Ok...here is what I am going to post...here's the last change to let me know what to add or edit!
Within the circle of the Animation Courtyard, sits a new theater building, reminiscent of the Roxy theater, where Steamboat Willie first premiered.
On it's art deco facade can be seen the marquee and large banners proclaiming this is Mickey's Hollywood Hideaway, where you can meet the Star himself, and see his apartments above the theater!
Entering the queue,which acts as a kind of preshow, you wind your way through a large round room of the theatre, which is showing Mickey's cartoon classics in a 360 degree format.
Six giant screens surround the walls above your head, showcasing six cartoons, that play soundlessly and simultaneously to a jazzy cartoony soundtrack.
The six features are
Steamboat Willie
Plane Crazy
The Band Concert
Lonesome Ghosts
Brave Little Tailor
Symphony Hour
As you make your way through the queue, about halfway around the room, a door opens and a CM is there to lead small groups into the backstage area.
Here, we find a series of ramps that lead up and around to Mickey's apartments which are on the second floor.
Small groups at a time are allowed to wander past the Star's living quarters, which are filled with props and treasures from his cartoon career.
The first room is the Living room area, viewed from the hall, which is decorated in an art nouveau toon style. Early movie posters, autographed photos and memorabilia line the walls...except that all the decor...from the couch to the Tiffany lamp...is done in shades of black white and gray just like the black and white cartoons that led to the Mouse's stardom.
The colorful Bedroom area showcases Mickey's comfy bed, and guests can enter to take a quick look around. The bed itself is covered in a bouncy springy mattress, which is fun for guests to sit and bounce on.
Under the bed, are the star's signature yellow shoes can be seen.
If a guest should peek into his dresser drawer, they will find one of Pluto's collars, extra pairs of white gloves, and a pair of his old fashioned pants sporting bright buttons.(all non removable of course!)
Mickey's small kitchenette has a light switch that can turn the little overhead lamp on and off. The wall clock resembles a giant Mickey Mouse watch, and Mickey's morning coffee mug can be seen on the counter, which elicits a wonderful coffee aroma.
Coming back down the ramps, you can either exit the corridor back outside into the park, or continue back into the round theatre queue one more time.
The queue continues around until you are at the final cartoon screen which is at ground level. this screen plays the last Mickey cartoon...the Runaway Brain, and the screen is actually made of mist with the cartoon projected onto it.
Entering the mist, you are greeted by a Cast member who directs you to a room (one of several)to meet Mickey's personal animator...and to get a chance to meet Mickey as well!
Animator: Hey folks! I'm -insert name-, Mickey's Personal Animator, and welcome to Mickey's Animation Studio! I'm really sorry, but Mickey couldn't make it today. He must've had some really important stuff to do. You know, he is one of the biggest stars in the world.
So, I guess I'll just show you guys an animation demonstration! Now who should I draw. Stitch? No. How about Donald? Nah. Maybe.... I know! I'll draw the leader of the club himself, Mickey Mouse!
The animator starts to "draw" Mickey (which is actually being projected onto the piece of paper from a hidden overhead projector) then realizes:
Aww, you know what? I forgot my special pen! I'll be right back.
As he gets up, he spills a jar labeled "Pixie Dust" onto the piece of paper. He leaves the room, not noticing. Suddenly, the picture of Mickey comes alive right before the guests (via projection), and says:
Mickey: Hiya folks, and welcome to my animation studio! Oh my gosh, I'm missing a (shoe, glove, ear, tail)! Would someone like to draw it for me!
The Mickey drawing looks around the room.
Hey! How about you! Come on up here and draw it!
Mickey points to the selected guest, and he/she draws Mickey's missing body part, using a special technology in the pencil linked to the projector.
Thanks a bunch! Wait, one more thing...
Mickey shakes the newly drawn body part, and it becomes perfect.
Alright! Say, I can't talk to all of you from here! I gotta get out of this drawing! There's only one way to do it. Everybody, repeat after me: Meeska! Mousska! Mickey Mouse!
Guests and Mickey: Meeska! Mousska! Mickey Mouse!
Mickey: Again!
Guests and Mickey: Meeska! Mousska! Mickey Mouse!
The drawing disappears on the piece of paper. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appears on the right side of the room. A costumed actor portraying Mickey Mouse enters the room through the hidden door, concealed by the smoke. He begins to take pictures, sign autographs, shake hands, etc. with the guests. Since there are groups of only 10 or so, this shouldn't be a challenge for the actor to accomplish alone. Just in case, a handler, clevery disguised as a guest. Once everyone has met Mickey, footsteps and the whistling of "Hi-Ho" are heard. The animator is returning. Quickly, Mickey tries to figure out a way to get back into the picture. The disguised handler shouts:
Tourist Handler: I think we should try saying the magic words backwards! Everyone say: Akseem! Akssuom! Yekcim Esuom!
Guests and Handler: Akseem! Akssuom! Yekcim Esuom!
Another cloud of smoke appears, and the costumed actor returns through the hidden door, just as the animator returns.
Animator: Hey, I'm back! Jeez, it's a little smokey in here! Lady, didn't you hear the rules? NO SMOKING! Just kidding. Hey, who finished the drawing?
The selected guest raises their hand.
Wow, this is great! You have some real promise. Anyway, I guess that wraps up the demonstration.... Wait! I didn't sign the picture! Let me get my lucky pencil, I'll be right back!
The animator leaves the room. The Mickey drawing comes to life again.
Mickey: Thank you all for visiting me! The exit is right through those doors. To open them, say: Open Sesame!
Guests and Mickey: Open Sesame!
The doors fly open, controlled by a hidden CM.
Mickey: See ya real soon!
Mickey winks at the guests and the drawing disappears, as the guests leave the room, and exit the corridor of the building.