But I Don’t Want To Be Patient!!!!!! ----An Early PTR

The title really says it all. I’ll spare you all of the doom and gloom, but the last 12 or so months have been abnormally difficult in so many unbelievably uncommon ways. The stress is overwhelming at times and we go through stretches where so many crazy things happen that I'm scared to think "what next???" I wouldn’t normally do a pre-trip report this early, but I’ve found that all things Disney seem to give me a temporary relief from the chaos… so I’ve decided to start my PTR as a form of WDW therapy.

For those that are new to my reports- I’m Sandy. We live in the Houston area, but I grew up in NJ and was a Florida resident for 7 years as well. I've been to WDW MANY times, but took a long hiatus after moving to TX. Yeah- this picture is from last year, but I figure DH and I really haven’t changed that much.

Speaking of DH (and he chooses to remain DH- although I’m looking for fun *yet tasteful* potential nicknames for this trip--SUGGESTIONS????)...

We also have two little girls….Kendall- who just turned 6 and Sammie who will be turning 4 right before this trip.

(taken at Johnson Space Center a couple of weeks ago)
In fact, this trip is all about Sammie. Last trip was a surprise trip for Kendall’s 5th bday and now it’s Miss Sams’ turn! With Kendall, you may recall that we were able to maintain the surprise until we were driving through the Maingate. We had to come up with an equally fabulous surprise for Sammie that was also totally unique. Initially I was going to have the Disney Store do it. I popped into the Houston Galleria location back in June and was informed with just 10 min notice, they could shift the store over to celebration mode…which sounded pretty darn fantastic. Then it occurred to me that Sammie’s bday is a weekday and the Galleria is about 40 min from my house = not going to happen. And while the personalized Disney Junior character greetings are cool- they just can’t be customized enough to make this work.

Someone gave me the great idea of putting helium filled mouse ear balloons in a large wrapped box and screaming “Surprise!!! We’re going to Disney World!!!” as the balloons sprung up from the box. I liked the idea, but it was just not enough. And then it hit me…the balloons would be at the end of a trail of gifts/clues. I mean- I was going to buy these little gifts anyway so, why not let them enhance the surprise? The girls are still a little young for a traditional scavenger hunt, so I decided on a yarn trail…but not just ANY yarn trail.

We are surprising the girls with a pre-park opening visit to BBB on this trip. I had racked up enough rewards points on my Disney Visa to buy costumes. So, I fibbed to the girls and told them IN JUNE that I needed to use my points right then for the costumes or else I’d lose them- so they needed to pick their Halloween costumes now. I really just wanted to be prepared. What I neglected to do was turn on the gender filter when I approached them to pick their costumes. Sammie is a bit of a tomboy and naturally, the two costumes below were the first things she asked for.


I felt bad having to clarify that it needed to be a girl costume. Of course DH pointed out that I might be able to get a princess dress over top of the Hulk and get a tiara comb and extensions into his Hulk hair. :p UH-NOOOOO! So, the moral of this part of the story…always remember to turn on the gender filter if you need your kids’ Halloween costumes to double as surprise BBB attire. Eventually the girls settled on costumes and Kendall is going to be Merida in the light blue formal gown..and Sammie is going to be Rapunzel in her wedding gown. I was going to add pics of the dresses at this point to the PTR, but after “taking pictures” I got downstairs and realized I never put my memory card in my camera. Way to go Sandy! So, I’ll add those later.
The costumes are relevant b/c they correspond to the yarn on the surprise trail. Kendall will be following orange yarn to symbolize Merida’s hair and Sammie will be following yellow yarn to symbolize Rapunzel’s hair. They probably won’t pick up on this- so I’ll clue them in after we reveal the surprise.
So, the plan is to start the yarn trail at the bottom left hand side of our stairs. Gift 1 will be up on the landing on the far side so that downstairs is out of sight at this point. DH will follow the girls and video while I set up the rest of the surprise downstairs.
***Up Next - Details I have now of the gift trail***


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I think I had my cake epiphany yesterday!!! :D

I have to put it to paper, but this MAY (may) be a winner. My first Mickey cake design was a take on artist Romero Britto's "peace- love - & mickey" concept. It wasn't mine though, so I rejected it. Well last night I started thinking about sorcerer Mickey and then started thinking about celestial prints...so now I'm thinking "sun, moon, stars, and mickey."

