Pre-Trip Brittney is free! Lets go to Disney!

Hey Buddies!! Hey Fans! It's @Tuvalu 's favorite Trip Reporter...your buddy, your pal, your amigo.... good 'ol 9000!

Hey everyone! So, as you may recall, I've been waiting for a return to Disney after a pretty long time away. We'll, it's only been two weeks, and in the meantime, I've tortured you with trip reports from last year, this year, just 2 weeks ago, etc. We had been planning on a Christmas trip to WDW last year, but then, of course, the pandemic hit and everything went horrible and insane.

Now, over a year later, we have miraculously survived, and C and I are both alive and well. C is not quite ready to walk around a 90 degree theme park with a mask on, so we are looking at Christmas 2021 and/or early 2022 for WDW. In the meantime, we momentarily lost our minds and became Universal AP folk and will add a few days there. This is probably crazy and premature, but we even bought lanyards and all. We plan to be very careful and take it slow, every safety precaution possible - seltzers, sanitizer, etc. and again, we are fully stoked to be USO AP folk.

On the other hand, the booze will be flowing like the waterfalls of Pandora. 😊

My question is this - do you guys want a crazy WDW trip report? Let me know and thanks.



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It begins....



Are you afraid?? will be. You wiiill be!

Disney Dead Head

Active Member
Back home and just spoke to my sister. Seems like her husband is OK with the boys going down. My sister is waiting for them to wake up and see if they want to. I guess she didn't want to mention anything last night until her DH Hubby Ressie Grand Flo Brekkie Abbrev gave approval for the kiddos to go.

C isn't feeling much better. I am going to do what the wise people in the covid thread do and go to the store and buy all the at home covid test kits (because hoarding them apparently shows how we are all in this together) and I will keep testing every 2 hours because according to some people in the thread, you just keep taking the tests until you get a positive. It doesn't matter if 5 tests show negative, you just keep taking them.

If after 24 hours and you dont get a positive, you just go to a place where dozens, if not hundreds of people are and stand there with them until you can get a PCR test that will show positive, and then you can be instructed by the science people that you should go back to the very place you just came from (your house) to avoid being around dozens, if not hundreds of people. Seems legit.
As NEMO would say........just keep testing......just keep testing

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