Buzz Lightyear Tips


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Original Poster
Alright, I need to be informed.....
What is the trick to getting the super high score at Buzz Lightyear. I get off the ride with... 250,000 points or something, and I see people with 800,000. How is that possible. There has got to be some tricks of the trade, please share.


Well-Known Member
zjer said:
Alright, I need to be informed.....
What is the trick to getting the super high score at Buzz Lightyear. I get off the ride with... 250,000 points or something, and I see people with 800,000. How is that possible. There has got to be some tricks of the trade, please share.

of course there aren't hidden targets that are worth 100,000 each... :lookaroun

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Hit the target on the inside left arm on the Orange robot in the 1st room and the target that's almost on the floor under Zurg across from the batteries. This can only be hit going in or leaving. Hope this helps.


Premium Member
I even know where a lot of hidden targets are but I still can't get a high score. My laser never seems to work very well.

Is it true that you can just hold the trigger down the entire time without having to keep pushing it over and over? I read that in Birnbaum's recently.


Account Suspended
Ok who is ready for the ultimate secret... Ok, if you can remember in that "screen room" where you see all those space shuttles on the screen flying around you, there is a 'hidden' target in that room worth 100,000 points. Right on the left hand side at the very end of the room you will see a ship stop of the screen. Just to the left of that ship you will see a censor to a target (there is no 'Z' target) aim for that sensor! It's not difficult to hit at all you just have to find it.... that's the hard part. But once you find it the first time you will always remember exactly where it is at. Just look for the ship to stop that is the best advice I can give you.


New Member
I beat zurg with one of the secret targets. It also helped that our car stopped for a few minutes in the perfect position to hit that target.
I'm still trying to beat it without stopping.


There are easier ways to hit a perfect score (999,999) without having to strain for a hidden target. Having achieved a perfect score countless times I can tell you there are only three targets you need to hit in the entire ride (of course you need to hit these targets multiple times). The first target is in the first room and can only be hit when exiting the room. On the right hand side of the room there is a spinning saw. There is a target on the back of the saw worth 50,000 points for each hit. When exiting the room spin around and hit the target. The second target is also in the first room. Directly above the exit to the room there is a claw with a target in the middle worth big points. You have to hit this target while in the middle of the room because if you wait until you are directly under it the laser blaster will not be able to reach that high. Hit the claw as many times as you can and then spin and hit the saw. My score when leaving the first room is usually in the range of 350,000-550,000. The third target, which is worth the most points in the entire ride, over 100,000, is further on in the ride. I, however, have gave away enough secrets to my success and am not going to spill the beans on the final target, otherwise what fun would it be for everyone. I can assure you though if you find this target you will hit a perfect score soon enough. Your success in hitting the above mentioned targets depends not only on how accurately you shoot, but also on the quality of your laser blaster. You need a blaster in which you can see the laser dot clearly and one that swivels freely. Good luck to all those who take this advice and we will have more Galactic Heroes soon enough.


Well-Known Member
The one on the orange robot does not give as much as it used to...But there are others in the room that give more :)


New Member
Foolish Mortal said:
the target that's almost on the floor under Zurg across from the batteries. This can only be hit going in or leaving.

I found that one completely by accident. And when I hit it, I heard a cash register "ker-ching" sound and looked down at my score and saw that it shot up substantially. I am SLOWLY getting to the maximum score, but not quite there yet. My current best is 730,300.


Active Member
I must warn you, once you know the secret the ride loses some of its fun.

The best target is the top of the volcano on the right side of the ride in the big huge room. You should be able to hit it many times. Just track your light until it is in place and fire away. (100,000 per hit). I scored 999,999 several times on our last trip.


Well-Known Member
I found I did better not to try to aim as though I was duckhunting. Just sitting there and aiming with the laser got me top score of my group.


New Member
I have almost always gotten the 999,999 when I ride. The REAL trick is to max out BOTH cannons!! I have only been able to get up to 500,000 on the other once I maxed out one.
And the orange robot is still worth 100,000...along with the claw robot and the bottom of zurg's ship. the volcano and the jack-in-the-box robot are 50,000 and the two at either side of the opening in the projection part of the attraction are sometimes 50 sometimes 25 thousand.
The best thing is to go for the two robots in the Robot Attack room and hit them as many times as possible. Then hit the volcano and j-i-t-box robot and then finish up with the one at the bottom of zurg's ship. I used to work there for 3 years. It was part of my job to get Galactic Hero! :animwink:

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