C N' D's Imagineering Rangers~ Project 8


Sure! i love it! it sounds great, really :)

I'll get to work on it... maybe something with making your own mickey cartoons... or maybe learning about mickey and his impact in disney... hmm.

the other things, i'll think about as well :)

i really love the mist screen idea.... they could come in, and be in a theatre, like you mentioned chron. it could be similar to the GMR. they could have some fun in the real world, doing things like the interactive stuff. on the movie screen up front, there'll be mick's shows and cartoons playing (the screens will go down to the floor) then, when they want to taste the toon world, go in, to meet mickey, they can go thru the screens (using a better version of the current mist screens (it needs to keep together longer)) but then they pass to mickeys world, through the bottom of the screens :)


Active Member
How about something where guests enter the theater, which rotates through screens of Mickey Mouse cartoons. The theater will stop every scene (There are 3 cartoon scenes, and then the final is the entrance to Mickey's place) so that the one group can enter Mickey's house, while everyone else is still entertained by the cartoons. In the fourth scene, guests will be asked to walk up onto the stage, where the entrance to Mickey's vacation home is. They will walk through his home, seeing his room, kitchen, bathroom, etc. The final area will be the animation studio. The entrance doors are closed, and guests have the choice of staying to watch the "show" or just leave the attraction and go back outside to the park. Then, my idea for the animator will be tweaked, in which the animator will be Mickey's Personal Animator, and he apologizes on behalf of Mickey that he can't be there, so instead decides to do an animation demonstration. Then my show idea will take place. After the show, the guests can exit into the Animation Courtyard or wherever this is being placed.

-Mickey's House exhibit will be in a large space in the center of the theater.
-The exit will be a hallway filled with posters of Mickey, which is placed between the rotating walls that separate scenes.

So basically, the theater would be circular, and a narrow strip all the way around the edge of the theater would be the different theaters showing the cartoons. Then, there will be a large middle area used all for Mickey's house. Only the outer edge of the theater would rotate (like CoP). Each scene, we could play three somewhat long cartoons (it takes people about 5 minutes to walk through the house, and another 10 to meet Mickey), so maybe each cartoon could be about 6 minutes or so. I think we should maybe also go in order, the first cartoon being an early Mickey toon, such as Steamboat Willie, the second being a cartoon from the 60's or so, and the third being a more modern cartoon, such as Runaway Brain.


Well-Known Member
hey guys! sorry I haven't been on lately, what's been proposed sounds good so far. I'll try to draw some concept art for them before the deadline


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok...I do quite like the rotating theatre aspect of your idea Figmntal!

I think we can use that mist screen idea as well...and it can be the last cartoon/entrance into the next room.

Feel free to draw up some ideas if you wish, stitchcastle...if you want you can tackle any part of this (maybe what mickey's house rooms look like?)...and I'll fill in with spot illustrations for things we don't have a visual for.

I would also love to see your visual take on the animator bit that Figmentl is describing as well...

Right now I have a crushing migraine so it's hard for me to focus. but I hope to be back on later tonight with some more idea-fleshing-out.

And I agree...we need a name.
Mickey's Theatre featuring the Hollywood Kid?


Active Member
Ok...I do quite like the rotating theatre aspect of your idea Figmntal!

I think we can use that mist screen idea as well...and it can be the last cartoon/entrance into the next room.

Feel free to draw up some ideas if you wish, stitchcastle...if you want you can tackle any part of this (maybe what mickey's house rooms look like?)...and I'll fill in with spot illustrations for things we don't have a visual for.

I would also love to see your visual take on the animator bit that Figmentl is describing as well...

Right now I have a crushing migraine so it's hard for me to focus. but I hope to be back on later tonight with some more idea-fleshing-out.

And I agree...we need a name.
Mickey's Theatre featuring the Hollywood Kid?

Ok, sounds good. We'll use the rotating theater, and the final scene, a screen of mist will be on the stage, and guests are beckoned to walk through it. Once they do, they find themselves at Mickey's vacation home. Then, the guests tour the home, until reaching the animator's room. Then my Mickey meet-n-greet idea takes place.

Is that what we have decided to do? If so, I'll get going with the script and walk-through of the attraction.


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Original Poster
Sure...you don't have to do the whole script...but I appreciate whatever you wish to do.

I would like other team members to be able to contribute some things as well...not that you don't do awesome work...because you absolutely do!

But we are a team, and I don't want the judges to (unfairly) say agian that only two people contributed to the project (which we know wasn't true last time!)

I will do the final presentation write up,(with Figmntal's script) and add some drawings...

stichcastle and mewhunter...what parts would you like to do? I think both of you could do details about what his living quarters will look like! add some overall detail that fits in with living in a theatre.

And we do still need a better name for the attraction...


i;m up for anything... i was about to say, i thot i was doing the interactive stuff, but figmntl has brought some great things up :) should i develop any of that, or go in another direction?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I kinda like what Fig's doing for the begining of the meet and greet...but who is to say we can't use another cool interactive element in there somewhere else?

