Pre-Trip Brittney is free! Lets go to Disney!

Hey Buddies!! Hey Fans! It's @Tuvalu 's favorite Trip Reporter...your buddy, your pal, your amigo.... good 'ol 9000!

Hey everyone! So, as you may recall, I've been waiting for a return to Disney after a pretty long time away. We'll, it's only been two weeks, and in the meantime, I've tortured you with trip reports from last year, this year, just 2 weeks ago, etc. We had been planning on a Christmas trip to WDW last year, but then, of course, the pandemic hit and everything went horrible and insane.

Now, over a year later, we have miraculously survived, and C and I are both alive and well. C is not quite ready to walk around a 90 degree theme park with a mask on, so we are looking at Christmas 2021 and/or early 2022 for WDW. In the meantime, we momentarily lost our minds and became Universal AP folk and will add a few days there. This is probably crazy and premature, but we even bought lanyards and all. We plan to be very careful and take it slow, every safety precaution possible - seltzers, sanitizer, etc. and again, we are fully stoked to be USO AP folk.

On the other hand, the booze will be flowing like the waterfalls of Pandora. 😊

My question is this - do you guys want a crazy WDW trip report? Let me know and thanks.



Premium Member
Original Poster
I'd like to introduce everyone to the newest member of my pack. This is Edith



Edith is a Belgian Malinois. 9.5 weeks old. She arrived from the Netherlands last night. Yes, i had her imported. She is from , IMO, one of the top bloodlines on the planet. She is daughter to Pablo, extremely established and titled.



C is very excited as well. I didn't get home until 1 am last night after picking her up at the airport. C was wide awake and ready!


Disney Dead Head

Active Member
I'd like to introduce everyone to the newest member of my pack. This is Edith

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Edith is a Belgian Malinois. 9.5 weeks old. She arrived from the Netherlands last night. Yes, i had her imported. She is from , IMO, one of the top bloodlines on the planet. She is daughter to Pablo, extremely established and titled.

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C is very excited as well. I didn't get home until 1 am last night after picking her up at the airport. C was wide awake and ready!

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Definitely Awesome K-9 Team dogs Super cute till you see him chasing you.......


Premium Member
Original Poster
Since we’re sharing dog pics, I thought I’d throw my own Koda in the ring. Male, breed unknown (best guess husky/GSD), 6 months old, sweetest boy ever.
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Looking forward to this report, but loving the dog pics in the meantime! Edith is adorable.
Koda is a stunner!!! Thanks for sharing. And look at those big paws 😍.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Actual Trip update sans dog pics, (ya right, I'm gonna include dog pics, don't worry @amjt660 )

We have shifted our Resort from GFV to BWV (shocker). While we were very excited for GFV, we had a few days waitlisted and then a reservation opened for a 1 br villa at BW for more days so we snagged it.

I also added an extra day (our first day) at BLT , 1 br villa theme park view , which we've never had before so now the excitement is back!

We leave in appx 2 weeks! And with that being said, let the dog pics commence!!!!





Active Member
Actual Trip update sans dog pics, (ya right, I'm gonna include dog pics, don't worry @amjt660 )

We have shifted our Resort from GFV to BWV (shocker). While we were very excited for GFV, we had a few days waitlisted and then a reservation opened for a 1 br villa at BW for more days so we snagged it.

I also added an extra day (our first day) at BLT , 1 br villa theme park view , which we've never had before so now the excitement is back!

We leave in appx 2 weeks! And with that being said, let the dog pics commence!!!!

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Have a great trip! Your last day and Disney won't be a sad one as you will be excited to get back to Edith!


Premium Member
Original Poster
Fun Fact (and most likely an unpopular opinion) : I can't stand when people type out "so", to start a sentence. If you verbally say it to start a sentence, that's ok. But typing it, such as, "so, i got stuck in traffic"... or an even bigger violation is to type out "soooooo" (*barf) IMO.

In regards to our upcoming trip, I am very excited to experience a theme park view from BLT! C hides her excitement EVERY trip. She actually gets more stressed as we get closer to our date to leave. She gets frustrated, overwhelmed with packing and stressed out about the animals and eventually questions if we should consider canceling the trip lol.

Then the day to leave is upon us and all the bags are packed and the animals are taken care of and we hit the road.. Within an hour or 2 she is super excited and then questioning herself as to why she questioned if we should cancel the trip hahaha.

Once we arrive in Florida and drive under the arches she is filled with excitement and pure jubilee. This is standard practice for each of our Trips in regard to the emotional rollercoaster she goes through leading up to it.

Is this common for other people or just specific to her? We don't even have children to pack 4 or prepare for. I can feel for the parents who have one or more children in tow and have to plan for that as well. We don't. Just 2 adults lol


Well-Known Member
Sooooo, funny you should mention, because every trip I get overly anxious about everything including leaving the pets behind and I start talking about cancelling the trip. Every single time! My husband was recently joking on me about that bc I was driving him crazy leading up to our December trip. Sorry, but you made me do it 😁


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking..... Could you possibly be the equivalent of a few children for your wife?

Yell Season 4 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

So, I get what you're saying about so but I am so sure I do it. It's like someone who says "like" 20 times while telling a story. And I start sentences with and. I'm pretty sure that isn't proper grammar yet I do it anyway. Why?
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