Bye, WOL


Well-Known Member
WOL is Wonders of Life. It's one of my favorite pavilions, mostly because of "Cranium Command" (it's also a great place to get a snack and cool off for a while).

I agree the place could use a fresh coat of paint and some basic repairs, but I think the Living Seas is the pavilion that needs a total rehab. I know, I know, they spent money on it not all that long ago, but I still wouldn't go there without a gun to my head!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Disneynutcase, I totally agree with you. Yall go nuts, and really don't even read the post. It like if you tell one person in a line and by the time it gets to the end of the line, it is totally different. We will be lucky if it gets some paint. The living seas looks horrible but I don;t see them doing anything about it.


New Member
As it stands WOL is slated for a major rehab... Dates are not specific, but it will be fairly soon in the grand scheme of things, most likely starting before the end of the year... Details are sketchy, but it looks like the pavilion will finally have a sponsor again... Think major natinwide retail chain... I have heard some rumors of a Toy Story theme, but don't hold your breath on that one...

Oh, the pavilion name goes too...


I admire the knowledge you've brought to the boards Grizzlyhall (and your avatar absolutely rocks!), but I'm afraid I have to agree with Disneynutcase. The mention in Birbaum's, in my opinion at least, seems to have referred to the what happened when MetLife left and part of WoL was gutted (there seems to be a serious time lapse in the guidebooks). And it has been wrong before--I remember the 1993 edition referring to a possible Matterhorn in World Showcase, which seemed to have fallen short without a corporate sponsor.

Still, I've taken a lot of pictures inside the pavilion and thorougly explored the space, in case you are right and I'm being less cautious than I should be.


Well-Known Member
Many guide books have announced renovations, many, including Burnabam announced the Space pavilion replacement of Horizons (moment of silence..... ok).


New Member
Originally posted by cuteypatooty78
What is WOL??? The abreviations still confuse me...:confused:

Its Wonders of Life. I think its Justin who's calling it, I have no idea what thats about., a great looking, but rarely updated site had info about this many months ago. Although far-fetched, they claim that a CM informed them that the outside will be painted black, a change from the gold, and the Toy Story theme was still there. I'm gonna go check it out now....



New Member
Originally posted by Turbogames
Has anyone else noticed that major rehab usually means, Closed until further notice (forever)

Horizons was closed for a "major rehab" in 1995, and wasn't even in the guidebooks!



New Member
I also recall in one of the 2001 guides--could be the Unofficial Guide, maybe Birbaums--a mention that the Great Movie Ride might get rennovated or get pulled from the park. And all we got instead was a silly giant sorcerer's hat.

So again, I'll take a rumor in a "guide book" with a total grain of salt. Now if a web-site like or or that glorious very cool site, what's it called again? Oh yeah, began legitimately discussing some kind of major overhaul to WOL, then I'd start to buy it.

And I also agree with Figment 99. Most guidebooks are already 3-6 months old info-wise once they hit bookstores and Therefore, there's no way these books can really provide reliable "breaking news."

When I was at WDW in April, WOL was indeed lacking for patrons. It was actually nice to not have to wade thru people. Aside from the fact that a lot of the exhibition area was empty or closed down, I didn't find the interior to be in bad shape (not that I was inspecting every nook and cranny). Still, as it is, WOL has two very workable attractions, both of which could use a bit of an update to "freshen" them up a bit.

But, to me, visiting WOL isn't nearly as bad as Living Seas--which has gone from being one of my absolute favorites to something that makes me want to cry--it's just so not well preserved and it's a freakin' shame!

I also yawn my way through the Land pavilion--same darned attractions thematically that they've always had. And yes, I realize that both shows and the boat ride have been altered a bit over the years. These alterations, subtle as they are, are what get me back into the pavilion.

And tell me all you WOL haters, if you caught wind that they redid CC or Body Wars or even put some new interactive stuff into Fitness Fairgrounds that you wouldn't go in to check it out.

I think, if anything, that is Disney's goal here. To redo just enough for very little $$ to inspire the hoardes that exit M:S and TT to step inside and take a look around. This is one of the few areas in Future World that actually sells food, remember? That alone is why they'd want even the WOL haters to wander inside. Hey, if it sells a few more smoothies...

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Black? I haven't heard that! Doesn't sound...attractive for some reason...

Uh...It should look a little something like this:


  • black.jpg
    8.4 KB · Views: 238


New Member
I think that considering all of the sunny days in FL, painting a building black sounds like a bad idea. They'll spend a fortune cooling it.


New Member
I'm all for a upgrade of WOL. I was there in late May, and the place was deserted. Literally no wait for Body Wars. We walked right on. CC was an awesome show, though we didn't see it this time, I'm remembering back a ways. A new sponsor (hopefully) and some updated exhibits would make WoL an awesome place.

