But I Don’t Want To Be Patient!!!!!! ----An Early PTR

The title really says it all. I’ll spare you all of the doom and gloom, but the last 12 or so months have been abnormally difficult in so many unbelievably uncommon ways. The stress is overwhelming at times and we go through stretches where so many crazy things happen that I'm scared to think "what next???" I wouldn’t normally do a pre-trip report this early, but I’ve found that all things Disney seem to give me a temporary relief from the chaos… so I’ve decided to start my PTR as a form of WDW therapy.

For those that are new to my reports- I’m Sandy. We live in the Houston area, but I grew up in NJ and was a Florida resident for 7 years as well. I've been to WDW MANY times, but took a long hiatus after moving to TX. Yeah- this picture is from last year, but I figure DH and I really haven’t changed that much.

Speaking of DH (and he chooses to remain DH- although I’m looking for fun *yet tasteful* potential nicknames for this trip--SUGGESTIONS????)...

We also have two little girls….Kendall- who just turned 6 and Sammie who will be turning 4 right before this trip.

(taken at Johnson Space Center a couple of weeks ago)
In fact, this trip is all about Sammie. Last trip was a surprise trip for Kendall’s 5th bday and now it’s Miss Sams’ turn! With Kendall, you may recall that we were able to maintain the surprise until we were driving through the Maingate. We had to come up with an equally fabulous surprise for Sammie that was also totally unique. Initially I was going to have the Disney Store do it. I popped into the Houston Galleria location back in June and was informed with just 10 min notice, they could shift the store over to celebration mode…which sounded pretty darn fantastic. Then it occurred to me that Sammie’s bday is a weekday and the Galleria is about 40 min from my house = not going to happen. And while the personalized Disney Junior character greetings are cool- they just can’t be customized enough to make this work.

Someone gave me the great idea of putting helium filled mouse ear balloons in a large wrapped box and screaming “Surprise!!! We’re going to Disney World!!!” as the balloons sprung up from the box. I liked the idea, but it was just not enough. And then it hit me…the balloons would be at the end of a trail of gifts/clues. I mean- I was going to buy these little gifts anyway so, why not let them enhance the surprise? The girls are still a little young for a traditional scavenger hunt, so I decided on a yarn trail…but not just ANY yarn trail.

We are surprising the girls with a pre-park opening visit to BBB on this trip. I had racked up enough rewards points on my Disney Visa to buy costumes. So, I fibbed to the girls and told them IN JUNE that I needed to use my points right then for the costumes or else I’d lose them- so they needed to pick their Halloween costumes now. I really just wanted to be prepared. What I neglected to do was turn on the gender filter when I approached them to pick their costumes. Sammie is a bit of a tomboy and naturally, the two costumes below were the first things she asked for.


I felt bad having to clarify that it needed to be a girl costume. Of course DH pointed out that I might be able to get a princess dress over top of the Hulk and get a tiara comb and extensions into his Hulk hair. :p UH-NOOOOO! So, the moral of this part of the story…always remember to turn on the gender filter if you need your kids’ Halloween costumes to double as surprise BBB attire. Eventually the girls settled on costumes and Kendall is going to be Merida in the light blue formal gown..and Sammie is going to be Rapunzel in her wedding gown. I was going to add pics of the dresses at this point to the PTR, but after “taking pictures” I got downstairs and realized I never put my memory card in my camera. Way to go Sandy! So, I’ll add those later.
The costumes are relevant b/c they correspond to the yarn on the surprise trail. Kendall will be following orange yarn to symbolize Merida’s hair and Sammie will be following yellow yarn to symbolize Rapunzel’s hair. They probably won’t pick up on this- so I’ll clue them in after we reveal the surprise.
So, the plan is to start the yarn trail at the bottom left hand side of our stairs. Gift 1 will be up on the landing on the far side so that downstairs is out of sight at this point. DH will follow the girls and video while I set up the rest of the surprise downstairs.
***Up Next - Details I have now of the gift trail***


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Ok- got the final template for the shirts today. The only compromise was my hair. My hair has been this light and my hair can be this straight, but it's not normally this way. Still, we're going to the land of magic and fantasy- so in my shirt- I can have hair that I normally dream about ;)


Now to wait on these beauties to arrive and plot out when exactly I'll contact the Contemporary about the cake. I need enough time to hash out the details and prepare for delays (since chef can't always get back right away), but it can't bee too far in advance since you don't want them losing anything.

Hopefully more updates soon!


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A few little updates...

I had some ebay bucks come due so I decided to invest it in a few more pins for the girls. I'm a tad bothered b/c the Donald pin was supposed to be a Minnie mouse ears pin- like Sammie's Minnie ears, but I really don't have the time and energy to work like crazy with the ebay seller to fix it. I at least notified her of the issue and we'll see where that goes. So, for now...these are the new pins.



I absolutely LOVE the spinner pins, so this Mickey running one really makes me happy. And if I don't work it out with the Minnie ears...Donald is my fave and Donald is usually in Sammie's top 5, so I can't be too upset.

