Bye, WOL


Well-Known Member
Well, rehab is soon, folks. 2002 WDW guidebooks say that "this attraction may not be open during your stay at EPCOT"...

What guidebook do you speak of????? I know that even the Burbaums(sp?) has put things like that in their books and not come to be. But if it was one other then the Burbaums I would REALLY take it as a rumor. WOL is one of the better ones, I would rather go to WOL then Living Seas. But yes it could use a upgrade all around. I love the bike part where you ride in Disneyland during the 30th or 35th anniversy year. Body Wars is no Star Tours but it is a attraction also CC and Making of Me is still what E.P.C.O.T. Center was supposed to be all about.



New Member
There taking out Cranium Command?! No! i love that show! Will it be open for August season around the 24th and so, Im having my friend come down and i want him to see it.


New Member
Sorry people, but I think this is a totally bogus rumor. I see this alleged message in a "Guide Book" as nothing more than a warning that WOL will be closed down soon for a bit of refurbishment, but nothing more than that. I don't see Disney Brass spending money to update this one yet, mainly because in EPCOT years, WOL is still pretty young. And on crowded days Body Wars can still draw a decent line. Problem is, EPCOT hasn't had big crowds in years.

The biggest factor in all this needless hand-wringing you're all doing is this: EPCOT will NOT be needing anything else to draw more people on the East Side of Futureworld. Once Mission: Space opens, it's going to be a completely mobbed area of the park. I think it's bad now with just TT and it's line.

Crowds are going to return to Epcot once Mission: Space opens if M:S lives up to it's prehype and billing. And since there will be two immensely popular attractions side-by-side, logic dictates that some guests will naturally flow into WOL. Hence, an update of Cranium Command and a few new interactive attractions in the Fitness Fairgrounds might be all the new stuff we get.

Everything I've read speculating on what's next for EPCOT points to Disney Brass wanting some other "draw" attraction at another part of the park, like FutureWorld West or anywhere in World Showcase. Whether it ends up being a total reworking of Living Seas or the rumored Weather Pavilion or a Soaring Over attraction in WS, I'd bet all of you big $$$ that very little other than a quick cosmetic makeover will happen to WOL.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Wonders of Life is going to be refurbished very soon; I don't see how you can excuse it! It's in horrible shape and all of the CMs say it's days in this current state is numbered.

I can post some photos - Coach's Corner is abandoned, paint chips everywhere, half of the bicycles are disfunctional, the two film/attractions are outdated, the computer health center is gutted, and attendance is pretty low during unpeak seasons, it's a fairly hidden pavilion.

I agree, EPCOT doesn't need more attraction on that side, but it does need an area where people can relax with their fastpass. And the WOL current state is *really* in need of a few months' refurbishment!!

BTW, big storms hitting Disney at 6:09.


New Member
Exactly. I agree wholeheartedly. New Fitness Fairgrounds stuff. A few coats of fresh paint. A reworking of a show or two.

However, Mr. Grizzlyhall, you started the treat by entitling it, "BYE, WOL" and that's not what's happening. And look at the effect. Talk about a bunch of Chicken Littles! The sky isn't falling. And this pavilion is indeed staying put.

But hey, your thread title got my attention.

And all I'm saying in reply is that at best all we'll get is what was done to Imagination last year--4 to 6 months of a not too pricey cost-effective refurb. Both CC and Making of Me are easy attractions to rework for cheap. I'm sure an Imagineer or two have already come up with scripts to replace the current shows. All they have to do is film the darned things and how much is that really going to cost?

Truth is, they can even install a new film into the Body Wars simulators. But again, I don't see them spending too much money nor too much time to make this pavilion that much better--not yet anyway. Maybe, maybe, maybe sometime down the line we'll get a full reworking of WOL, but that will only happen once people aren't crammed body-to-body into Future World East like what's going to happen once M:S opens.


New Member
I hope if they redo WoF, it will just be a place with other attractions, another pavillion, Like the Land, and all that. It really doesn't need to be redone for something else, If there going to do refurbnushing Just to it to paint it up, and add some finishing touches, and Redo the ride systems and stuff, But dont mess it up! Thats a great place in there.


New Member
I agree...but if they do decide to re-do the rides and such...They should keep this as a multi-ride pavillion instead of turning it into one huge ride.

A thought has just occured to me. Doing some math here...I wonder....This rumored "Weather" pavillion sounds cool, and looking at the Wonders of Life pavillion, if you took down the 72 foot DNA strand...It almost looks like it could be some sort of research center for Weather or that sort of thing. As for the comments of the paint chips and broken down bikes and gutted areas...I thought this was because they lost the sponsorship from METlife last I wrong? But yes Indeed, that does need some fixing.


New Member
Yeah, It kinda does, but u can do some finishing up, U dont need to take it down and turn it into something else. I think it would be good to stay as a Multi-Ride Operation also, It works good as a Pavillion, and if u used Wonders of Life as a big attraction, It would really be big....

This should just remain, I do notice some stuff in there is messed up but the place is quite unique. If it was transfering to a weather place that would be pretty cool also though. Have they took the DNA strand down yet? or is it still remaining to the WoF. I just got allitle lost there, but i think its still standing....

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its a totally pants pavillion that needs a damn sight more than a quick makeover. its just a waste of space and to visit it is a waste of good drinking time:slurp:

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Eh, this one has a bit more significance, JLW... was in a 2002 guidebook...the "Burnaham's" (sp, sorry) WDW guidebook at a Disney Store...I forget which version it is.


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