Remember, biological research has come a LONG LONG way in 12 years. FutureWorld needs to keep updating these kinds of things to remain FutureWorld. I sincerely hope they do that kind of update, because as much fun as TT was and I'm sure Mission: Space will be, my love of Epcot growing up was because it was fun AND educational (yeah, i'm a dork, sue me). It seems like Disney is just adding thrill rides with an "oh yeah, let's throw some information in here too somewhere" like TT (again, a FUN ride, but do you really learn anything? ABS demonstations don't cut it). WoL and LWTL (and perhaps the new JIYI, it reopened a week after we left) are the only places left in FutureWorld that really teach anything anymore.

So anyway, go on and update, just don't convert it away from a rapidly developing field of science (we just need a physics pavillion and my dorkish dreams will come true; I woulda been a physics major if i was better at math!).

Enough rambling.



Active Member
Originally posted by bearboysnc

ok... now you're just making words up.

Looks like someone needs a new dictionary:

mo·der·ni·ty Pronunciation Key (m-dûrn-t, m-)
n. pl. mo·der·ni·ties
The state or quality of being modern: “Warriors of the... tribe, imposing symbols of a nomadic culture... are caught between tradition and modernity” (Sheila Rule).


New Member
I've noticed that a lot of people whine about what they think should be done and why. This ticks me off sometimes:mad: . First you want Beastly Kingdom to be built, but at the same time you want Wonders of Life to be redone, while pushing the opening for Mission:Space up a couple of months, putting in a Weather pavillion, and redoing the Great Movie Ride, all while building a new Monorail system that will encompass the whole park and have direct acess to Orlando International Airport :brick: :brick: .

You people don't understand that right now, the market is down, WAY down, and Disney's stock is not doing so hot. Believe me, I want all this stuff to come about as well, but all of this stuff takes time, planning, man power, and MONEY. We're expecting too much from Disney. Yes, things need to be updated and redone, and I do think we should get some new rides (especially BK), but it can't be done at the same time. So if they're putting up a brand new, state of the art ride, don't complain about how the pavillion two doors down is in need for a revamping. Don't you think Disney knows this? Do you not think they want to have the most up to date rides and attractions? It's not like they're ignoring it (well they might be doing that to Living Seas) they're focusing in on a MAJOR project. I have a feeling once M:S is done, other pavillions are going to get updated. Just be patient, and remember that some people like the nostalgia of things and that certain attractions (cranium command for one) are timeless. I'm sorry for ranting but all this complaining was getting on my nerves.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Terp02
I've noticed that a lot of people whine about what they think should be done and why. This ticks me off sometimes:mad: . First you want Beastly Kingdom to be built, but at the same time you want Wonders of Life to be redone, while pushing the opening for Mission:Space up a couple of months, putting in a Weather pavillion, and redoing the Great Movie Ride, all while building a new Monorail system that will encompass the whole park and have direct acess to Orlando International Airport :brick: :brick: .

I guess it's a matter of perspective, Josh, 'cause I don't care for half of what you said. :lol:


New Member
Disneynutcase is right on all counts. WOL may get (and need) a update, mostly cosmetic. But, it will not close for good, or get a major rehab in the near future unless..... a major corporate sponsor assumes 'ownership'.

Disney will not spend its own money to update this attraction, especially with Mission Space and Test Track right next door as major anchors. Also, it makes no sense to close it, it's a nice mix of attractions, and balances well with that side of Epcot. It also plays well with the kiddie and elder sets, both who are not the key audience for TT and especially Mission Space.

So yes, it's dated and could be better. But, overall it's fine and it may be several years before a decision is reached about next steps and enhancmements.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321
Many guide books have announced renovations, many, including Burnabam announced the Space pavilion replacement of Horizons (moment of silence..... ok).

Actually, I think a lot of people knew that Horizons would be replaced by a pavilion about space as soon as they closed it. In a 1996 book I have about WDW, it says that Horizons would possibly be replaced by a space pavillion.

As for WOL and the advancements in biological research, it is funny, because there is a whole show in innoventions on this stuff (I haven't seen it yet. believe me, I am all for educational value in Epcot, but biology is just not a favorite subject of mine). It seems that Epcot is relying on Innoventions to showcase all the future technologies, and is leaving all the pavilions for big shows and rides.


Well-Known Member
I believe the book your talking about is "Since the World Began" and i quote what the book says "Since 1993,Horizons has fluctuated between being open and closed,but it is slated to be replaced by a new pavilion in the future-possibly a pavilion on Space". Sad isn't it?


New Member
Hey I have an idea. Lets all chip in and buy the rides that wdw gets rid of. I mean we could open Yester World, yes I could see it now....(fog creeps in as dream starts) "Yester World, Where dreams of yesterday come alive today." filled with rides like COP, WOL, Horizons, Mr. Toad, 2kLUTS, Timekeeper, etc... (fog fades out as dream ends) Yeah that would be fun.

(comes out of day dream) Oh yeah... I will miss WOL if it goes.

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