Once again, it’s clear nothing is sinking in for you. It’s interesting how everyone else around you seems to understand what I’m saying even if they disagree and yet you’re the odd one out. If it were everyone else, I’d say there’s an issue with my communication but since it’s just you. Well, you can go ahead and do the math.
Literally nothing you’ve said about “what I want” is fully the direction I’d go for the park. You see me as either black or white in any given situation and never even bother to look into the grey. For whatever reason, you’ve decide to try and single myself and one or two others out because we have disagreements with the direction of DCA.
If you really understood and simply disagreed, you’d let it go. But you can’t even be bothered to do that. No, instead it seems like you see yourself on some sort of crusade in the name of the park and some kind of breach of “fairness” that was never violated to begin with.
It blows my mind, really. Here I am talking about how I wouldn’t do things a certain way and listing other general directions the park could go but am instead met with rebuttals akin to “nope, this is what you want, enjoy”.
You assume because I’d advocate for lands and attractions inspired by the Golden State or Disney IP that can feel at home inside similar themes, that I am suddenly advocating for the cheapest, laziest version of said thing. Why? Because Disney did it that way once back in 2001? You just figure that I’d prefer something like Golden Dreams over Mermaid (even though both technically work within the context of the park and even after I’ve admitted to Mermaid being the better choice of the two). You just assume that even if I did want a show like Golden Dreams, that I’d want something lazy like a video on a screen instead of full blown, audio animatronic show like we’ve got in other parks.
I’m not here to say whether or not Golden Dreams could have worked with some changes but heck, if something like the Carousel of Progress or Hall of Presidents can bring people in, there’s no reason to believe that if Disney put in the time and effort, they couldn’t have done the same for something in DCA.
But frankly, I’ve given you far more explanation than you deserve regarding these matters. At this point it’s obvious to myself and many others that you’re just here to cause chaos for others you disagree with. I have tried to be coherent and civil in the past but as you continue to press on due to an inability to accept others views of the parks, it has become clear to me that you are either a) incapable of understanding or b) a professional troll.
In either case, congratulations on being the very first addition to my ignore list.