Well-Known Member
I’ve read this thread and my conclusion is:
why are we arguing over our preferences? It’s sort of… pointless.
I personally love DCA and USH… I’ll enjoy both when I finally get back to California.
First off, let me just say that you deserve a medal for reading through all those obscenely long posts.
Second, I'm normally of the same mindset. People enjoy what they want to enjoy and no one should tell them otherwise. Love what you love, even if it's not what I do. This was obviously meant to just be a scenario where people vote, explain their reasoning for their choice then live and let live.
When it starts to devolve, I think, for me and others, is when other members can't handle our reasoning/difference of opinion and decide to confront us directly with claims of being "unfair" in our decision making. As if doing so is meant to convince us that the way we've come to our personal opinions is wrong.
I'm down for sharing the way I feel. I'm down for others sharing the way they feel, even if I disagree. I'm down to civilly discuss both sides in a way that explains where folks like myself are coming from and I am down to empathize and understand where those who feel the opposite are coming from, too. But I'm not down to try and belittle either side or when others try to.