Buying Old Cast Member Shirts

TwItTy WdW

New Member
Original Poster

I was wondering where I could buy Old cast member shirts. Such as if a CM left and they still have their uniform. I thought it would be a nice collectible and a nice thing to wear to school one day.


Active Member
Go to the ebay main page and follow this path:

Collectibles: Disneyana: Contemporay(1968-Now): Cast Member Exclusives.

You should be able to find plenty of stuff there. Good Luck. :wave:

Pixie Duster

New Member
The costumes do not belong to the Cast Members. When they leave the company they are supposed to turn them in. Unfortunetely there is no way to enforce this. If a former or current CM was to sell their costume on ebay, or even a friend / family of a CM, I believe there would be legal consequences. They would basically be selling stolen goods.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but the real crime was in the 80s, wearing those 100% polyester baby blue Tomorrowland hip huggers! Call 911 and report a crime against fashion! :lol:

Seriously, you had to turn in your wardrobe including your name tag and your ID in order to get your final paycheck as I recall. Losing a name tag is one thing, but how do you lose a shirt/pants combo. You weren't suppposed to take them off site. Just turn them in at wardrobe and get a clean one in its return.

However, there were rumors that some people would report their name tag and ID card lost say, maybe a couple weeks before their last day at work and get replacements made. When their last day came, they would turn in their replacement name tag and ID card. I think that some of the time, the ones reported missing JUST MIGHT have NOT been lost at all!

Pixie Duster

New Member
As far as I know the law does not allow them to hold their last check now. Also we have Cast Zooming now, where we check out our costumes for the week and can just wash them at home. We are allowed the wear them to and from work including going to the store if need be.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Good to know. Thanks for the info. I'll bet that has something to do with the old rule of being forced to spend time at work getting dressed and not getting paid for it! :wave:


New Member
Pixie Duster said:
If a former or current CM was to sell their costume on ebay, or even a friend / family of a CM, I believe there would be legal consequences. They would basically be selling stolen goods.
Sadly there are a lot of people selling stolen and fake goods on Ebay. *cough* Song of the South DVDs at inflated prices *cough*

Pixie Duster

New Member
MKCP 1986 said:
Good to know. Thanks for the info. I'll bet that has something to do with the old rule of being forced to spend time at work getting dressed and not getting paid for it! :wave:

Exactly. That and the company does not have to as much for washing as many costumes and no longer have to pay CMs for walk time. And I don't have to worry about wearing a different size costume everyday. It's a win-win situation, usually.


Well-Known Member
Unless you work at the Contemporary in which case it doesn't matter if you wash your costume or if they do, it still comes out of the dryer as a Barney purple polyester nightmare. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I just want to wear the outfit from Primeval Whirl to the grocery store. :lookaroun :p :rolleyes: just kidding

If I worked at ToT or the Haunted Mansion, i would for sure wear those awsome costumes to the store and scare little kids!! lol. :lol: just kidding. I'd only wear it on Disney Property and in the land it was desinged for, to preserve the magic. I would take that as the main priority of my job, to keep the show.

Pixie Duster, or to anyone else that knows, you must return the costumes if you are a face and/or masked charactor right? i mean, if i was (a friend) of Mickey, and little cousins came over to my house, i would hate for them to open up the closet and :eek: :eek: :eek: :( that would be horrible. So i am assuming you are taking about normal CM's. I think that the Fantasyland costumes need to be re-done, it does not work in the "formal" concert hall setting of Philharmagic. I had to do a show once in costumes similar to those in the Hall of Presidents, that was fun, it's hard to believe real people wore that, everyday (and still do at the Hall of Pres. and the AA.) It would be a fun job, though!

Pixie Duster

New Member
Ya regular CMs only, trust me the character costumes are really looked after.

Now about preserving the magic... CMs are regular people and anybody in Orlando knows that. I do not wear my costume near guest areas, such as on property or near property convenience stores. If I do I act as if I being paid and maintain my normal helpfulness and cheerfulness. But we should be allowed to do what we gotta do on our personal time.

I have never seen any CM with an intense costume like Haunted Mansion or Tower of Terror off property doing normal people things, I would be too embarassed. Luckily mine is really tame.


New Member
I did have a guest offer me $100 for my Ice Station jacket once...all he wanted was the Coca-Cola patch, and boy was he willing to pay for it... :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I had someone come to me twice trying to get my T-Land costume. Went from 30 to 300 bucks for it. For some reason he thought that MK CM could take there costumes home at the end of the day. I kept telling him nope we can't and even if we did have zooming I still would not do it.

I had to get rude with him to force him to go away.


New Member
EpcotGrl said:
I did have a guest offer me $100 for my Ice Station jacket once...all he wanted was the Coca-Cola patch, and boy was he willing to pay for it... :veryconfu

When it was cold, I always had people asking me for my Fantasyland jacket. It's ugly and looks like Winnie the Pooh, not to mention it isn't that warm. But it was better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
Pixie Duster said:
Ya regular CMs only, trust me the character costumes are really looked after.

Now about preserving the magic... CMs are regular people and anybody in Orlando knows that. I do not wear my costume near guest areas, such as on property or near property convenience stores. If I do I act as if I being paid and maintain my normal helpfulness and cheerfulness. But we should be allowed to do what we gotta do on our personal time.

I have never seen any CM with an intense costume like Haunted Mansion or Tower of Terror off property doing normal people things, I would be too embarassed. Luckily mine is really tame.

I have a question. Do they still have a rule that you can not wear your costumes out of your land. I know you are at AK but, I know that part of the reason Walt wanted the utilidors (spelling?) at the Magic Kingdom was because he hated that in Disneyland CMs had to travel through other lands to get to the dressing rooms and were out of place.

The reason I ask is we have seen on two occasions a CM out of place. I can't remember one of them but one was an Adventureland male CM from the Jungle Cruise talking to a female CM from the Hall of Pres.

It thought it was pretty bad.


Well-Known Member
I have seen stuff for sale on eBay and see no problem with it if it is "vintage" stuff. The problem with the new stuff is someone could pose as a CM and not be one. That is scary stuff in this day and age.

Pixie Duster

New Member
mrtoad said:
I have a question. Do they still have a rule that you can not wear your costumes out of your land. I know you are at AK but, I know that part of the reason Walt wanted the utilidors (spelling?) at the Magic Kingdom was because he hated that in Disneyland CMs had to travel through other lands to get to the dressing rooms and were out of place.

The reason I ask is we have seen on two occasions a CM out of place. I can't remember one of them but one was an Adventureland male CM from the Jungle Cruise talking to a female CM from the Hall of Pres.

It thought it was pretty bad.
Actually I am at MK. And there is no rule, it is a guideline. They do not intensely enforce your placement now that walk time has been eliminated.


Well-Known Member
Pixie Duster said:
Actually I am at MK. And there is no rule, it is a guideline. They do not intensely enforce your placement now that walk time has been eliminated.

I am sorry, I thought you were at AK from some of your posts. What does that mean walk time has been eliminated?

I just think it looks bad as they are suppose to be two different periods in time. I guess it is not as bad as a CM from Tomorrowland in Liberty Square but still looks bad all the same. :(

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