise, good food. It was a good time.

My Dr. said I could ride anything I felt up to. As Longfamily says the baby is so small at that point and protected that a ride isn't going to effect anything. I did ride Mission Space and Dinosaur along with the safrai ride. Those are the only ones that were questionable. (My 12 year old niece wanted me to go with her on those. ) I was fine. (the baby is 8 months old now.)

The funny thing is we went with a friend who has a kid the same age, she found out she was pregnant right before they left for the airport. They were so flustered they forgot the stroller and had to go back. They missed their fight! (they did get on the next one 2 hours later.)

BTW I have a DD that just turned 4 years old and we are going to WDW April 29th to May 3rd at POR and then to Vero Beach until the 6th so we will just miss you! I have a trip report about going with 2 4 year olds (the same friend who was pregnant last trip). Here is a link to it. http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?p=928121#post928121

Let me know if you have any questions about the 4 year old.

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DisneyPhD said:
Hi Tink, where in MI are you from ? We live in Royal Oak (north of Detroit.)

:wave: Hi Mary- Thanks for the great advise. We live in Lake Orion, so not far at all. Sorry I'll miss you at the WDW- but we can have our own mini meet at the Disney Store here to help with the after trip blues ;)

I have yet to experience the am/pm sickness yet, but I remember how sick I was last time :( . Maybe it won't be that bad this go-round, but I will ask my Dr for a prescription just in case. I've already scheduled down time at the hotel every afternoon, for our 4 year old. I think (I'm hoping anyway)- I will be fine.

My 4yo has no idea we're going! I've been sending him letters from various characters telling him all about where they 'live', trying to prepare him a little. We've been watching as many travel channel shows and planning videos as he will allow! ;) I can't wait to see his expression when he realizes where we're at! I'll definately have the camcorder out for that one!

Thanks again for the advise and trip report!!!
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Well-Known Member
We will have to do that. We tried to have a metro Detroit meet last summer at the zoo and no one but me and my SIL (who is Cindyrella31) made it. I was like 38 weeks pregnant (and the baby was born at 39 weeks! :eek: ) So I was REALLY big, just as well I don't need everyone pictureing me that why when they think of me! I only live like 2 miles form the zoo and have a pass so it wasn't hard for me to get there. (and is right up the road from the hosptial in case of labor!)

If your Dr. does prescribe Zorfran, but your isurance doesn't cover it have a bunch I got but never used (at $30 a pill I feel guilty just letting them sit there being wasted.) The good news is the baby is very healthy so you don't have to worry about the effect on the baby. :lookaroun

I think you should be fine, as Laura22 can atest something about WDW magic just makes you feel good just being there. :p

That is really cute about the post cards to you son. I had the nicest thing happen to Little PhD for our trip last month. I gave a women I meet on another discusstion board my adress and the girls names. She was going to send one post card for them when she got to WDW. Well I got a fed ex package in the mall from WDW adressed to my girls from Cinderella. It had 2 post cards (from Cinderella and Winnie the pooh) and a light up wand and winne the pooh bib for the baby. How wonderfully nice was that. I didn't even really know this women at all. Talk about being part of the Disney Magic. I was blown away by her kindness!

Good luck and enjoy that FLA sunshine for me. Your son is going to have such a blast. Have you told him about the baby yet or are you going to wait a while?
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DisneyPhD said:
That is really cute about the post cards to you son. I had the nicest thing happen to Little PhD for our trip last month. I gave a women I meet on another discusstion board my adress and the girls names. She was going to send one post card for them when she got to WDW. Well I got a fed ex package in the mall from WDW adressed to my girls from Cinderella. It had 2 post cards (from Cinderella and Winnie the pooh) and a light up wand and winne the pooh bib for the baby. How wonderfully nice was that. I didn't even really know this women at all. Talk about being part of the Disney Magic. I was blown away by her kindness!

Good luck and enjoy that FLA sunshine for me. Your son is going to have such a blast. Have you told him about the baby yet or are you going to wait a while?

What a nice lady!!! I guess the magic really does get to you, huh?!!!!

We haven't told my son about the baby yet. We will tell him most likely on his birthday, 'Mickey' is going to give him mouse ears with "Big Brother" on it, and DS will be the one to tell our families when we get back home! :sohappy:

I'm up for the zoo anytime, but probably not after about 36 weeks! LOL - You crazy woman!!!
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Active Member
How are you going to surprise your son about going to WDW? If you are flying, wouldn't he kind of get the message? Just curious, because I have never been surprised about a WDW trip. (After all, I do most of the planning. lol)
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New Member
In 2003, we went with our then 3 year old daughter and I was five months pregnant with our second daughter. I didn't get sick, but had a lot of heartburn (they say it was because the baby had so much hair :) ). I just remember the heat being a little brutal and made sure to have naptime with my daughter. I did stay off the thrill rides, but that was a personal decision. I get gestational diabetes when I am pregnant so I have to watch things a little closer. I still ate the ice cream and snacks, but I constantly had water on hand.

If you son has reached 40" then he can ride most of the ride - excluding Mission Space , Rockin' Roller Coaster (48"), Primeval Whirl (48"), Space Mountain (44") and several water slides at the water parks. Our oldest daughter was 4 last year and just at 40". She had a blast on Test Track, Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Our youngest just turned 2 yesterday and is already 34 1/2" tall. She is a tall one. Don't think she will make the 40" mark by our next trip when she is 2 1/2, but by 3 I expect her to be there.

We tried for 2 1/2 years to get pregnant with our first. We weren't even trying on the second one and had already planned the trip. Go and enjoy, but listen to your body. It will tell what you should be doing.
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Fantasmic ~
We are flying there, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he won't figure it out ahead of schedule. I've started letting him know that we're going on vacation soon, and we'll have to take a plane like when we go visit Grandpa. We've had to fly a couple of times to go visit my dad. I won't lie to him and tell him that's where we are going, but it would be OK if he thinks we are!:goodnevil
I don't think I would be able to get away with this in another year. I'm only on this site, and reading guide books all the time! I'm such a disney dork!!!

Fab Five~
Welcome to the boards!!!

I hear you about the heartburn. I never get it usually, but I swear as soon as I'm pregnant... I should have figured it out sooner this time ;)
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Well-Known Member
tink247 said:
Fantasmic ~
We are flying there, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he won't figure it out ahead of schedule. I've started letting him know that we're going on vacation soon, and we'll have to take a plane like when we go visit Grandpa. We've had to fly a couple of times to go visit my dad. I won't lie to him and tell him that's where we are going, but it would be OK if he thinks we are!:goodnevil
I don't think I would be able to get away with this in another year. I'm only on this site, and reading guide books all the time! I'm such a disney dork!!!

Fab Five~
Welcome to the boards!!!

I hear you about the heartburn. I never get it usually, but I swear as soon as I'm pregnant... I should have figured it out sooner this time ;)

That is true about the heartburn. I should of known too, and it is a different kind of heartburn too, really strange. I downed so much tums smooth dislove it was unbeliveable. 24 hours after the baby was born it was gone. But then again my babies are hairy little monkeys. :lookaroun
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
DisneyPhD said:
That is true about the heartburn. I should of known too, and it is a different kind of heartburn too, really strange. I downed so much tums smooth dislove it was unbeliveable. 24 hours after the baby was born it was gone. But then again my babies are hairy little monkeys. :lookaroun
There might be something to that. My wife had horrible heartburn with our youngest and she had so much hair it showed up on the ultra sound.
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