I'm thinking the fondant should be a marbling of midnight blue and either white,royal or light blue to create sort of a space look. Then I want the cake covered in gold & silver stars, moons, and mickey stamps. I want one slightly larger gold moon figured prominently on the front of the cake to symbolize the end of DD3's 3rd year and a large molded ornate sun rising over the back of the cake to signify the beginning of her 4th year. And then white chocolate Mickey would be standing on the top center of the cake accentedin gold and silver - holding a silver moon in one hand and a gold sun in his left and then gold and silver stars around his base. Still not 100% on how I want the base of the cake, but I'm thinking an antique gold band around the base kind like a star globe.

Now to sketch!!!:)


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OK- I now have my first sketch for this new design...

It will look much better once I add color to it...so a few updates on details.

Base border- I was working on a test cake flavor today and Sammie said something about clouds on a cake...so I stole an idea from a cake on Flickr where the artist used white ball of fondant in varying sizes to create a cloud border.This is duplicated around Mickey.

Sun/Moon- the suns will be gold and the moons will be silver. I will also suggest that the underlying sun flares be bronze. I think the Mickey on the sun will be a cutout rather than a stamp.


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Yay for Yellow Yarn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a Sesame Street skit. Seriously though...my yellow yarn finally arrived. So, now all elements of the yarn trail are pretty much in order. Of course DH looked at it, forgetting why I bought it and asked if I was taking up knitting :rolleyes: He got a long explanation I really don't think he wanted.

But so anyways- yellow yarn...

and orange yarn...

I just cannot wait!!!!

I also found the perfect star print...inside Kendall's glass slippers :D to give Chef Brian for a more concrete example of what I want for the painted starburst stars on the cake...

We also were home yesterday and I think I made some good choices for Sammie...long story short, I was testing out hooking up my laptop to the tv for the surprise video slideshow and Kendall wanted to see herself on tv. So, I showed them last year's surprise video. The smiles on their faces were amazing, but it also prompted a round of "we want to go back to Disney!!!" I stayed strong, but man- how good it felt to know that I've got this all up my sleeve. The real revelations- turns out Sammie prefers Wishes to MSEP...so opting for the Dessert Party sounds like it will be perfect for her. She also said Mickey will be a fave no matter what and she wants to see him again- so I feel confident with the cake theme. We also talked a little bit about hotels and other restaurants and it sounds like they're open to other ideas. The funny part- Kendall told Sammie that while we went once at Christmas...Disney is a summer vacation. So I know this is going to totally blindside them.

Over the last 24 hours I've also talked myself out of a new camera lens. I want it and I think it would improve my untouched photos, but I think the $ would be better invested in Photoshop since that does more than a new lens in my case. And I can wait until after the trip for that.

What I did also accomplish was shoes for me. Part of me wanted new sneakers, but I have a couple of pretty new pairs- even though the 20% off coupon at Sports Authority was calling to me. I decided I wanted something a little less casual- well at least not sneaker casual. I wound up getting a steal deal on the Sperry's below. So, now to break them in!


Yay shoes!!!!


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A few little updates. My new shoes for the trip arrived tonight and man is the left one tight. I guess at least I have 55 days to break them in.

The girls also got their Toms today. Thankfully, they know these are for their Halloween costumes and some undisclosed other "thing" for Sammie's bday- so we're just breaking them in at home. Yes- they wanted to model....



They are perfect matches for the princess dresses. Major thanks to the people who recommended buying them a size small. I bought them a size small for each girl and they still have a little bit of room. I can't imagine how huge they'd be if bought their true sizes.