I'm waiting on the shirts to arrive. I didn't get to hash out sizing info until Sunday/Monday this week...so that's delaying things a bit. Still- so excited to see them!!!

I also made my first ME trip purchase today. :D The really nice cross body style bag my mom had gotten me has a snap closure. It was fine at first, but I started having issues with things slipping out. The big issue- my new phone came flying out the other day and hit the driveway. Thankfully the phone is fine, but I can't take anymore chances. I still have regrets about not buying the shirt below on our last trip...


So, I did something even better...I bought a Lesportsac bag in the same Mary Blair Small World pattern. I have been drooling over this bag since they came out. They're sold out and this lighter color pattern has been ditched for a darker one, but I got this on ebay for a semi-inflated price. Still- I'm happy and will be even better once it arrives. It just looks like a great bag for the parks and unlike the t-shirt, I can "wear" the bag to work.


Hoping I get the shirts later this week so I can post them. Beyond that...just doing our best to keep this quiet...about 3.5 wks and it's REALLY getting tough. Also starting to think about ADRs to cut. I'm pretty sure that LTT adr is as good as gone...just not making much sense to me, but there are a few others I'm thinking about. Oh well- we've still got some time.


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Gasp...I LOVE that purse!! I will be wanting something cross-body style that will fit a larger camera than what I had on previous trips, and that might work!

I don't think it will fit my camera, but I think it could probably accomodate some of the larger point and shoots. So, my kids will still be subjected to another trip of mommy leaning over to help them and forgetting I've got my DSLR around my neck. Nothing like being lightly bonked in the head by a telephoto lens. :rolleyes:

Still- I'm hoping the bag can fit my phone, epi pens, benadryl, $, and cards...who knows- maybe even more. :) I was going to save $27 and go for the in stock mermaid pattern, but even my ultra frugal friends said to spend the extra $ to get the one I liked more and was more likely to use long term.

OMG. 2000 pics

I know...pretty crazy. Of course, some pics are much better than others.


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Slight update...

I heard back from the girl about the pins. She is going to send me the Minnie ears pin she was initially supposed to as well as another pin as a freebie for my troubles. NICE! Really hoping the shirts come soon. I get sooooooo nervous about these things.


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OK...I wasn't planning any more updates until the shirts or next set of pins arrive, but something came in the mail today.




That's right folks... MICKEY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Your cakes are wonderful. You have such talent!! And your daughters are super cute.

Where did you order your shirts from? We are going next June for our daughter's 16th birthday and we want to get tshirts made. I've been pricing them, and boy are they expensive. :eek:


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Great shirt design. Great surprise. Prob impossible to top. Just go again :)
Still waiting on my mickey mail :(

Sorry you're waiting on your Mickey mail. I'm actually kind of shocked that I got mine...this is the earliest I've ever gotten it.

As for the surprise, what's really funny is that this whole production over the surprise for this trip was done to try and come close to last trip's surprise. Last summer we drove from TX to WDW and managed to keep the surprise until we were driving through the Maingate and then basically had a trip full of surprises.

The camera I used here isn't the best, but it's a pretty cool surprise reveal. Kendall reads too well now to make anything like this possible, but that's kind of why I went this route when we did. Thankfully, if all works out well- the next trip will be for my 40th and that will not be any kind of major surprise...just all about me, me, and more me LOL :D

Your cakes are wonderful. You have such talent!! And your daughters are super cute.

Where did you order your shirts from? We are going next June for our daughter's 16th birthday and we want to get tshirts made. I've been pricing them, and boy are they expensive. :eek:

Thanks! It's a blessing and a curse with the cakes. It's really fun to be able to make all kinds of cakes, but I get super nervous and picky when I turn my designs over to another baker. Hopefully the Contemporary won't disappoint. I'm trying to distract myself by planning Sammie's home bday cake and a Halloween party cake, but the WDW excitement is building to a point that I'm finding it tough to concentrate on Dora or my Frankenstein masked mummy.

The shirts are from an ebay seller... http://stores.ebay.com/siblingts
She has a ton of Disney options. If you check her out on FB she has a pic of a wide variety of the options she can use to dress up the figures. The price was really what got me...after pricing the shirts on the DisneyStore website and hearing about the prices at Design A Tee...I was sold when I saw this. I paid $48 + $7 shipping for our four shirts. I wasn't able to get the girl sizing info until Monday, so I'm waiting to find out when they shipped. Hopefully they'll arrive soon.


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Well first off...I made a few dining changes...

I was expecting changes to be announced for the Nov calendar since the 2011 schedule included longer hours and double shows/parades. I got my wish that it would be the same this year :) and here's how it helps:

1. There are now 2 MSEPs on Nov 18th...so, we can do Wishes Dessert Party without having to skip any of it for the parade. We can just watch the 11 pm MSEP which should see lighter crowds...even if just a tad lighter.

2. There are also 2 MSEPs on Nov 20th, so we have that as a back up plan if we need it.

3. Not that we're really going to use it with young kids and an early morning breakfast the next day, but we have EMH until 3 am on Nov 18/19.

