Busiest and quietest times of year


New Member
The Busiest Time was Undoubtly this Past week, My Friend Just Came Back and said a 3 Hour Wait at Splash Mountain on a COLD day. Thats insane!!!
The Quietest Day I've heard is Christmas Day, But all the Days around that are Very Busy.
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Well-Known Member
Busy Times:

Anytime near a Holiday, School Vacation, or other "event"

Slow Times:
October... Early November... January... Early to mid February...

My personal favorite time would be last week of January, First week of February. The past two years, those weeks have had gorgeous warm (not hot) weather... and the parks have been dead. Also resorts will be having good deals this time of year. However, keep in mind, being a slow season, some attractions might be closed for renovations, some events might have limited showings, and park hours might be reduced. But, the lines are virtually nothing... so it's all good. :)
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Active Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
Busy Times:

Anytime near a Holiday, School Vacation, or other "event"

Slow Times:
October... Early November... January... Early to mid February...

I'd agree with Fantasia Boi, school vacations have a lot to do with it... the last week in December is very busy, whereas the first and second weeks are extremely quiet.

Early December always was my favorite time to visit, though would caution that after 14 years here it seems maybe every 4th year or so you get a rainy day or two. About that often, you get a cool snap (daily highs in the low 60's versus 70's+ other years)
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Hands down 1-2 weeks before Christmas. Never a line, but cold. Went the second week in January '98 and it was packed with Brazilian groups who like to cut lines. March'00 was just as crowded as Jan, but no large groups caring flags. Oct '01 was very crowded and we were very surprised considering the circumstances. Disney just seems to get more crowded ever year no matter what time of year you go.
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Active Member
I think Christmas Day is the busiest day out of those last two weeks in December. I've been twice to the MK on Christmas Day and both times they closed the gates very early because the park was filled to capacity.

New Year's Eve is the same deal.

It's pretty quiet the last week of August! It's very hot, but not too crowded.
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New Member
the quietest times of the year are usually when my family used to go since we are florida residents and had the seasonal pass. the best time was the first 2 weeks in december b/c no ones there and they have all the christmas stuff up but anytime in september is good and quiet too.
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Well-Known Member
I usually go around the 1st & 2nd weeks of December. Short lines, not crowded, although for southerners, a bit cold. Being from NY, I can stand 40-50° weather. :cool:
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New Member
When I started working there in January 1997, it was absolutely dead. My roommate at Vista Way and I got a day off and ran through Epcot in a day, riding everything there. We literally were walking onto rides, instead of waiting in line. A good time to go. It's not too hot, You're not hurried, and there was time to talk with the other cast members about stuff.
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New Member
I can corroborate what SykedOwt said. I was there from April 2 through April 6 and the crowds were (by far) the worst I have ever seen at any time of the year. I would be interested in your collective wisdom as to the reason. My suspicion is that everyone decided (all at once) that it was OK to travel again.
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Active Member
Originally posted by marcus
...was there from April 2 through April 6... crowds...everyone decided (all at once) that it was OK to travel again.
That's how it looked to me. Was heartening indeed to see so many people in the parks... though I always wish there were a way Spring breaks could be allocated over a longer period so more people could enjoy the parks at a leisurely pace!

Seeing that audience inspired this thread on best strategies for a busy week.
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New Member
I have been trying different times of year every time I visit. (diffrent months anyway) The most crowded I have seen it, was Easter week and First week of August. I can't decide which time was worse. Easter was wall to wall people who stopped walking for no apparent reason while you behind them. August, the people seemed more polite but you melted for hours in line. It's a toss up. lol Now I stick to the cooler months like say October and I'm dying to go the first week of December just to see the decorations. Money is a little tough that tim of year though. :brick:
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New Member
We always try to go in September (after Labor Day), Nov/Dec (after Thanksgiving and before Christmas) and anytime in Jaunuary. Crowds seem pretty light then. However, when crowds are light, hours are shorter and attractions are staffed lighter so wait times can sometimes even out. October is not bad but is usually a little more crowded. We have been on Thanksgiving Day and the week before Easter and the crowds are horendous. However asside from n ot being able to walk, we were able to use fastpass and longer park hours to do everything we wanted to do.
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New Member
That's how we beat the after Easter crowds as well. We get to the parks well before opening and are among the first to ride the most popular attractions. By the time the throngs arrive, we are ready to head back to the hotel to nap and swim. Then, in the evening, we go back for parades and shows and ride a few select attractions.

I wish I had the flexibility to go when the crowds are the lightest, but kids' school schedules dictate that it must be the week after Easter.
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Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by copper
Hands down 1-2 weeks before Christmas. Never a line, but cold. Went the second week in January '98 and it was packed with Brazilian groups who like to cut lines. March'00 was just as crowded as Jan, but no large groups caring flags. Oct '01 was very crowded and we were very surprised considering the circumstances. Disney just seems to get more crowded ever year no matter what time of year you go.

Funny you should say that about Brazilian groups. One of the contracters at our office is from Brazil and we were talking about WDW. He said he did one of those group tours when he was 16. He said it's like a rite of passage thing for every single Brazilian.

I guess that's why you see so many of them.

He said that they knew they were all cutting in line, and ing people off, but that they didn't care. He said that most of there tour group had agreed that they would probebly never get the chance to come back, so they never cared if they get kicked out, thus they would do whatever they wanted.

This also included the hotel, which he said that the hotel they used will not allow Brazilian groups anymore since all the damage they caused.

And not to take this off topic...we always go the second week of October. Small crowds, good weather, and most "celebrations" start on Oct 1, so you get to see all the new stuff, without the hassle of the celebration week crowds when they kick it off.
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New Member
Yes, but "spring break" is a vague term at WDW because college breaks can be from February through April and then you have the Florida public schools spring breaks which vary as well. AARGH!
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The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by marcus
Yes, but "spring break" is a vague term at WDW because college breaks can be from February through April and then you have the Florida public schools spring breaks which vary as well. AARGH!

Planning Spring breaks are awful! My children are in different (private, non-Catholic)) schools, and all of the area ones coordinate their breaks. However, the Catholic and Public schools have different breaks...some of my friends have 3 kids in 3 different schools, with 3 different breaks! (not this year, fortunately) Also, the Florida schools tend to get out much earlier, and return earlier, than Northern schools.

I usually just go for a weekend at a non-busy time; even then I've misjudged the crowds from time to time!
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We've been there Christmas week and Easter Week and obviously both were extremely crowded. This year, we are going the first week of November. How is it then?
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Active Member
November vacation

Originally posted by RalphieN
...been there Christmas week and Easter Week...This year, we are going the first week of November. How is it then?
Should be much quieter.

In the off-peak times, it's still a good idea to visit the Magic Kingdom early in the day (1/2 hour before scheduled opening). The park won't be open as late, so the E-tickets will still be busy in the early afternoon hours.

With the other parks, there's less need to arrive early. So enjoy some leisurely breakfasts!

Because Epcot usually stays open till 9:00, guests with 'hopper' passes from the other three parks will tend to head over there for dinner. Preferred seating times (a.k.a. reservations) recommended... especially on weekends. Also, on those weekend early afternoons, World Showcase will be busy due to the Food & Wine festival. If you're so inclined, better to partake of that festival on a weekday.
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