And while not directly Disney related, the girls would know something was up if I didn't buy a bunch of Halloween decorations- since I LOVE to decorate for Halloween and Christmas. I really don't want to have to break down a big display begore having to orchestrate this whole surprise- but acting like everything is normal is part of maintaining the surprise. So, in addition to our usual 6' cat, graveyard, fence, lights, pumpkins, black light, songs and sounds...I've added a 6' glow in the dark skeleton, some moss covered grave stones, a flying howling ghost, and a bush beast (hard to describe). So, it's going to be a pain to break it down, but it will keep the girls from thinking anything is up. :)

I guess I should find some time to color in my cake sketch and start thinking about clothes.


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A few updates...

1. I think I may have a box for my balloons!!! I know- not news, but the reality...I'm having a hard time finding a large box (for free) that will fit two 15" helium filled mouse ear balloons. Well, I had my 15 year anniversary reception at work today and my gift was a luggage set. I think THINK the box may be big enough for the balloons. :D

2. I reworked our last day a bit...b/c of the following question...

Why am I cutting my day short for a stroller return?

Our girls are on the cusp when it comes to strollers. Next trip will definitely be stroller free, so we've decided to make this last day - a partial day anyway - their first stroller free day. So, we'll just drop our stroller off at Yacht Club bell services when checking out- even if it's super bright and early. This way, their last memory from this trip involves walking on their own through through parks. It will also enable us to spend more time there and do more. So, EMH back at Pangani and maybe safari if there's time...then I just happened to get a 9:15a ADR at Tusker House (I was hoping for something between 9-9:30a- so I call this destiny since this was just right there first time looking)...we'll then work in FotLK and Nemo in whichever order works best for when we finish up...and if there's time maybe we'll catch DiVine and Flights of Wonder. I cxld my 2:05p at Sanaa, but booked a 2:50p...really just to see it and have something very light before hitting the road...IF we finish up in the park in time. FotLK and Nemo are really my only musts beyond Pangani during EMH so I'd be willing to cut out for Sanaa once we accomplish those. So, hopefully it will be in time...and since we'll be taking our own vehicle, we should be there in pretty short time.

3. Kendall's reading skills and nosey nature are progressing at a rate where it may be tough for me to write about any of this w/o her being asleep in bed.

4. Not really trip related, but it gave me a small shot of Disney magic- well, literally- the Disney Magic ;) She docked in Galveston on Saturday for the first time...so, we had an adventure day- including a few drive by's while she was in the port. Of course we were finishing up our first pass and realized I forgot to put my memory card back in the camera...so we found a CVS and bought the cheapest one they had...and returned to the port section of town...








DH said maybe for spring break, but prices more than double for that week. I told him I'd much prefer a land/sea trip in August for my 40th...if the chaos of our life doesn't blow up to the point where it's impossible. I'm sad that we missed seeing it come in as all the characters were out on deck waving Texas flags and they had a cowboy hat up on the mouse ears on one of the funnels. I also had wanted to hear the ship's horn sound When you Wish Upon a Star...but the kids were antsy.

I guess at least it's nice to know there's a piece of Disney just 35 min from home for at least a little while. Hope they decide to come back to Galveston down the road.


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First update...comfy trip flip flops- CHECK

They were marked down $4 + I had a 20% off coupon. SWEET!

Also, as I looked at all kinds of cute clothes for the kids a good friend reminded me that the girls got tons of new summer and fall clothes and still fit into much of their other stuff- i.e. unless I want one or two special pieces... I should devote that $ to clothes for mom :D

We have another positive...we measured Sammie the other day and she's up to 39.50" in bare feet. If she continues at this rate- she'll be 40" by trip time. Fingers crossed b/c that was one of the big meltdown issues last trip. Of course, we also went into the 2011 trip thinking Kendall was 40" and later found out she was 39.75" and she rode all of the 40" rides. Like I said- we thought she was 40".

