'sexist undertones'?? You need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
-Abraham Lincoln
Take your own advice, I said in my post "Especially from my experience (in non Disney buses and subways), they don't take it even if it's offered." Implying that I have done the act before, does this mean "Chivalry is...dead"? No, it just means I don't believe in doing it
every time I see a woman on a form of public transportation.
And yes, I did not mean to call you, personally, sexist, but the roots of the act itself instead as Tigger elaborated.
My "bus ettiqute" at WDW is the same as it is at home. At home, I'm one of millions who use the system everyday and it is generally accpeted by everyone that seating is very limited and on a first come, first serve basis, with the exception of the elderly and disabled who get "proprity seating". Mostly I do not see single, healthy (in appearence), younger women offered seats by those whom they've never met before. The closest is typically letting the womam get the seat first, without saying any words to her. With so many women on the system, it's impossible for them all to have a seat (especially when all on board, men and women, are packed as tight as can be) so I suspect it's just customary to treat everyone the same, regardless of gender. Maybe not "chivalrous", but hardly disrespectful.
Sometime I get a seat, many times I don't. So long as I'm going where I need to and not waiting around, I'm fine. I suspect women where I live are the same.
I also notice, if given the chance, people will avoid filling every seat, taking every other instead and volunteer to stand than sit next to a stranger.