Like...I don't know if we want to have his house be a walkthrough that's roped off...or a kind of interactive thing where you can see funny things in little places...(his mirror...or his sock drawer!)
you get what i mean?...I don't know exactly what details...but I know you are great at coming up with that kind of thing, Mewhunter!


ok, ill be honest, the whole house will havbe to be like that, else we'll have people stopping everywhere, and taking it all up! lol :) so, i'll see what i can do...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I remember in Mickey's last house there was stuff you could reach, and stuff that you couldn't...

or maybe I'm thinking of Mickey's place in Disneyland? Grrrr....

I will be the first to admit that this has been the hardest challenge so far for me. I am pretty geeky when it comes to everything Disney...except for... the Mouse! How sad is that? :D

I'm also wondering if we need a space to transition between the theatre space...and his living space?
Something that sort of combines the hollywood bit with a formal foyer or...house entryway?


Active Member
That's fine. I'll do the entire script.

Also, which of my ideas are we using?

And what exactly are we doing, so I can type up the backstory.


Active Member
I'll do my script for my show now. I'll do the rest ONCE I FIGURE OUT WHAT WE ARE DOING!!!!

Animator: Hey folks! I'm -insert name-, Mickey's Personal Animator, and welcome to Mickey's Animation Studio! I'm really sorry, but Mickey couldn't make it today. He must've had some really important stuff to do. You know, he is one of the biggest stars in the world.

So, I guess I'll just show you guys an animation demonstration! Now who should I draw. Stitch? No. How about Donald? Nah. Maybe.... I know! I'll draw the leader of the club himself, Mickey Mouse!

The animator starts to "draw" Mickey (which is actually being projected onto the piece of paper from a hidden overhead projector) then realizes:

Aww, you know what? I forgot my special pen! I'll be right back.

As he gets up, he spills a jar labeled "Pixie Dust" onto the piece of paper. He leaves the room, not noticing. Suddenly, the picture of Mickey comes alive right before the guests (via projection), and says:

Mickey: Hiya folks, and welcome to my animation studio! Oh my gosh, I'm missing a (shoe, glove, ear, tail)! Would someone like to draw it for me!

The Mickey drawing looks around the room.

Hey! How about you! Come on up here and draw it!

Mickey points to the selected guest, and he/she draws Mickey's missing body part, using a special technology in the pencil linked to the projector.

Thanks a bunch! Wait, one more thing...

Mickey shakes the newly drawn body part, and it becomes perfect.

Alright! Say, I can't talk to all of you from here! I gotta get out of this drawing! There's only one way to do it. Everybody, repeat after me: Meeska! Mousska! Mickey Mouse!

Guests and Mickey: Meeska! Mousska! Mickey Mouse!

Mickey: Again!

Guests and Mickey: Meeska! Mousska! Mickey Mouse!

The drawing disappears on the piece of paper. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appears on the right side of the room. A costumed actor portraying Mickey Mouse enters the room through the hidden door, concealed by the smoke. He begins to take pictures, sign autographs, shake hands, etc. with the guests. Since there are groups of only 10 or so, this shouldn't be a challenge for the actor to accomplish alone. Just in case, a handler, clevery disguised as a guest. Once everyone has met Mickey, footsteps and the whistling of "Hi-Ho" are heard. The animator is returning. Quickly, Mickey tries to figure out a way to get back into the picture. The disguised handler shouts:

Tourist Handler: I think we should try saying the magic words backwards! Everyone say: Akseem! Akssuom! Yekcim Esuom!

Guests and Handler: Akseem! Akssuom! Yekcim Esuom!

Another cloud of smoke appears, and the costumed actor returns through the hidden door, just as the animator returns.

Animator: Hey, I'm back! Jeez, it's a little smokey in here! Lady, didn't you hear the rules? NO SMOKING! Just kidding. Hey, who finished the drawing?

The selected guest raises their hand.

Wow, this is great! You have some real promise. Anyway, I guess that wraps up the demonstration.... Wait! I didn't sign the picture! Let me get my lucky pencil, I'll be right back!

The animator leaves the room. The Mickey drawing comes to life again.

Mickey: Thank you all for visiting me! The exit is right through those doors. To open them, say: Open Sesame!

Guests and Mickey: Open Sesame!

The doors fly open, controlled by a hidden CM.

Mickey: See ya real soon!

Mickey winks at the guests and the drawing disappears, as the guests leave the building.


How'd you like it?


Well-Known Member
hey guys I am so sorry I've been absent, work has just been taking all of my time lately. I'll still try and do all the illustrations.


wow, so, okay... i dunno how this will turn out in general, because we have only so much, and so does the other team... i guess we'll see what happens overall.
i'll try to get in what i can tomorrow, I'll be out all day (doing a LEGO event at the orlando historical center most of the day) so i'm not sure how available i'll be :(


Active Member
Lets just work with what we have. That'd be:

-The Rotating Theatre Concept, themed around an old style theater
-Clock tower on top of theater
-The Classic Mickey Cartoons Shown During Each Theater Rotation
-Final rotation-screen of mist leads to Mickey's Vacation home
-Mickey's Vacation Home- like Toontown, yet more interactive
-Animator Show (Which is already completed)


Active Member
I can do the rotating theater and cartoons, they'll have a narration which is part of the script, Mewhunter, do you think you could work on Mickey's house?


Active Member
I guess Chrony could help with Mickey's house, she seemed to have some ideas there.

Stitch, I know you're doing the artwork so you're good, I guess.

I'll get started with the rest of my stuff....

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