I think I may also FINALLY get around to coloring the cake sketch tonight after the girls go to bed. I have about a month until I need to be good w/Chef Brian on the details- time is ticking away!

FINALLY---with the start of fall I've been letting the girls watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown :) It's on our DVR and the recording starts out with the Disney commercial with the family wearing their yellow family reunion trip shirts. The girls never noticed this before, but the pretty much begged for family trip shirts for whenever we go back. In light of this- I'm skipping buying in DTD and ordered some custom ones on ebay today. I'm waiting to hear back from the lady, but if she customize it as much as she claims- they should be SUPER CUTE!!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR THESE!!!!! I will post them as soon as they arrive.


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OK- a small yet BIG (well for me) update.

I have been toying with the idea of a new small but fast lens or a small point and shoot camera that can also shoot video. The lens would have been a little over $100 and the camera...well, not sure since there were several I was considering and prices were all over the place.

Well, yesterday I went for the point and shoot...SORT OF ;)

DH an I have avoided getting smart phones for quite some time, but back in the spring we started thinking it might be time to take the plunge. Well, yesterday we finally did it. Sure, the lens (which I still may get) would really improve pic quality on the DSLR and there are traditional point and shoots with higher megapixels (but the reality is that most people still do touch ups)...the new phone has an 8MP camera and shoots video in HD (between 720p-1080p depending on the side used). So, now I have new "camera" gear for the trip as well as something for lines apps, etc. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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That's a steal!!
How do you like it? We're planning to get one too.

Oh how I LOVE getting a great deal. As for the actual product...I like them, but they are very different from the shoes they're replacing. I was previously using a pair of Skechers easy tone flip flops...not for the toning claims, but b/c they had nice arch support and good cushion. These Nikes feel more like squishy bedroom slippers. It may just take some getting used to, but at least the toe area doesn't feel like it will need much to break it in.

This is amazing! Feels so great to be "in-the-know"!! I can't wait till it's revealed to the girls. Anxious for more as you get it :)

Thanks! I am so beyond excited for them to find out. My older one is convinced that things will come together and they'll be returning this summer...to the point that she's plotting her must do's. They are both going to flip out when they find out "summer" is coming early :D


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umm you are such a cool mom! i love the pins and the costumes. i wish they would make them in adult sizes :( your itinerary sounds amazing! i cannot wait for the trip report :)


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umm you are such a cool mom! i love the pins and the costumes. i wish they would make them in adult sizes :( your itinerary sounds amazing! i cannot wait for the trip report :)

Awww thanks! :) The girls are usually appreciative of all things like this, so it makes it worth the effort. I tried so hard not to go overboard with the pins, but pick things that were "them." The Disney Store and park authentic costumes are so nicely done. It would be nice to see adult versions with the same attention to detail. Hoping to get the trip report up and running in December :)

PS the shoes are amazing and I echo maryszhi in that I want them in adult sizes!

I still can't get over how perfect the shoes turned out to be :) I'm debating about a silver pair of glitter Toms for myself. Still- lots of color options...


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So, two fun things today...

Got my first preview of our custom shirts today. There are a few things I'm having changed, but this is the first draft...

I'm having Kendall's hair changed to the brunette version of Sammie's- I'm having my hair changed to straight brown hair, and I think I also requested different shirts for me and DH. Ultimatley, the the bulk of this is spot on to what the shirts will look like. I'll post a copy as soon as the final proof (or the actual shirts) arrives.

And after days of coloring...I finally have a colored sketch for the cake. It took so long b/c I couldn't find my professional colored pencils. So...I was left to using pens, crayons :rolleyes:, and paint pens. It's not the clean professional drawing I'd enivisioned, but it gets the point across...


It's funny- the moon is so silvery b/c it's paint that it's more reflective than I expected it to be in the picture. Still, I like the design and I think it should make for a nice cake...sweet and youthful enough for a young child but striking enough for a nice meal at Cali Grill.

And it's official...I can now say..."We're going to Disney NEXT MONTH!!!!" :D

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