4. There are now 2 Fantasmic! showings on 11/17...so I dropped Mama Melrose F! pkg (really didn't want to do that again anyway), dropped the 7:55pm at 50s PT, and picked up a 2:40p lunch ADR at 50s PT. So, we'll have a late lunch, return to the park for Osborne Lights and then see the 8pm show of F! before calling it a night.

I've also dropped that LTT lunch on 11/18 since I'm hoping BoG will be in soft opening. In fact, if we can get in for lunch on the 18th I've debated about asking the girls if they want to return for dinner on the 20th or do something else? Right now I've got an 'Ohana adr as a back up plan for this idea, but I'm hoping to get back something along the 1900 PF I dropped back in August since I've always wanted to do that meal. I worked so hard for that BoG ADR back in August, but if we end up having a "been there done that feeling"- I'd rather release that ADR than have a redundant meal. We shall see how my stalking goes. :D

Ok...now for more fun stuff. I got my bag yesterday...

I must say...I LOVE IT!!! DH on the other hand sand it looks like the Easter Bunny threw up on the bag. Whatever. :rolleyes:

Even more exciting...the shirts arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adult Shirts

Kid Shirts

And she also included this, which I ADORE!!!

I had no idea that this would be in there, but I think it fits PERFECTLY!!!

I still haven't received the pins to make up for the incorrect shipment. I'm giving it until next Monday before I reach out and find out what's going on. If worse comes to worse- I get the pins she sent and leave appropriate feedback.

Cannot believe it's only 19 days until the surprise reveal. In just 2 weeks I get the ball rolling on the Disney cake. But...for now I shall try and sink myself into sculpting fondant and gumpast Dora. Stupid big headed Dora.


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A few little updates since the nervous energy is starting to hit me...

1. Switched my 50s adr again. Now I've got a 3:40p and I'm looking at it as an early dinner. So, If I can't get something closer to 4:30p...this is it and we'll just take our nap time a bit early.
2. Sammie has changed her mind again about favorite character...not that she has any clue about the any of this... but as of last night it was Belle. Sorry dear, but that is your sis' princess. Big-fat-no!
3. It hit us that the whole surprise is going to need to happen as soon as the girls get home from school- so now DH is leaving work early and I need to coordinate with the inlaws. I guess at least now I don't have to worry about keeping them in a holding pattern and know this will pretty much be happening at 5pm on the dot.
4. Stopped by the Disney Outlet store the other day and picked up a bunch of shirts. Most were for me :D (girls insisted I get a villains shirt :p), but I let them each pick a shirt and told them they could wear it to grandma and grandpa's in Nov. Ahhhh- little do they know. At least Kendall was predictable with a Belle shirt...Sams on the other hand picked Buzz. Oy- just can never tell with this girl.
5. Kendall is now really trying to weasel details out of me about Sammie's bday. I told her no b/c some of it involves her...she persisted, saying she can keep a secret. I reminded her of Sammie's "unbirthday" gift back for her bday and how her stealth handling was "Sammie, I know what you're getting and it's not slippers to match your pillow pet." yea- not telling that kid anything! o_O
6. My MIL and Step-FIL are watching the girls on Saturday...so I'm thinking about starting to wrap the gifts. I'm still leaning towards Christmas wrap since i have tons of it, but may also throw in some Hanukkah gift bags too since we are a half & half household. Also trying to decide how to label them...thinking I want them numbered and with first initials. Decisions.

Ok- thanks for putting up with my latest installment of my growing insanity. ;)


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DH and I had a nice night out and he's now crashed out on the couch. I just finished gift wrapping so I thought I'd share :)

And here they are close up and in order...



These were all pretty easy to wrap. I decided to skip the Hanukkah gift bags b/c I only wanted one bag and none of the ones I had were the right size for gift #4 :( so oh well. And there was just no way I was wrapping the tube of glow sticks...I HATE wrapping anything cylindrical.

And then I got to the BIG BOX!!!!!



You can't really gauge the size in this picture, but you have to remember that this box was for a large 2 piece hardside luggage set. It was a major pain as well. The box is big enough to hold the two 15" mouse ear balloons, but there was no way they'd pop out based on the current openings. So, I had to tape up the standard openings and cut one down the middle of the top of the box. But what really was awful- wrapping it. It's one thing to wrap a large box for standard opening...not fun, but normal wrapping. In this case I had to wrap it to leave that main opening unsealed. i.e. the girls are going to take off the big bow, pull up the flaps and voila- balloons. But...minus a few little things...the wrapping is done. The big box is in a closet the girls never go into and all of the other gifts are well concealed in the master closet...


Maybe now I can get some sleep.


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Wow this is coming along nicely can't wait for the reveal.

Thanks! Yeah- while I am nowhere even close to cake ready for my cake...I really wish the big reveal were this Tuesday as opposed to next as this is making me nuts. Maybe I'll at least solidify details with the WDW cake so I can feel like I've accomplished something :D

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